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Rev. Raymond M. Jackson




Our last article, Vol. 5, No. 1 discussed the creation of the first Adam and his bride which prefigured in every way the second Adam and his Bride, the church. First, we observed from Ephesians 1:4-10 how this Eternal Spirit who later would be called God (once something was created to worship Him) counseled with Himself long before the beginning of the foundation of the earth as to how He would go about bringing all things into existence. Then on the sixth creative day (Gen. 1:26-27) God created a spiritual man who should later rule over the earth. God said let us make man in our image and our likeness, although recall from Gen. 1 when God did create man as a spirit being in His (God’s own) image. He made him one spiritual being consisting of both male and female qualities or attributes. By no means did the man possess, in his original creation, two separate spirits. Only one! And recall again it said Adam, when first created in that spirit form which consisted of both male and female attributes, was given a very special commission to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth, etc. Having placed this knowledge in man’s spiritual conscience along with the knowledge of what he should and should not eat (herbs, etc.) once he did take on a tangible, earthly form, there was never any more cause or reason at any time for God to refresh their memory concerning his commission after they were separated into earthly bodies (male and female). God, having looked upon earth in Gen. 2:5, saw there was no man to till the ground. Therefore, from the earth God created a man and in order for his man to become a living soul, God placed within this earthly fleshly body the spirit or attributes of both male and female which was created on the sixth creative day. And recall, since having placed His commission into the conscience of the spirit man there was never any need ever again to remind or instruct him concerning that commission of Gen. 1:27 which would be fulfilled in a certain hour. Therefore, it may be said that from the design of such a perfect spiritual being as well as the perfect earthly design of man’s body coupled with the fact of their commission to be fruitful and multiply given them while still in the spirit world. Gen. 1:26-27; all three of these things are proof that in the first Adam God had placed genetic laws which would be responsible for the production or fathering the entire human race, fathering a human race which should have been filled with eternal life instead of death and had sin never entered the human race, that is the way it would have been done. The perfect genetic law responsible for the birth or fathering of each child into this world would have passed on eternal life as the first parents had, this along with the fact Adam’s body housed all the female attributes, which in their proper hour became woman, proved all humanity lay there in the first man Adam before He ever walked the face of the earth! It is important we understand all natural creation of humanity did lay right there in the first Adam before we can fully understand all redemption lay in the second Adam long before either the first or second Adam had a wife produced from their side (Adam’s side being opened in the garden. Christ’s side being opened at the cross). The first Adam was not only created and commissioned before leaving the spirit world to multiply and replenish the earth in righteousness but was further commissioned to rule over all this earth in righteousness. However, something drastic happened to the first Adam before he could carry out that commission, Adam fell! But remember, man’s fall did not occur while the spirit man along with the female attributes were in the spirit world. His fal did not occur until after his side had been opened and from it had taken those female attributes, along with some of his flesh and bone (rib) 2 and these feminine attributes were given a specially designed body with a separate will, mind, spirit, heart and life all of her own.


Recall, all the former knowledge concerning their commission, etc., first placed in Adam’s spirit while she was present and in which she would share was also transferred into her earthly tabernacle in order that she could fulfill her role in the commission once she had become his wife. Placing Adam into a deep sleep and removing all those feminine qualities or attributes through his side now gives them both separate identities; one masculine, the other feminine. Doing this was God’s perfect type of foreshadowing how one day the second Adam, the Lord of Glory, would also fall into a deep sleep of death and from His side would be taken the very elements such as blood, water and spirit to create for the second Adam a beautiful virgin Bride. As the second Adam’s life went from his flesh, blood and water gushed from an open gash pierced in his side by a Roman soldier’s spear. What did it mean? It was God’s perfect way or route in redeeming back to Himself for His second Son, Adam (the Lord of Glory) a wife who in turn would assist Him in the age of regeneration in undoing all the damage created in disobedience by the first Adam and His bride and then together they would fulfill the commission in Gen. 1:27 by first lifting the curse in order to rule the world in righteousness which the first Adam and His bride so miserably failed to do. Beloved, it must be understood that God will never allow His commission of Gen. 1:26-27 to go unfulfilled forever. Why, you may ask, did God in the Garden give to the first Adam a wife? Through their physical union it was God’s perfect way of producing more eternal life into the earth in the flesh. It was simply God’s original, ordained route for Adam to reproduce himself another son or daughter of God. Therefore, by separating the feminine attributes from the masculine and giving to the female a separate mind and heart as well as a specially designed body all her own, the commission in Gen. 1:27 could now be carried out. Both earthly bodies were so properly designed that in God’s proper time and hour he would reproduce the entire world in righteousness. However, the first Adam failed his God in the original onset, leaving the commission of Gen. 1:27 to yet be unfulfilled in righteousness! Man could only to a certain degree fulfill the commission and the little fulfilling he could do in his fallen nature was certainly not in righteousness but only in evil continually. Whether you want to accept it or not, all the sin on this earth has been brought about from the disobedience of one man who had received a commission to replenish the earth in righteousness. Every tear which has streamed down the cheek of man, every heartache, every burden, every sorrow, every screaming siren, whether it be a fire engine or ambulance on the way to a hospital or some police car chasing a villain, all the originality of this evil and sin sprang from the disobedience of the first man. Plagues, famines, pestilences, wars around the world, whether man shots, kills or stabs another human being, the earth has been stained and soaked with the blood of mortal man. Why? Because one man disobeyed God in not fulfilling his commission in righteousness thus leaving it open for another somewhere at some time in history to have to step in and first undo all that the first Adam caused, then carry out to the fullest decree that commission in Gen. 1:27, to rule the earth in righteousness.


What man could possibly qualify for such a role seeing what has now happened to mankind? To some degree this man would have to be born from a new order of man. First, in every way he must be fully a man, born into the human race like all other men, only this man somehow must be born free from inbred sin. Yes, he must be born of woman, although he must be born free from the inherited sin which is transferred into every bloodstream from the bloodstream of parents. This man must possess a sinless bloodstream. Where can such a man be found seeing all mankind is trapped in death and sin from the very moment of conception by their parents? 3 God had a plan. After 4,000 long years of fallen humanity, God finally brought one life into the world which was different. He was the Lord of Glory Himself who through Paul’s revelation was declared to be a second Adam (I Cor. 15). Beloved, if somehow we can realize or visualize all that had existed on this earth through lust, sin and disobedience of one man who fell into sin yet still tried to carry out the commission only to find he had filled the world with greed, lust, pollution and disobedience. Can we not, by the same token, begin to realize what it would be like through the obedience of another man (second Adam) toward God who could take hold of the reins of everything and begin to undo or throw in reverse all the evil and then begin to fulfill the commission in righteousness? Yes, that is what I said, undo it all! However, to undo it, I do not mean to imply the second Adam will throw in reverse the reproductive cycle of bringing lost humanity into this world by the route which Adam chose in Eden.



For a moment, let us turn back in our thought to the Garden scene where stood those two mysterious trees found in the midst. Recall, in Gen. 2 after God had separated the feminine attributes giving them a body of their own (called woman) the hour of choice was rapidly approaching wherein this young couple would have to make a choice of the two routes or under which of the two sex laws or two motives for sex would they choose in Eden to perform the sex act which in turn would lead to the fulfillment of the commission given them to multiply and replenish the earth over in Gen. 1:27. Recall further, God had cautiously instructed the young couple concerning the consequences of eating from the tree of knowledge, this tree which could not, by any means, be some form of plant life, whereby if eaten or partaken of would produce death. Death was the one thing God did not want introduced into his human family’s bloodstream (which should remain full of eternal life). However, the choice was not his, but theirs. They must decide which of the two trees (or laws) they will pursue because which ever choice or motive is made, all mankind must follow that choice forever seeing the knowledge of the other route will be sealed off permanently. To speak today of two routes or two motives (one being strictly a holy motive, while the other a selfish motive) is quite confusing to most people seeing for them there is only one choice or law which governs sex and the birth of their children. However, with the young couple in Eden, this was not true. They had a choice of one or two motives as to how they would fulfill this sex act which in turn would fulfill the commission; be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.


The word eat carries a sexual meaning hidden from the wise and prudent and has also become quite confusing to many honest hearts seeking truth as to what actually did take place in the Garden. Did Adam and Eve eat from some tree of vegetation such as an apple or some other fruit? If so, why did God curse the sexual organs of woman and place death in the bloodstream of man and why, if their eating was of some fruit taken through the mouth, did they cover their sexual organs with fig leaves after their act had been committed? Naturally, we associate the word eating with something taken into the entrance of the mouth. However, you may be shocked to learn scripturally in a number of places other than Gen. 2 & 3, eating is used also when it has nothing to do with natural food being taken in through the mouth gate. One term used is “Eating the bread of idleness”, which everyone knows is not a tangible substance nor can be placed into the mouth. However, perhaps the most pertinent, astounding use of the word eating which has no reference to eating with the carnal mouth is the statement made by Jesus the second Adam, unto his disciples when he said, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no eternal life in you”. This statement was of such profound confusion it caused multitudes to depart from his teaching as only twelve remained with him. You know, Christ never did 4 explain what he meant about eating his flesh to that people. Therefore, we see from Jesus’ statement in order to have eternal life one would still be required to eat or partake of something. However, that something was not a fruit from a natural tree, was it? Recall, it was in Eden where that tree or law was first offered to be eaten which, if eaten, would have produced eternal life into every offspring from the eternal lie of Adam and his wife Eve even up until the present hour Christ stood there making this statement. Wherefore, when the young couple performed their first sex act, had that act been motivated strictly from a true desire to fulfill only God’s will and purpose, their motive and performance of the act would have produced eternal life instead of death. And the man Christ Jesus, the righteous branch plucked off the tree of life, would not have had to stand there in the flesh before a multitude saying, You must eat my flesh to have eternal life. Beloved, I make this statement only to show even today to partake of eternal life one must eat of something and that something, even back in the Garden, could not have been a fruit from a natural plant tree.


Therefore, let it be clearly understood if eating from the fruit of some natural tree in the Garden called tree of knowledge could have produced death into the human bloodstream along with all the misery which accompanies it by the same token, one would have to eat from some form of plant life in order to have obtained eternal life. You cannot make the one tree natural and the other spiritual because they were trees of the same nature and what natural fruit tree have you ever heard could produce eternal life? There is none! Therefore, since the law of eternal life had been forsaken for the act committed strictly for pleasure, eternal life must now come from partaking of the Lord Jesus Christ, the branch off the tree of eternal life itself. We now receive the Word of Eternal Life through a grafting process, James 1:21. I am sure we all remember our history how Ponce de Leon the Spanish explorer, upon hearing old Indian stories of a fountain of youth searched vainly throughout all Florida for it. However, Ponce de Leon should have remembered still another story where some 2,000 years ago this earth received its first little baby boy ever to be born from a woman’s womb (virgin) who was not filled with death, instead was full of eternal life and henceforth said, he that is athirst let him come and drink of me (the fountain of eternal life). Since being the only child ever born of woman full of eternal life, he became our second Adam.


I think it important since discussing the two laws which motivated the sex act, that following the fall and curse in Gen. 3, God, realizing Adam might somehow return to this other law, placed a cherubim and flaming sword about it to eve guard its secret. Remember, Adam was the only man who ever knew anything about this law which could produce eternal life into the human bloodstream as he and Eve had the opportunity before the curse was placed upon their life. Man made his choice and allowed himself to be foolishly guided into the wrong law through a selfish motive (in performing the sexual act strictly on the basis for pleasure) outside the divine will and purpose of God to produce only eternal life into the earth. His choice, because of his motive of the sex act itself, had led him into disobedience, sin and death. God could not permit man who now had tasted of the enjoyment of the law in se through the tree of knowledge to ever become a partaker of this other route; therefore, he sealed it off from man’s mind forever and designed another plan or route to later bring eternal life into human life and that route would be through the second Adam.


Recall, even as far back as when the male and female attributes were still housed in the one body of flesh and long before the serpent ever persuaded the woman to partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (using the sexual act strictly for pleasure only, outside the divine 5 will and purpose of God), they had been fully instructed tampering with this law or playing under this tree or law would bring death into their life which naturally is found in their bloodstream (Lev. 17:11). This young couple, after the transgression and having been expelled from the Garden paradise, take upon themselves the curses and leave the Garden. Even though they know death is coming, neither of them have any real knowledge of what to look for or expect once death does appear. Neither knew in what form it would visit them once it came or how they themselves would react toward it once it appeared.


God had cursed the female’s sexual organs while she was still in the Garden. This curse had not come abut because Eve ate an apple, it came because of her role in gratifying her own selfish (sexual) desire through the act of experiencing sex for pleasure only and not in the divine purpose and will God had for the act. And now her desire, according to the curse, could only be to her husband who now ruled over her. Furthermore, the painful agonizing experience of childbirth had been experienced on a number of occasions as God declared they would be. She further understood the aggravation and frustration of these newly multiplied periods of life in order to conceive which now came in monthly cycles. All of these she had experienced since the fall, but what about Adam? He also had tasted what it meant to work and labor in the field since he had lost his servant, the serpent, who had now been cursed beyond recognition. He knows what it is to labor until his brow be filed with sweat as he works the earth causing it to yield its fruit. No doubt from time to time they spotted that deceiving, cursed serpent who beguiled the woman into the act for pleasure only, outside the divine will and purpose of God and who since the curse, has been placed in the reptile family.


Neither of them know as yet what the curse of death will be once it visits them. Perhaps they had often discussed and wondered what it would be like and in what form it would be. During all these years since Eden some of their children had grown to adulthood, yet death had still not visited the first family. Years pass by until somewhere in the lifespan of Cain and Abel, Cain rose up and slew his brother (Gen. 4:8). Adam and Eve knew somewhere death was stalking its prey because the transgression had produced it. Over many years they had witnessed many parts of the curse, yet the worst was yet to visit the family. Death was the one thing they had never as yet seen nor felt the effect of yet no doubt they lived in dread and fear of the hour it would visit their hearts and lives.


Since scripture does not bring out the full details, let us paraphrase a scene which could very well have happened. Night finally falls upon the home of Adam and Eve and neither Cain nor Abel has come home for their supper. Perhaps Adam and Eve began t wonder where the two men were. Minutes drag into hours and darkness settles over the little home, still neither boy has returned. What could be causing their delay? Was something wrong? Perhaps they waited even longer until finally the puzzled couple began a frantic search for the two men. It was impossible to ask the neighbors if they had seen the two men seeing there were none. No doubt they remembered the part of the field the two had labored in that day and journeyed to that spot. Upon arriving in the dimness of the light, they were able to see a sight too horrible to attempt to describe. Now for the first time, fresh terror and agony grips their bewildered hearts as they approach the lifeless form of a body lying so still and quiet upon the earth. It was Abel their beloved son who was refusing to respond to the frantic call of his name. Terrified, Eve may have asked her bewildered husband, why doesn’t our son move? Why is Abel lying there so lifeless? What is all that dried red substance about his body? Remember, they had never witnessed death in their entire life nor did they know what form it would take. Most likely they 6 tried to arouse the lifeless body of their son yet as they moved his blood soaked body, in their hearts they knew this horrible enemy called death had visited their home and taken the most precious and dearest thing from them. Fully aware of why death was in the earth and why death had visited their home the grief-stricken parents lift the beaten, bloody, lifeless body of their son and carries him home. Beloved, death had now claimed its first victim. Note, death did not visit the first family who was responsible for death, through the form of a heart attack or some crippling disease. No, not even by accidental death. Instead, this enemy, this villain had reached out an robbed them of their own flesh and blood son. Death had struck the first family in the form of one of the most vicious and brutal murders ever recorded in history. Cain, the seed of the serpent had, without mercy, viciously murdered his brother (half). Cain had literally stabbed or beaten the very life out of righteous Abel (Heb. 11:4) and Abel lay cold and dead as his own life giving blood covered his body and soaked the ground. The first human blood the ground ever received was that from a brutal and horrible murder which had arisen in a jealous rage. Scripture teaches because of revelation or faith Abel had offered a more excellent sacrifice unto God than had Cain. God showed kindness unto Abel’s revelated offering (offered a blood sacrifice) and rejected Cain’s (Gen. 4:4-5, Heb. 11:4). In a jealous rage and malice, Cain had risen up and slew his brother. As a result, the first murder was committed.


Is it not peculiar the first death would be that of murder where innocent blood was shed? Even as it had been the shedding of innocent blood of a little animal sacrificed by Abel and used as a covering for his inherited sin (which come from the blood line of his parents). And what about God himself who killed a little lamb in Eden, shed its life blood in order to give Adam and Eve a covering for their nakedness instead of fig leaves? Just as blood life itself had been started from the original act of sex for pleasure only, whereby Adam and Eve had transferred into each one of their offspring that of their own cursed life’s blood with their sin of disobedience along with the characteristics of both mother and father which come through the seed of man and the egg of woman unto them so was it necessary that Christ Jesus would shed his own righteous, sinless, holy blood to pay for that inherited sin and death which now flowed in the bloodstream of humanity.


And in what form did the first death appear? That of taking another man’s life through the shedding of his blood. It was in this form death had brutally struck within the first family and they did not know what to do. Beloved, may I say this, to make things even worse this poor bereaved, grief stricken family had n one to share with them any part of the grief death had brought to their home. No, there was no coroner to hold an inquest to determine the cause of death; no sheriff to arrest the murderer; no mortician to prepare the body for burial; no place to buy a coffin; no friends to offer comfort to this grief stricken family; no florist to prepare and send flowers; no one to dig the grave; no church in which to conduct the funeral; no minister to give comforting words or conduct the services for the first person to die in the human race. It all fell heavily upon the shoulders of poor Adam and Eve to bear their own grief and try to comfort one another as they realized in their hearts their sin was responsible for this death and the disappearance of Cain. The body of righteous Abel was buried in order to return to the dust of the earth, but what happened to the spirit of Abel? Where did it go?


The spirit of the first man to ever be conquered by death, the enemy of man’s soul, was that of a righteous man who, by revelation, knew how to worship his God. (Heb. 11:4) That man was the murdered son of Adam, righteous Abel, and Abel went to a place prepared in hell, called Paradise, for righteous souls. According to Luke 16:19-31 hell was a place divided into two 7 separate compartments, one called Paradise, the other torment and spirits of just men which death had conquered went to Paradise while the unrighteous or wicked went to torment. The patriarch David, through prophecy, declared in Psalms 16:8-10, after death his flesh would rest in hope because he knew God would not forever leave his soul in hell. Later we shall show the beginning of the redemptive work of Christ, the second Adam, who immediately after having shed his sinless blood on Calvary’s cross, went into this area where souls of righteous men were held captive by death and began to free the captive souls within the compartment of paradise in hell. Furthermore, he emptied that section which dwelt somewhere inside the earth leaving the section of torment undisturbed other than giving testimony. No disembodied spirit at death anywhere within the Old Testament could possibly ascend into the presence of the Eternal God who had cursed their forefather Adam, who in turn through a sexual desire had transferred into each offspring of the human race the inherited sin and death and not until that righteous, perfect, sinless blood for their atonement in the second Adam had been applied to their inherited sin could they leave paradise. Blood from lambs, goats and bulls, which they had used in their lifetime had simply not been sufficient to undo their inherited sin of the Adamic nature Heb. 10:3-4. Therefore, since the sinless pure blood of Christ, God’s second Adam, had not been shed for their inherited sin all captured souls of just men of Old Testament saints, beginning with righteous Abel were held in captivity by death until one stronger than death could come along from the ranks of human mankind and set all the captives free. Eventually, one finally came.


At this time, we should pause long enough to discuss a particular yet overlooked period of time centuries before the flood which produced such a pathetic situation God became so completely disgusted with mankind he wiped away all, save eight souls who, after the flood, was given the commission to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth (Gen. 9:1). The word replenish spoken in Gen. 1:27 implies repopulating or multiplying life upon this planet and that is exactly what happens from Adam until the flood. However, the stock of humanity (in Gen. 6:1-4) being produce 8-10 centuries before the flood coming from the cross-breading of two pure genetic strains grieved the eternal God to the point he wiped away mankind, save eight souls and the animals in the ark to be used for multiplying and replenishing the earth once again. Because f the new genetic disturbance in Gen. 6:1-4 which appears in the bloodstream, added in the death curse, etc. already present in the Adamic race, Noah’s three sons found it totally impossible to fulfill the commission in righteousness. Instead, like Adam and Eve, they too repopulated the earth in unrighteousness until its present population extends over 3.4 billion as alarmed scientists scream to reduce the flow of human life ere we overpopulate the world and starve. After the flood, once again the commission is taken up, yet because of those added evil attributes to the depraved nature already resting in the bloodstream, not one soul could fulfill this commission in righteousness. To a certain degree man has fulfilled the commission although never in righteousness. Instead, man replenished the earth in wickedness, evil continually, wars, murders, adultery, hatred, envy and malice. JUDGEMENT SOON Beloved, judgment again is what this world faces as it has repopulated itself into another dark hour of unrevelated faith in God wherein II Thess. 1:7-10 declares God destroys those who know him not (through personal revelated faith). At the close of the grace age, God comes in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God in a day called the day of the Lord (Isa. 63:1- 6). Why? Because mankind will still not know God through revelated faith.


Out of eight souls spared, only Noah is ever referred to as being perfect having found favor with 8 God (which means he was the only man left on earth with any spiritual revelation toward God). That day foreshadows still another dreadful event ahead for mankind called the day of the Lord. Christ himself linked those days of Noah with those days briefly before his return (Luke 17:26- 27) wherein Noah alone is referred to in Gen. 6:8-9 as being a just and perfect man in his generation. (Meaning he alone could hear what the Spirit said). Furthermore, Heb. 11:7 declares by (revelated) faith Noah being warned by God of things not seen, moved by fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his house by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by (revelated) fath. In other words, Noah didn’t imply one day decide to build a boat, call in the animals and his family, close the door and sail away. To do such a thing had never crossed his mind. Therefore, it came to him through divine revelated faith in God during such a perverted, polluted generation before the flood. Only one man stand out being able to receive warning through revelated faith (from God).


Revealed faith is the only route to God and was well known by all Noah’s ancestors, even back to Adam. However, revealed faith which all saints must have to please God had now run out. Scripture testifies Noah was a perfect man in his generation, however, we would probably have been horror struck could we have seen mankind’s spirituality in Noah’s generation. His route to God was destroyed. Why was Noah the only perfect man in his generation because he alone out of all that generation could receive revelation. If other’s could, why beloved did they choose to drown instead of getting on the ark? What had happened in that dark dismal hour of history which had reduced the caliber of the sons of God in Gen. 6:1-2 to such a low capacity or degree that none except Noah remained to hear the voice of God through revelated faith. Nevertheless, through all this, had God judged Noah on the standards or basis of some previous godlier generation such as the seventh from Adam wherein a man named Enoch walked so closely with God he was not, for God took him and Heb. 11:5-6 declared how it was Enoch walked, through divine revelated faith. Noah might not have measured up to be the most perfect man in that generation, however, he wasn’t judged on the standard of another generation, but on the basis of his own generation. How thankful I am God judges each generation upon present revelation of his revealed word for that particular hour. Noah, judged in the generation of his hour was the cream of the crop, a perfect man, a man who could hear what the Spirit had to say. WHO ARE THEY? Seeing Noah lived 500 years before the flood (Gen. 5:32) let us briefly examine Noah’s lengthy generation in the light of two separate passages of scripture. Genesis and Luke. Christ, in Luke 17:26-27 comparing those approaching days of vengeance of his second coming with Noah’s day wherein eight souls were spared for repopulation said, they ate and they drank and they married wives and they were given in marriage until Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Recall, all those Christ referred to as they were drowned. Those marrying and given in marriage were destroyed. Their actions grieved the Spirit and mankind was destroyed. Examining verse 27 in the light of Gen. 6:2, the Spirit said the sons of God saw (noticed) the daughters of men that they were fair (beautiful). They took unto them wives, all of which they chose. They, here according to Genesis, are the descendants of Adam, called the sons of God. Jesus said they married and were given in marriage. Verse 4 declares giants were produced from these particular unions which God hated because of what it was doing to the bloodstream of his people. This cross breeding was destroying something valuable within the bloodline of those sons of God and because of it, God destroyed them all.


How do you explain such a phenomena? Modern theology which teaches Adam and Eve ate some fruit similar to an apple in Eden, passes this most difficult passage (which brought 9 destruction) off by saying fallen angels who at that hour were not chained in darkness, mated these daughters of men and produced giants in the earth, however now are unable to do so. This doesn’t explain how even after the flood, especially through the bloodline of Ham (whose name in the original signifies burnt black) appeared a strain of gigantic people with whom the children of Israel constantly battled. Then again, are we to believe these marriages and this continual given in marriage spoken of by Christ in Luke wherein everyone participating were all drowned, were fallen angels who cohabited with women and their union produced giants. Since when could you drown spirits (angels)? Are we to accept this to be the work of sexless fallen angels of whom Christ declared to the people of his day who always erred because they did not know the scripture that angels were sexless and could neither marry nor are given in marriage (Mk. 12:25). Hogwash! Except one is willing to believe and accept the revelated truth in Gen. 3, that a serpent who, being an intelligent creature stood next to revelated Adam himself, planted a seed in the garden before being severely judged and cursed beyond recognition, being thrown from the head position of creation next to Adam unto the end of the line of creation, out into the crawling reptile family and that his offspring was none other than Cain who never once appears in the genealogy of Adam, is a perfect picture of all his daddy was before his fall and now this lineage of Cain who still had no revelated faith has reached into Gen. 6, we will continue to accept inherited lies over this true picture and continue to run into serious problems from this section of scripture in Gen. 6:1-4.


Up until this hour God himself had looked upon mankind under two separate strains of being (Gen. 6:2). One lineage or strain referred to as the sons and daughters of men who, like their ancestor Cain, had no revelated faith in God without which Heb. 11:6 declares it is impossible to please God, while the other strain possessing revelated faith was that of the sons of God, of whom Adam was the head being the son of God (Luke 3:38) although a fallen son who at present carried only death in his bloodstream. Nevertheless, Adam was still a revelated son of God. His descendants through Seth, etc., were referred to up until Gen. 6 as the (revelated) sons of God. After all, was that not the purpose of Adam and Eve being placed on earth to produce and raise revelated sons and daughters of God, full of eternal life? This last part they failed. Children instead were produced in a fallen state; nevertheless, Adam’s children could still walk by revelated faith with God. (Heb. 11:4) Adam’s descendants were referred to by God himself as the (revelated) sons of God until Gen. 6 when something drastic happened changing the picture, grieving the Holy Spirit as mankind went completely off course. God became grieved with these sons of God who no longer refused or resisted temptation, thus refusing to keep their (bloodline) strain of humanity completely pure and separated from all those evil wicked attributes within the unrevelated seed of Cain (Heb. 11:4), who was none other than that seed of his daddy, the one in Genesis Adam named the serpent. Cain’s lineage had produced those beautiful (unrevelated) women who are referred to by the Spirit himself as the daughters of men. They, like unrevelated women today influenced by Satan, paraded themselves in such a manner they lustfully lured sons of God unto themselves thus beginning that genetic breakdown. What happened referred to both in Gen. 6:1-4 and Luke 17:27, caused God to no longer regard humanity under these two separate strains of sons of God and daughters (and sons) of men, etc.


During those final 500 years of continual genetic disturbances in the bloodstream of what was once two separate thoroughbred strains which up until that hour of temptation carried their own separate attributes, now find attributes of both sides slowly, but surely vanishing or fading into only one line of humanity. When that happened, God refers to all mankind simply as flesh, meaning mankind now had reduced himself to nothing more than mere fleshly thoughts. He has 10 become only a flesh man who thinks only of satisfying his own fleshly cravings, desires and passions and is no longer a man with any revelation in God. Much like cross-breeding two thoroughbred strains of cattle, over a lengthy period of time, both strains disappear into their offspring as the chromosomes and heredity genes of both strains through the sex act are carried into the bloodstream of the offspring thereby transferring the characteristics, traits and attributes of both strains into one, resulting in the loss of their own separate individuality.


However, it was the sons of God strain who actually suffered due to the fact through the genetic breakdown they lost their ability to maintain that something required to receive revelation from God in their makeup as the serpent attributes continued to pour into their bloodstream. Through crossbreeding, that something present in the lineage of the sons of God to receive revelation was weakening until finally was lost completely. Get this, not until after the genetic heredity cross up in Gen. 6 during that flood period where all this took place does the scripture relate any people other than Cain’s descendants in Gen. 4 having within their makeup those evil attributes such as murder, adultery, polygamy, hatred, malice, envy, strife or any other attributes such as these in their bloodstream popping up through their nature. That which was transpired through sex during that long period of Gen. 6 before the flood, between those two groups began that steady breakdown within that spiritual capacity of the sons of God to retain that route of revelated faith which all true revelated saints must possess in order to exist spiritually with God. Heb. 11:6 declares without it you cannot please God.


Notice a step farther, Heb. 11:4-7 records a period of time from Cain and Abel up until the flood where the names of four men appear; however, only three can qualify for the hall of revelated faith. One man mentioned there once went through the motions of worshipping God; nevertheless, he ailed miserably. Why? Because he possessed no revelation in his being as how to approach God. Notice, because this man’s (half) brother possessed an ability with God to hear by revelation the things of the Spirit whereas his brother couldn’t in a jealous rage this man murdered his brother. Cain having no revelation in God simply did not know the route to approach God. Abel, by divine revelated faith, knew it was the blood of an innocent animal which must be offered.


Another man of Adam’s (son of God) seed line who reached the height of revelated faith in God, walked so pleasing to God that even though death and the fallen attributes of Adam existed in his bloodstream to be passed on to his descendants, by faith Enoch the seventh from Adam was permitted to leave this world without dying. That man who was translated because of his revelated faith types beautifully the gentile revelated bride who also shall be translated. When? In the seventh gentile church age, as was Enoch, the seventh from Adam translated without seeing death (before judgment fell). Beloved, if Cain had been a son of Adam, Enoch would have been the 8th from Adam (not the 7th). Enoch, a prophet of god who prophesied against ungodly sinners, Jude 14-15, lived 65 years and begat a son whom God instructed to be named Methuselah, meaning when he is gone it (flood) will come. Enoch, realizing the dreadful terrifying meaning of his son’s name, although unaware as to when his son might be taken and having no idea Methuselah would live longer than any man on earth, 969 years, walked in revelated faith closer and closer to God for 300 years and was translated. During that 969 years in which God permitted Methuselah to live, he was extending his grace to a disobedient world who by the end had reached the point none could hear him through the revelation of his Spirit (other than Noah). 969 years passed and Methuselah died and just as God has spoken, it did come. Have you ever wondered why out of a family of many brothers and sisters, Noah, the 11 oldest child of Lamech, was able to hear God’s warning of judgment and save himself? Why did not one of his younger brothers or sisters get on the ark in order to save their lives if they could hear God speak through Noah’s preaching. Gen. 5:30. It all simply relates back to that terrible, dreadful, genetic mixup of Gen. 6:1-4 which at this time we do not have the space to go into. Nevertheless, we have a message for you new readers covering this period called From Eden to The Flood.


Let us take one more quick look at this same disobedient people living before the flood after they drowned. Already, we have seen how and why Jesus compared their day to the day of his wrath. Immediately after Christ’s death at Calvary according to I Peter 3:18-20, even before his body was taken from the cross Peter informs us how the Spirit of Christ visited those now disembodied spirits in the prison of death or hell wherein Christ the second Adam having left his body nailed to the cross immediately began his redemptive work which, of course, was first of all in behalf of all those disembodied spirits from righteous Abel unto the last righteous soul of the Old Testament who had patiently awaited in Paradise (section also in hell) the arrival of one stronger than death itself to come and set them free. All of these people who had offered blood sacrifices of innocent animals throughout their life journey on earth knew well the blood of bulls and goats, lambs, etc. which had been offered to God could never by any means do away with or cancel sin and the penalty of death in their behalf. Instead had only served a paying the interest shall we say on the (bank) note which one day must all be paid in full by the second Adam. Peter tells how Christ in the Spirit, while his body is still on the cross, was in hell releasing all the captive spirits of the Old Testament saints who, like David, had rejoiced in the Spirit knowing that God would not forever leave his soul in hell (Psalms 16:10) (Ephesians 4:7-10) (Matt. 27:52-53). At last He had come.


Yes, beloved, in hell was two groups of people, one the righteous awaiting release at the coming f Christ to be carried from Abraham’s bosom (as Paradise was called) unto a higher height referred to by the Apostle Paul as Paradise in the third heaven (II Cor. 12:4), while the other group who were the lost wicked spirits had absolutely nothing to look forward to as they would not be released until the second resurrection whereupon God would take their bodies from either the earth or sea and drag their spirits out of hell to appear before his great white throne judgment only to be sentenced to the lake of fire. And it is here while in this place releasing these righteous spirits as his first act of redemption is transpiring, he testifies personally to those lost souls who were disobedient in the days of Noah before the flood. No, he did not release these, only preached or witnessed unto them. He will release these at the second resurrection whereupon they are dragged before the great white throne judgment and sentenced to the lake of fire.


Recall, according to Christ in Luke 17:27 this world is facing another dreadful hour shortly before his return which is likened unto the days of Noah wherein Noah and his family was singled out for seed to reproduce a new age, Gen. 9:1. As already stated, revelated Enoch was a type of the revelated bride of Christ to be called out before that judgment. Noah’s survival is that perfect type of that small remnant of humanity God preserves for his kingdom age as he too permits them in some way to ride safely through judgment of god in that dreadful day of the Lord and repopulate the new kingdom age where as a people they will again hear those immortal words, be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. However, as this command goes forth for the third time the situation will be somewhat different on earth for all the governments of the world will have been dissolved into one world government ruled by the Lord of Glory himself, 12 from the capitol city (of the new age) Jerusalem. Saints of God, both Old and New Testament who return to earth with Christ during his second advent (Zech. 14:5) will be placed over this one world government in different positions wherein they rule and reign in righteousness.


In I Cor. 15:3 the Apostle Paul had been discussing the subject of the resurrection whereupon in verses 45-50 he reaches the place in his writing where he states something concerning the two Adams and it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. Reaching back into the verses 22-24 to an earlier statement made by Paul. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order; Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet.


The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” The purpose in quoting these scriptures has been to verify even long before God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the first Adam to remove from his side a rib where in he made Adam a wife. It was to foreshadow in type the bringing forth of the Bride of Christ (the second Adam); how we also were in Christ long before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4) and once Christ, our second Adam, hung on the cross where his side was opened, God’s complete plan of redemption was all hanging there in him. Even though physically you had not come into existence, if you are one of those elect in him to be his Bride, potentially you were there. You were hanging there in him because your sins were there represented in Christ’s flesh on the cross. Everything redemption was to accomplish was all there in Christ, our second Adam, while hanging on the cross. Truly the first Adam was of the earth, earthy, and in a sense was even more natural after the fall. Our first Adam submitted himself to natural environment, having within him lay the ability to pass that fallen nature on down through the genes into every offspring on earth. Redemption, redemption for everything lay in Christ. Christ had come to undo all that this depraved human race had polluted upon the earth, as well as the earth itself. The first Adam through his disobedience subjected us to bondage, etc. All th evil we see is the product of the disobedience of a man, every graveyard, every battleground, every bit of vegetation destroyed through man’s conflict in his enmity toward others. It is a condition which has developed through one man’s disobedience. Irregardless to whatever type pollution or evil has arisen, all of it has stemmed from the disobedience of one man who failed God in his commission. Beloved, if one man disobeyed God causing all this, then by what means do you think God would purpose to erase it all. Naturally, it must be through another man. However, within this man we would have to realize he would have to be a man of redemption; a man who was totally innocent and guiltless having contributed in no way to the present condition at hand. Not in the slightest could he be involved in it other than the fact he would be born of the human race, born of the same substance as that of other flesh men. Through his route of birth it permitted him to be born in the flesh, but be born sinless. By coming this route, he, who would be a sinless man, would be innocent and would have contributed in no manner to the condition of the world at large, environment, man himself, etc. Therefore, as an innocent man born of woman, he might yield himself unto the penalty which the first man on earth had imputed unto the rest. And through the obedience of this one righteous, guiltless, faultless and sinless man he would take upon himself the sins, the disobedience, the reproaches, the faults, the conditions, the circumstances as well as the climax 13 of sin and through offering himself as an innocent blood sacrifice could use his own perfect life as a purchase price to redeem the fallen creation of mankind back to the great Eternal God.


Gal. 4:4. In the fulness of time God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them under the law. Prophecies for centuries had spoken of his coming, who he was that was to come, how he was coming, where he would be born, etc. However, at no time did the Lord God allow any prophet to tell what season or day of the year Christ would be born other than in the fulness of time. What we are about to say must be understood clearly that in no way is it our intention to establish any birthday for Christ who was born of the virgin. However, we do believe from the scripture taking into account the birth of John the Baptist who was conceived six months prior to Jesus the Christ, we can determine the approximate season of his birth (certainly not the day of his birth). Instead of simply choosing a day that all would want to accept in order to be in line with a traditional way of thing that is, go along with the seasonal crowd who choose the Roman Catholic idea of December 25 (Christmas). Therefore, without further hesitation let us examine the scriptures wherein we shall always find clues to bring ourself in line with the word of God. From Luke’s gospel we approach the scripture by examining certain statements, first concerning the birth of John the Baptist. Recall in Luke 1:5 while Herod was King of Judea a certain priest whose wife Elizabeth was barren and while he was administering the daily services within the temple before the altar in the Jewish month of Abia (today spelled Abah) an angel visited him. Now on our Roman calendar that period of time he ministered his course serving the temple as priest was covering the last days of July and the first part of August. It was in the period or course the angel visited Zacharias informing him his aged wife Elizabeth would conceive and bear a son whose name should be called John. Zacharias could hardly believe the good news which he had for so long prayed. In order that he might know the angel had bore him a true message from God he was to remain speechless from that hour until the birth of the child. When was this scriptural time? During the course of Abia or Abah, last of July and first of August. Now, I don’t believe it take God forever to fulfill his word, nor did I believe Zacharias, unable to speak, tarried around Jerusalem two weeks before going home. Zacharias returned to his home (unable to speak) and his barren wife Elizabeth who was far advanced in years conceived (Luke 1:23-24) and hid herself five months.


There was no point in an old woman far past the child bearing stage out telling people she was going to have a baby. Who would believe her? I believe her conception came no later than the first art of Elul (which corresponds with the later part of our August and first part of September). Furthermore, I believe the reason the scripture is written in this language is to show she immediately conceived after Zacharias went home and related the news to her by writing or some means. Now in verse 26 it says in the 6th month of her expectancy (and this doesn’t mean the 6th month had transpired, but according to the scripture it was in the very first of the 6th month with her). Meanwhile, in that 6th month in still another place called Nazareth, a young virgin woman espoused to Joseph of the house of David had a visitor also. Gabriel brought the word to Mary that she would conceive by the Holy Ghost and bear a son of God and the angel informed her that he aged cousin Elizabeth hd also conceived and was in the first part of her 6th month and would also bear a son. In verse 39 at that time (1st of the 6th month period with Elizabeth) Mary arose in haste and journeyed into the hill country of Judea. In the beginning of the sixth month which is approximately the 1st of January. Recall, Elizabeth had hid herself five months and at the beginning of the 6th month Mary received the news and hastens to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56).


14 Watch closely. Since the Jewish years are based on a lunar month and the lunar year only has 355 days, therefore, it is necessary every 3 years they add an extra month. Let us take fo an instance (not to establish a year but merely for an example) using Jewish calendar of 1972 and coming into 1973, using it for nothing more than a guideline or an example, and naturally we will begin with that month of the Abia 1972 of the Jewish calendar in which was the monthly course of Zacharias’s temple ministry being administered, that month having 30 days corresponds, as we already stated, with the last part of our July and the first part of August. The following month Elul, last of August and first of September, on the Jewish calendar 1972-73 which we are using for examples which would have made Elizabeth’s expectancy period begin around Aug. 11. However, five months later would bring her up unto the Jewish month Teves which has 29 lunar days. It would so happen the lunar month would end on our Jan. 3, 1973, therefore the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy as the angel visited Mary would appear on the 4th day of January. Henceforth, if you start counting at Jan. 4, 1973, and count off 270 days which is nine complete lunar months that would bring us up to Oct. 11th, 1973. Now, if Christ was born as a perfect man through a perfect conception it should not have required over 270 days which would equal to nine lunar months, however, for the sake of argument we will extend 10 more days which brings us into the period of 280 days which would be a regular nine months Roman calendar pregnancy period for Mary. This would bring it up to October 21, 1973. (Bear in mind we are using a 1972-1973 calendar, for remember those lunar days and months did fluctuate over a three year period. That is why every three years on the Jewish calendar an extra month had to be added. The Jewish calendar year is only 355 days while the solar year (which we observe) is 365 days and season wise we can safely say we are somewhere within a 21 day period of the approximate birth of Christ. Therefore, according to scripture, we can say Christ was born in the fall season. From the scriptural account this is the best we can do; however, if you desire to accept the traditional date of some other time or season that is entire up to you. Nevertheless, I leave you with one question. The time you do accept, can it be proven by the scripture?


When Christ came into the world all he was was placed into a sinless perfect body of human flesh. Seeing the route Christ was brought into the world some may ask, was Christ’s flesh actually sinless? Certainly it was. Although the flesh body for the Spirit of God to dwell within had been formed within a human womb and his mother belonged to the Adamic race; nevertheless, his flesh was sinless. How, you may ask? Christ was conceived by the Holy Ghost (Matt. 1:20). That is, produced from a perfect seed created by the Holy Ghost which carried a does all male seed for human birth, 23 chromosomes in the genes within the seed which transfers from the father the hereditary qualities of the father, while within the woman (Mary) who was used only to house and nourish the little fetus, was created a perfect and sinless egg, carrying an equal number of chromosomes which (normally) produced the characteristics or hereditary qualities of the mother. However, in the birth of Christ a sinless, perfect egg and seed, apart from the fallen nature of man was prepared for conception thereby providing a perfect sinless bloodstream carrying none of the fallen nature of mankind. Here was born into this world a perfect baby who neither shared nor contributed to the depraved state f man for whom he had come to rescue. In that respect, his flesh was sinless; therefore, what his spirit was clothed in had been made in the exact likeness of sinful flesh (Rom. 8:3).


Had he been born in sinful flesh, Christ along with others of the human race would have been trapped as a wretched sinner. And being conceived as a sinner would have forfeited all his rights to hold the position of the second Adam. Therefore, Christ came in sinless flesh for the sake of 15 undoing sin in the flesh and at the proper hour would also begin the process of fulfilling in righteousness that great commission in which the first Adam had so miserably failed. And recall, it is not until after the flood wherein only eight souls survived do we hear for the second time another man receiving that same commission to multiply and replenish the earth (Gen. 9:1). That man was Noah. Although Noah’s three sons, all being of the Adamic race, began to work on this commission (multiplying and replenishing) neither could they fulfill it in righteousness. That which we see today having swollen to a staggering populated world of over 3.4 billion all came from the sons of Noah. At no time has this commission ever been fulfilled in righteousness due to the condition of fallen mankind. However, thank God there will be one man out of billions of people born on the face of this earth who one day will fulfill that commission of Gen. 1:27 completely in righteousness.


The second Adam will be the third and final man from the ranks of humanity who embraces this commission. However, it must be noted during Christ’s first advent when offering himself as a spotless lamb none of the following five things were even touched in this part of his ministry (1) Adam’s choice in the sexual route which produced death, (2) man’s problem of polluting the earth, (3) to remove death in the human bloodstream as brought by the curse, (4) Did not bring peace to the animal kingdom and (5) Did not begin to rule the earth in righteousness.


We do not find him in any manner, when he was born into this earth, tampering with this process route or cycle of natural life. Do we? Instead, he offered this lost human race, all of whom were helplessly born in sin and depravity, bearing the stains and identity of the Adamic nature which flowed from generation to generation through the human bloodstream transported through the route of sex, he offered to them a chance or opportunity that first their inner man, who is spirit, could experience a new birth from above or experience a second birth with the promise after this new birth of the inner man was accomplished, the body would still have to face death. Nevertheless, the day would come when this old corruptible body in which the new man lived would at death, go into the ground, yet one day come forth also as a new immortal body. No, Christ did not tamper with the inherited characteristics of death, disease and iniquity which flowed continually through the human bloodstream causing man’s evil attributes to produce more evil in generations to come. All these characteristics or attributes of evil which would one day be met by death would live on in the human body or bloodstream and continue producing more lost depraved human beings as the sex union is continued. However, one day at death all this would cease in the human body as the natural life faced death, the curse placed in the Garden upon the human race in the final step in this natural life. Remember, death is continually working in the flesh of mankind even though the spirit of man experienced a new birth through Christ Jesus our Lord. It is interesting to further note when the second Adam was here upon earth he did not take hold of this great commission to begin to rule the earth or to undo the pollution made by mankind nor to bring about peace and harmony between man and his animal kingdom. There is a day and hour for this, however that hour was not 2,000 years ago. No, it wasn’t during the God-man’s first advent these things were to be fulfilled.


Do you realize why it wasn’t? Because he didn’t ask at that hour have a bride to assist him in the commission. Recall, the commission had been given to both the male and female attributes. Taking this commission and fulfilling it in righteousness could only come about upon the return or the second advent of the Lord of Glory our second Adam when he returns to earth with his wife, as he sets up a program to rule and reign it righteousness along with his Bride and Old 16 Testament saints as well. It will be in that hour to which Christ refers as the age of regeneration when all this commission will be fulfilled in righteousness as the fulfillment of it can only come by and through the redemption of the second Adam.


No, in his first advent he did not remove death itself, the curse which had been placed upon mankind in the Garden and transferred from generation to generation through the genetic bloodstream by the sex route along with all these other evil attributes introduced into the bloodstream after Gen. 6. Instead, if you recall, Christ invited death into his own life and death took him, although death could by no means hold him. When the second Adam, the Lord of Glory, came into the world and took upon himself the form or robe of flesh, becoming mankind’s second Adam or route of escape from all that dreadful penalty of what happened in the Garden. No, at that hour he did not begin to change or undo the nature of the animal kingdom did he? At that hour all he offered was a route through the new birth to change the inner man’s nature (not clean up his human bloodstream wherein death lived) in all mankind. Man’s spirit or inner nature, through the new birth, could be reborn; however, his flesh must suffer the penalty of the law of death and sin by dying. Christ did, however, promise through the resurrection our bodies which had face death and as a result had to go into the ground, rot, decay and return to the dust from when it came (Gen. 3:19), at an appointed hour all these bodies which died in the Lord would now be purified and come forth out of the ground immortal to stand upon the earth.


In that manner God would have completely undone or erased all traces of death (as far as the individual converted man was concerned) from the penalty of the inherited sin which had been transferred into his life through the Genetic bloodstream from the Garden. With the completion of the resurrection of the body, redeemed man would now be completely new, body soul and spirit, and the new spiritual man now in this new resurrected body, along with the second Adam will cleanse the earth of evil and through instructions of righteousness unto a mortal realm which will be present according to the scripture in that hour (Age of Regeneration) when the animal kingdom will be at peace with mankind, and when pollution in every form will not only be lifted off the human race, but off the earth as well.


What do we mean by all this? We are simply saying the second Adam never touched any of the commission nor fulfilled any of it in righteousness upon His first advent although He will completely fulfill it in His second advent. And notice, it is between the time of that first and second advent, through seven dispensational church ages of grace God has been busy forming Christ a beautiful bride from his own eternal life along with the blood and water which came from his side at Calvary. Once those ingredients have formed a perfect, beautiful bride for the second Adam, he comes to translate her into glory for a wedding supper and returns with her to this earth whereupon the two, with the assistance of all the Old Testament saints will begin the process of cleansing the earth of the sin and iniquity placed on it through the disobedience of the first Adam and his wife. The designated time assigned for this work and the fulfilling of all the great commission in Gen. 1:27 in righteousness will be 1,000 years.


All this redemption we see in Jesus Christ, the second Adam. When reading our Bible we quickly discover redemption is not something God has thought up several hundred years after Adam fell. By no means do we note redemption to be something God anticipated, hoped or imagined he might be able to accomplish. Instead from each scripture we notice with God in his mind it is already a finished product. Since he was fully aware man would take the rout he did, and all turn out as it has, even before the foundation of the world God had prepared a plan or 17 route whereby he might redeem fallen man in his lust, greed and sin back unto himself (that is, all who would accept him). In other words, God had already set forth a plan before the foundation of the world for redemption to undo all this evil to be brought upon the world through the disobedience of his first Adam. We have no time at present to discuss what happens to those who do not accept his plan, our primary interest is discussing redemption for those whom God has purposed to redeem through the Lord Jesus Christ (as they accept him). Therefore, it is from a scriptural standpoint of redemption we desire to take a sincere look into his vast foreknowledge wherein he had previously counseled with himself before the foundation of the world. Eph. 1:9- 11, and therein his mind redemption became a completely finished produce including the role of the Bride of Christ. Just as the first Adam had everything placed within himself before leaving the spirit world, those female attributes to produce a wife, the knowledge to fulfill his commission, to be fruitful and multiply, etc. he knew exactly his role as well as did Eve even before they were placed in separate bodies here on earth. Recall, even after the male and female attributes had been placed in the one male body, before her separation, the word of God would fellowship Adam in the cool of the day, flooding his mind with revelatory thoughts, concerning his objective of being placed upon the earth. May I say here, Eve being present in Adam was fully aware of that great program as well.


Likewise, from the scriptural standpoint do we see that second Adam’s Bride also taken from his side at Calvary potentially was in him and shouldn’t she (as well as Eve) also know by revelation within this hour she too is being made up (or completed) from those very elements of spirit, water and blood taken from him while he was sleeping the sleep of death to begin to form and give eternal life to a beautiful bride which is taking God the period of seven church ages to accomplish. How is it possible in the final stage, this Bride, having a role so important to play with her husband Christ the second Adam, could remain ignorant to the role they must fulfill together in fulfilling that commission in righteousness during the millennium or 1,000 year reign of Christ? Beloved, by all means having been in him, the Bride (of this hour) should know especially from the revelatory route of the flowing of the Spirit into her mind, revealing to her that important role for which she has been chosen. It is inconceivable to think as this first Adam and his wife typed and foreshadowed God’s plan for the second Adam and his Bride, his Bride would remain in ignorance to that which has been revealed to him seeing the Spirit of Christ is eager to share with her that definite knowledge of the role she had been chosen to play in his kingdom age as his queen.


Even as a lad of 12, Christ showed remarkable knowledge that he was fully aware he was destined to do something. Christ revealed that knowledge already lay within him when he was accidently left behind at Jerusalem by Mary and Joseph who later found him in the temple confounding the doctors of divinity as well as the scribes with things normally a lad that age would not be so deeply involved in. Recall his answer when Mary and Joseph found him and informed him of the anxiety he had caused in their frantic search, his reply was know ye not that I must be about my Father’s business. Why had he said this? Because there lay within his pure undefiled mind a knowledge as to his divine purpose for being upon earth. Christ the second Adam had a mind whereby the pure revelation of truth flowed in understanding as to his redemptive earthly role. And did not Paul instruct the Bride to have the (same, like) mind of Christ. Phil. 2:5. The question is, how can a people of this hour who declare they are of the perfecting stage of the Bride of Christ be a people with no individual personal revelation or knowledge as to the role they are to play with the second Adam in the 1,000 year reign. Eve knew her role. The scriptures declare the brides of both Adams not only received life from 18 ingredients removed from their husbands, but they themselves were in their husbands, the two Adams, and were brought forth from them.


In Matt. 19:28, we see this word “re” being used for the third time only this time it points to the ministry of the second Adam in a different hour and age. Jesus had been speaking concerning how difficult it was for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven when, no doubt, Peter and the other disciples who had forsaken all wondered if they themselves had any chance of entering and it prompted Peter who was very concerned to ask Jesus the question, “Behold, we have forsaken all to follow thee, what shall we have therefore”. Listen to Jesus’ answer, verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne f his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones.” Matt. 19:28. For the third time we have seen the word “re”. Of what is Christ speaking? You disciples will be seated on twelve thrones in the regeneration. Notice beloved, Peter fires this question and without consulting a single book for an answer Christ simply replied to the position they would hold in the age of what he called regeneration. Note how every answer to man’s problems and questions lay within this second Adam, questions such as man’s redemption, his eternal state of being; his relation with God as well as life in the world beyond. No, Christ didn’t consult a book for the answer to Peter’s question because the revelation and understanding of all the prophets had spoken throughout the scriptures lay right there in Christ. Therefore, the answer merely flowed from Christ the second Adam, the Lord of Gory who had come to undo everything the first Adam managed to get off course through disobedience. Think of it beloved, even when Adam disobeyed he didn’t have to turn back t some book or creed to see if he had done wrong. He knew within himself because his conscience had told him so. We have left all to follow thee, Peter said, what shall be our reward? Without hesitation, Jesus picked up that word “re” and began by saying, in the age of regeneration, etc. Regeneration must be examined spiritually and although it is an age where there will be much immortality around in a glorified state, please don’t get confused thinking all mankind in the age of regeneration will be in a glorified state. This is simply not true.


We have already discussed how Adam and Eve had the same revelation on the commission as to what their role in life would be although the serpent beguiled her; nevertheless, she still knew her role. She perhaps felt she had discovered a better way of performing the role. (2 Cor. 11:2- 4). How much more should not the second Adam and his bride be walking in the same revelation as to their role in the regeneration when they begin undoing all the first Adam was responsible for doing. Therefore, I say if the same spirit that he is, is in you (If you were ordained to be a part of him) the same revelation which is in him should flow in you who are ordained to fulfill all things in redemption. (Some where that same revelation of his has to strike back in your own bosom. Yes, even concerning this age yet to come called the age of regeneration. Are you not a part of him, chosen before the foundation of the world to share with him of that glory? The same spirit of revelation that Jesus is must flow into the Bride the same as that knowledge lay in Eve before she was taken from the first Adam because they walked in the same revelation. That mind of Christ which was in the second Adam must be in his bride people of this hour. Once the Holy Ghost begins to express something, that spirit which motivates and leads you, (if it be the Holy Ghost) must somewhere begin to answer back and respond accordingly to his revelation. Why? Because the makeup of Eve coincided with the makeup of Adam concerning their role in the creation, her revelation fit his and his revelation was no different from hers. Therefore, I say whatever Holy Ghost revelation flowed through Christ the second Adam concerning the purpose and plan of God in redemption to this race 19 including also the age of regeneration, if we be in him that same true spirit of revelation in him must begin to reflect back within the bride saints whereupon the bride saints will declare as they hear true revelation. I see it, I see it! No, she won’t have to read several dozen books to know if it is correct, somewhere in her bosom will be an understanding to what is right especially concerning his redemptive work of which she is to play such an important role. True, you may discover the clue to the key in some book, nevertheless there first must be inside that bride that spark of revelation whereby what is found or discovered can become a revelation of truth in her heart, as truth fed by the Holy Ghost. I assure you as this second Adam returns to earth, takes hold of the reins of government (Isa. 9:6) and begins to fulfill this commission, as stated he will by no means immediately undo the present Adamic nature which is still present in the mortal bloodstream of those subjects in his kingdom age, although he will extend longevity of life in the flesh to his subjects who were spared as the vengeance and wrath of God passed over the earth. And with the binding of Satan in the bottomless pit at the very beginning of his reign (Rev. 20:1- 4) the instructions through his bride will begin to set in motion the program of undoing all traces of sin, pollution and iniquity which has been brought about through depraved, dying mankind. I will say, up until the second Adam comes to the earth, mankind has never experienced such a break. Mankind, since Adam and Eve, could only continue to follow a sinful route, whereas the new Adam along with his immortal realm of revelated bride people will not be following a sinful route in undoing first of all, all of that which death, wars, heartaches and corruption has produced through disobedience because the path followed will be a path of righteousness. The prophet Isaiah declared “in that hour the knowledge of the Lord will cover the lands as the water covers the sea”. Henceforth, it will be the revelation of the Word of the Lord which the second Adam and his bride, along with Old Testament saints, is responsible for using in that undoing process created through man’s pollution. Through that revelated Word during the 1,000 years reign they not only lift the curse upon mankind and the animal kingdom but upon the earth as well. Does the word “regeneration” ever occur again in scripture? Yes, once in Titus 3:5 although here it speaks concerning the new birth which is the renewing of a man’s soul, whereas in Matt. 19:28, Christ has no reference to the new birth which is a process of redemption occurring only through the grace age. Instead, regeneration in Christ’s usage of the term implied the renewing of the earth or the refilling of the earth in another age. Regeneration here in Matt. 19:28 is dealing with a social order of life and events here upon this earth at some future date; it is that one dispensational day referred to as (the millennium) or 1,000 years reign of Christ (Rev. 20:6) during which the second Adam, along with his immortal wife, shall reign on earth. But reign over who, each other? Let’s not be foolish, Christ, his immortal bride and Old Testament saints designated in different positions will reign over a mortal realm of natural human beings. Their program begins setting in motion a cycle of multiplication, not only among humanity itself, but the animal kingdom as well. Therefore, the earth will be renewed socially, strictly through a mortal realm of people over which Christ and his bride rule (Rev. 2:26-27). Back to the answer to Peter’s question when Jesus said, you will sit on twelve thrones in the age of regeneration. Throughout such a glorious order of society, the second Adam will rule and reign as King and the Apostle Peter is told the disciples shall each sit on thrones, ruling over somebody. Where? In the regeneration! PLACING “RE” BEFORE WORD CHANGES MEANING No one needs much education to realize when the phrase “re” appears before another word you have changed its original meaning by taking the word out of the singular action. The single word generation speaks of one, does it not? However, place “re” before generation, what do you have? You have made it to be more than one, haven’t you? We have already noted when “re” was placed before plenish it changed the meaning unto “do it again”. Plenish alone implies 20 something being done for the first time. Therefore remember, whenever a revelation lies within the proper usage and understanding of some word. God doesn’t permit that word to be loosely or carelessly thrown into the scriptures to take up space. In these words lay the key which unlocks the entire heart or core to the subject matter. The second Adam is telling Peter, in the age of regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Matt. 19:28.


Where, may I ask, is Christ’s throne of Glory? It certainly isn’t in the eternal realm. Christ is not now sitting upon his throne of glory because scripture declares Christ to be seated on the Father’s throne. Rev. 3:21. And it must be understood of course that the Father’s throne is not a literal chair throne by any means. Instead, it is pictorial language showing to the natural mind Christ has been taken up into glory through the age of grace and seated on the right hand of the great Eternal Spirit Majesty Power and Authority. Heb. 8:1, 9:11-15. It is into such a position as that to which Christ was exalted wherein the great Eternal Spirit might exercise through that mediatorial office work of Christ throughout the grace age certain redemptive effort which are to be accomplished. No, Christ is not seated on some literal chair in glory. It is through the door of our natural minds we are able to see these things therefore the writer in order to portray these transactions as well as these positions of authority throughout their various periods of time had to use such natural language to portray these various positions of Christ. Likewise, that is why the Lord Jesus said to the overcomers in the Laodicean Church Age (our age) to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne. Rev. 3:21. Here again in reality we must remember no one will actually be seated in the same chair with Christ.


What then is his chair position in that hour (of his glory)? Recall when Christ the second Adam comes to take his rightful throne position, that position will be the long awaited ancient seat of David wherein he shall be able to fulfill his role as the son of David (Ezek. 34:23-24). As I said before, in that hour no overcomer expects to say, slide over Lord and let me sit down with you on your thorn, after all you promised. No, beloved, no overcomer will be that carnal minded. Well, if he didn’t mean exactly that, someone will say, what then did he mean wen he promised the overcomers of the Laodicean Age they could sit with him in his throne? It simply means Christ will give to that overcomer a position of authority in the realm of his authority wherein as he is King (Zech. 14:9) so will the overcomers become kings and priests to rule and reign with him in the 1,000 years (Rev. 20:6, also Rev. 1:5-8). He will sit in Jerusalem yet as far as a natural chair is concerned, there is only one throne position in Jerusalem. That is in the temple. (Ezek. 43:6-7).


Christ sits in the temple of the holy city Jerusalem in the age of regeneration and rules the world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His literal chair position is none other than the ancient throne position of the seat of David for which Israel has so long waited for the prophecies of the Old Testament to be fulfilled concerning David’s son to come and be king over Israel (Ezek. 34:23-25). II Sam. 7:16, also Matt. 1:1). As far as the literal throne chair of David is concerned, no doubt it will be a new chair; however, the throne position itself is by no means new, because in that throne position of his glory rests all the promises of scripture in that son of David kingship wherein the scripture declares out of the loins of David should come a son (II Sam. 7:10-16, Mk. 12:35, Matt. 21:9-11), who in all this would be characterized and fulfilled in none other than Christ the second Adam (and certainly not in Solomon, David’s natural son).


Therefore, if that be true and the scripture has verified it to be, then the throne position of his 21 glory (Matt. 19:28) is definitely not the throne position he shares in his heavenly mediatorial capacity throughout the grace age. That throne speaks of the Father’s realm or position wherein lay all spiritual authority. However, once he returns to earth, Zech. 14:4 to be made known unto all as the man who walked on the sea of Galilee and is further seen as one who bears the cruel nailprints in his hands received at Calvary, the second Adam will be visibly seen upon this earth by mortal eyes (Rev. 1:7) the same as he was seen in Acts 1:10-11 as he ascended into glory where, as an overcomer, he sat down in the Father’s throne (Rev. 3:21) coming to earth to renew and fulfill all his redemptive office work and authority. The second Adam will go into Jerusalem and take up his throne position as Ezek. 43:7, Zech. 14:9 declares, and the Lord shall be king over all the earth; in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name One. At that time all authority in heaven will be invested in this second Adam as he reaches out to take the government of every nation that is left under his control, Zech. 14:16. If still alive and in office, Nixon, Golda Meir, Brandt, Heath, Pompedieu as well as all other rulers of world government would have to say, Lord, for so long we have been looking for a man like you to come and undo what we could not. Christ literally takes the throne position of his glory here in the center of the earth at Jerusalem to be king over the planet. When? In the age of regeneration or 1,000 years reign. And think of it, beloved, according to Eph. 1:4-11 all of this was invested in him (as was his bride) before the foundation of the world.


Did Satan realize while Christ was here upon earth, he was ordained to be king of Israel and over the world? Most assuredly! Recall, when Christ fasted 40 days and nights in the wilderness and Satan came to him, why else would Satan take Christ upon a high mountain and show him all the kingdoms of the world declaring I will make you ruler or king now by giving you all this, if you will only fall down and worship me. (Matt. 4:8-10) Christ rejected Satan’s offer, defeating Satan on the basis of the written word. Christ wanted Satan to know the scriptures alone, if obeyed, could defeat him. In his earthly bosom Christ was fully conscious one day he would be king, the scriptures ha declared it. That is why the Hebrew writer could triumphantly declare in spite of the shame of the cross because of the glory set before him, he endured the cross. (Heb. 12:2).


What was this glory set before this second Adam? He saw, as a man, the position he would one day obtain on this earth in God’s great redemptive program, that in and through him, he the second Adam would be God’s very means whereby humanity could be reconciled, released, set free from the curse of sin along with this very earth itself being renewed and reconciled back to God also. That was His joy. Certainly, no one could say that things he endured from his birth in a manger to his death on Calvary could be considered joy. What untold testings and sufferings he endured. Nevertheless, it was that joy set before him that spurred him on. No one could say the cross was a joyful thing for him to look forward to and no one could say the continual laughter, jeering, mocking, humiliating remarks concerning him made by the Scribes and Pharisees who tried to influence Israel he was some bac character born out of wedlock was joyful. That certainly was no joy, but oh, praise God, he could look beyond all those dark trying day, he could look beyond the pains of Calvary, beyond the feeling of death stalking his flesh; he could look beyond all this and see once his life had been separated from his flesh, he the second Adam (the Lord of Glory) had within him a commission and authority to fulfill something. Remember, beloved, up until the very hour those spikes were driven into his hands and feet, in reality redemption was still in the making. For the past 3½ years the second Adam had only been encouraging, illustrating and informing humanity what could be accomplished if only they would look unto the correct source, look unto him the second Adam. Why look to him? Because everything about redemption lay within that second Adam. The bride was in him. Our 22 redemption, our resurrection, our revelation all lay in him. Our spiritual growth and understanding lay in him as well as whatever we will be in the future all lay in him. Just think, somewhere before that hour, through revelation, he shares all that knowledge with his wife. Why? Because she is a part of him and ordained to share the glory with him. Eph. 1:4-11, and if the wife has the mind of Christ as she should (Phil. 2:5) she should begin to understand her position in him.


The time of Christ’s journey on earth was one severe test after another although perhaps two of the greatest tests he ever faced while being tested for that role of redemption as the second Adam was (1) His wilderness experience where Satan tried to first get him to turn stones into bread to feed his hungry body; next, offer him the kingdoms of the world if only he would once worship him and each time Satan was defeated not on the basis of Christ being a miracle worker, no, no, but because certain things had been written in the scriptures. Satan seeing he could not get Christ to bow down to him thought perhaps he might trick Christ into committing suicide that he might die before the proper time. Naturally, since all redemption lay in Christ, Satan felt God’s purpose in redemption would be defeated. Therefore, once again Satan took him upon the pinnacle of the temple, telling him to jump for it was written the angels would take charge seeing no harm would come to him (Matt. 4:5-7). Again, Christ defeated Satan on the authority of the scripture. Satan knew once that hour had arrived for Christ to actually lay down his life, it would set in motion the process of redemption, first for the release of Old Testament saints, and worse of all his (Satan’s) kingdom would tumble being destroyed. (2) Perhaps the last great trial Christ endured was the Garden of Gethsemane. Recall, the first Adam was defeated in a beautiful garden; however, the second Adam won his greatest victory in the garden.


Have you ever thought of what would have happened had he not gone to Calvary and drank the bitter cup? Sometimes in our attempt to exalt Christ as God in the flesh as declared in II Cor. 5:19, I Tim. 3:16, Isa. 9:6 and many other scriptures, we almost overlook that role of humanity or the agony of the flesh as Christ was man as well as God and he being all man had to face several temptations as did the first Adam, not lustful temptations as does man born with a fallen nature in his bloodstream, nevertheless, as the first Adam was thoroughly tested for his role he was to perform, likewise was the second Adam severely tested. The human man side of him tested for the role of redemption he should perform. No doubt after having defeated Satan on every occasion his most severe hour of struggle came in the Garden of Gethsemane where he asked the Father in prayer as he felt the weight of it all rushing in on him, if it be possible would he please let this bitter cup of which he was about to drink pass over him. In the Garden of Gethsemane we see his flesh in the greatest struggle it had ever faced. Redemption depends solely upon this man, and Satan has been overthrown in every incident whereby he tried to keep Christ from the cross. Recall, when Christ was discussing with his disciples the necessity of him going to the cross, Peter, without thinking said, Lord, be it far from thee, you don’t have to do that. Jesus recognized his old enemy Lucifer the archangel who had so often tried to divert him from the cross, who now sees his opportunity through Christ’s disciples to try and turn Christ from the one hour he has been ordained to fulfill. Recognizing these were not Peter’s thoughts Christ looks at Peter; however, he addresses Satan, get thee behind me Satan, the words thou speakest are not the words of God (Matt. 16:21-23). Now he is not addressing his disciples in Gethsemane where three of them lay asleep who could not remain awake to watch for him, he is lest alone to pour out his very soul unto the Eternal Spirit who through the Virgin Mary has fathered him into the world and he says, Father, if it be thy will let this cup pass from me. Luke 22:42, nevertheless, not my will but thine be done. There in his agony and grief an angel 23 appears unto him fro heaven to strengthen him and being in such agony he prayed the more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood, falling down to the ground.


The second Adam has now passed his final severe test before Calvary and note where he passed it; in a garden. This was a struggle within his own flesh. Now he has conquered everything and soon as death comes to him, he will be ready to step into that magnificent role of redemption, by first going straight into hell (paradise) and releasing the captives there. Yes, Satan knew once that hour of Calvary arrived, he would be defeated not only on earth, but beneath the earth as well where redemption would first begin, for the Son of Man had been manifested to destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Having asked the Father if it be possible to allow the cup to pass from him, perhaps in his mind he realizes this is impossible as he says; nevertheless, for this hour came I into the world, not my will but thine be done. What if he had not yielded to the mind and will of the great Eternal Spirit whereby redemption for all mankind, the animal kingdom and the earth as well could not be accomplished in its true ordained purpose? But thank God in the most awful human agonizing experience his flesh ever endured he yielded to the will of the Father.


Therefore, being betrayed by a kiss he is now ready to be led from the Garden of Gethsemane into the courts of Jerusalem where he stood an unlawful trial in the middle of the night, tried as some common criminal who might be guilty of sin, perversion or insurrection, their verdict, guilty and as the son declares (he was not guilty as the Sanhedrin declared him to be) but He was guilty of love in the first degree. By nine o’clock the following morning he was led to his own execution, to a hill overlooking the very city which only a few days before he had wept over. Christ was born in the flesh but he was certainly not born in sinful flesh because fo the sake of undoing sin in the flesh he must condemn sin in the flesh by taking it upon himself and bearing it on the cross of Calvary. Therefore, the scripture declares emphatically that no sin or iniquity could possibly be found in the flesh of the second Adam, only that he had been made in the exact likeness of sinful flesh in order to condemn sin in the flesh of others. Christ, who knew no sin, no guilt, no condemnation, took upon himself the penalty of our sins as he bled and died at Calvary.


What was death for him? Except for one difference, it was the same as death for him, like all mankind, was the separation of his Spirit life from that of his fleshly life (James 2:26). However, the one exception in this case was death could not hold this one although he had willingly given himself into the hands of death. Death had no right to his inner man nor just cause to hold him although he had been born from the womb f woman as had all mankind. Nevertheless, he had escaped all the fallen Adamic nature which dwelt in the bloodstream of all mankind. There was no legal claim on his life by which death could hold him; therefore death had to release its victim. Death became a mere pushover for the power of this new order of man, the second Adam, and three days after he had freely given himself into the hands of death on Calvary’s cross, that life of Christ swept back into the tomb to resurrect his own body before 72 hours had expired to fulfill Psalms 16:10 as he came forth once again in the same body of flesh mistreated on the cross, fellowshipped his disciples for approximately 40 days, then ascended to glory.


What happened to that Eternal life poured out on the cross of Calvary? It was taken and given to revelated believers who could hear what the Spirit had to say to the church (Rev. 2:29, 3:6) after the day of Pentecost as God through seven stages would be forming Christ a wife from all that 24 which had been taken from him at Calvary. Therefore, our sins which we had committed in our flesh were all represented there in his flesh (all those in him) in order that our flesh could be redemptive work through the sinless blood of the Father, the Holy Ghost, which came from his flesh and being shed became the atonement for the sins of the human race which had been committed in our flesh.


Before looking further into the day of regeneration spoken of in Matt. 19:28, may I address a line of thought to anyone who feels there will not be a small remnant of humanity preserved for that new age in somewhat the same manner Noah and his family were preserved while God’s judgment passed over the earth and you feel this simply because the prophet Malachi stated; in that day the righteous would walk out (into the new age) onto the ashes of the wicked, therefore you feel this one passage indicates all physical mankind had literally been destroyed and been reduced to mere ashes during the day of vengeance and wrath and furthermore that Christ and his righteous saints only who came to earth with him are the only ones here upon the earth during the 1,000 years reign. Be not too hasty in forming such an opinion until first you have read what other prophets said about this period. True, if you never read another scripture other than Mal. 4:3 you could easily reach such a conclusion; however, if you read what Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the Revelator and others had to say concerning that same day no doubt you would quickly change your theory. There are simply far too many scriptures speaking of what a mortal race of people will be doing on this earth under Christ’s administration, assisted not only by his Bride, but Old Testament saints as well. While no doubt in some parts of this old planet, humanity will be burned to such a crisp mankind will be reduced to ashes fulfilling Malachi’s prophecy and there would be nothing but ashes for the righteous to walk out upon. However, other scripture indicates all mankind will not be reduced to ashes. Rev. 19:17-18 also speaks of that dreadful day of vengeance where God’s wrath destroys mankind and says God invites the fowls of the air to come and eat and drink to their fill of the dead flesh of man, animals, etc. Now, I remind you had mankind as a whole been reduced to nothing other than mere ashes everywhere, the fowls of the air would have a most difficult time eating the flesh and drinking the blood until they become drunken as the scripture indicates they will. Then, what about Jeremiah, another prophet, speaking about that same day of the Lord, declared how the slain bodies would lie from one end of the earth to the other and no one would lament over them nor bury them? That scene doesn’t appear that everything was totally reduced to ashes, does it? Here is another prophet I must not fail to mention, Isaiah. Isa. 24:6 holds the key to a remnant being spared, as Isaiah too spoke of the day of the Lord whereupon Isaiah says God practically eliminates the flesh of man before the 1,000 years reign. Isaiah looks again and saw all mankind was not annihilated for he prophesied the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left. Isaiah says out of it all, a few men will be left. You see, that makes it as in the days of Noah, Matt. 24:36-39 wherein a few that was left once the judgment of God passed over the earth before his coming is to be used for repopulation and the fulfillment of the commission of Gen. 1:27. Recall, to repopulate he only needs two of anything. Remember, in studying scripture you never take just one verse concerning a topic but every one must be brought into view as one studies to get the entire picture to what has been revealed to the prophets. Next month, our study shall cover that period of time referred to as the day of the Lord, bringing into clear focus every scripture which pertains to that hour that we may behold the overall picture which has been set before us. Don’t miss it!


Watch the second Adam as king coming into the age of regeneration to his throne of glory. Matt. 19:28, wherein he instructed the apostles they would each sit on thrones ruling over Israel. 25 That beloved, is flesh and blood Israel, not some spiritual Israel. And for subjects over which to reign he takes with him into the millennium according to Matt. 25:31-45 and Zech. 14:16-21 a small remnant of physical, mortal mankind who survived the day of judgment of the Lord and passed his tet to be in the kingdom age itself. These, the scripture says, had been allowed to escape the great wrath of that day which had previously swept the earth and wherein Isa. 24:6 declared a few men had been spared. Spared for what purpose, to constitute those national subjects needed for Christ and his immortal bride saints and Old Testament saints as well to rule over for 1,000 years (Zech. 24:16-21, Rev. 2:26). Remember, whenever you are brought into a true revelation of the Word, that revelation must put you into the Bible, placing every verse of scripture in its proper place in order to show you the true plan of God. No one verse can ever be isolated from the context or content of thought, it must all fit together.


Therefore, Christ takes the throne of his glory, Rev. 3:21, along with all his immortal saints, Zech. 14:5, Rev. 20:6 who are enthroned with him to begin to execute authority in restoring righteous law. However, to whom is this law and authority administered? His immortal saints who come with him, never. It is his subject people of nations. Rev. 2:26-27 declares those overcomers ruled the nations with a rod of iron and that rod of iron mentioned in Rev. 19:15-16 proves this age of regeneration is not yet the perfect age although it is truly a righteous age. It is none other than the seventh dispensational day and that seventh day in itself does not take you back to the first day. No, it only ends the cycle of seven dispensational days. Then you go into the next day which is the first day (8th day) however, in this message we have no time to discuss this other than to say there are two types in scripture which prove there will be an 8th day or an eternal age which follows the seventh day, that 1,000 years reign, and will be a day without end or world without end. Once the 8th day begins, you have come through the seventh and finished cycle. By the time the Great White Throne Judgment is finished, redemption in every phase concerning mankind and earth as well, has been completely restored by the second Adam who has returned it all unto the original Edenic state of fellowship and walk with God. Thus will end the fulfillment of I Cor. 15:26-28.


However, do not think by any means the seventh day alone can lift from this earth every trace and every stain of sin and death imposed by the disobedience of the first Adam, nor can the seventh day through the second Adam and his immortal saints, completely undo the total damage created through fallen mankind’s two attempts to fulfill the commission whereas both attempts to replenish the earth carried with it the death penalty and sin question which produced more crime, sin, more evil and more graveyards as man approached the end of his sixth dispensational day. Yes, beloved, to completely undo every stain will require also the work performed at the great white throne judgment which follows the age of regeneration. (Explanation later)


As Christ sits on his throne of glory and his Jewish disciples, according to Matt. 19:28, sit over the House of Israel, we learn one important thing, this statement alone reveals those who were Jewish disciples within the first church age of grace, before grace broke with the Jew and was given strictly to the Gentile to call out of the Gentile a people for his name (Acts 15:4) once all this Gentile bride will have been reconciled back to God and presented to Christ as a wife there will be within that body of Christ, Jews as well as Turks, Arabs, Egyptians, Africans, AngloSaxons and every national race of people within that bride body of Christ who, in that hour, shall sit in and over their own respective countries ruling and reigning over their own national dominion. Jews will not be ruling over Turks and Turks not over Jews, etc. That is why grace had been extended into all nations to take out of all nations a people for his name, who as his 26 wife would bear his name. Don’t think Christ as king is ruling over his immortal wife with a rod of iron. By no means! The rule is over these respective nations wherein the rod is used. Therefore, there has to be another people, a subject people here on this earth who, according to scripture, is ruled with the rod of iron which is the scepter of righteousness, authority and rule. And don’t forget that rod of iron is shared with that queen who sits with him. Therefore, the Jewish remnant of disciples who were promised to sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel is proof enough there will have to be a mortal realm of Israelite people who were physically preserved during the time the wrath of God went forth, Zech. 14:16.


Preserved for what purpose? To complete the nation with enough people that would constitute at least a remnant out of the full twelve tribes in order for the apostles to have something to rule over. Beloved, if all the Israelite nation, as well as the world population, is to be literally exterminated in the day of the Lord’s wrath as some think, how then would it be possible after the Lord returned to take up his throne position of his glory, sitting there in the nation of Israel (the center of the world) to rule the world and the disciples supposedly to have, as Jesus promised, twelve thrones to rule Israel, if there wasn’t a true representation of the Jews alone to constitute twelve tribes which were spared; how could Matt. 19:28 ever be fulfilled.


Once Christ takes his throne position and seeing that a greater portion of the immortal saints within the bride will be gentiles. John in Rev. 20:4 saw the gentile bride position in that hour. What did he see? John said, I saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given unto them. See, exactly what Jesus spoke in Rev. 2:26-27, 3:21. This lets me know the righteous gentile revelated bride who returned with him was designated certain positions of authority to rule with the second Adam. When the Bride begins her rule and reign with him we begin to see the redemptive plan of the undoing process going into effect and being executed. First, we see Christ as he gathers before him a representative of all nations and note both Matt. 25:34-46 and Zech. 14:16-21 declared he did away with the wicked first and from the people left of the nations, who are still preserved physically, Christ takes them into the kingdom age as mortal human beings to be his subjects and repopulate the earth. All others died by the sword or word of judgment which proceeded out of his mouth for the scripture declares out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword that he might smite the nations. Rev. 19:15. It is God’s judgment against ungodly sinners that he took fire and vengeance II Thess. 1:7-10. Multitudes died by catastrophes and warfares, Rev. 9:20, 14:14-20, yet remember those wicked which did not die through these means died by the sword which proceeded out of his mouth as another scripture declares he slays the wicked with the breath of his mouth. By mere word of authority spoken, the wicked fall before him as nothing, Zech. 14:12. Nevertheless, according to Isa. 24:6 a few men shall be left; therefore, out of all nations there will be a small representation of all people preserved, Zech. 14:16.


Those left who have been preserved physically who live under his rule of government will not be men and women who build homes, raise their children and divorce one another some years later. There will be no divorce courts or lawyers in his kingdom. BABIES BORN Little children who are born under the second Adam or son of David’s rulership while Satan is bound for the 1,000 years. Rev. 20:1-4 shall not fear from a wild beast. Ezek. 34:25 declares the son of David causes the wild beast to cease out of the land and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods. Isa. 11:6-9 pictures three different sizes of children who will be in this millennium reign when he says a little child shall lead the wolf, leopard and young 27 lion. The wolf and the lamb shall lie down and play together. Lions shall eat straw like the ox and remember today the lion is a meat eater. The suckling child, who of course is not as old as a young child who could walk and lead, shall play on the hole of the asp while the weaned child (a little older) shall put his hand fearlessly into the cockatrice’s den. If this passage of scripture does not teach babies are born under this glorious rule of the second Adam’s control, don’t know what would.


Remember, Christ’s wife has not been given unto him in that glorious age to repopulate the earth. No, his wife is given to assist him in the rule of the earth that through this mortal realm of subjects the earth would be regenerated and restored into a new social order. Their’s is strictly the work of redemption, not the part of reproduction. Just as today, reproduction comes only through a cycle of the mortal realm. Paul stated in I Cor. 15:25-26 this second Adam would rule and reign until he has put all enemies under his feet, all laws, all authorities, all powers and certainly that last enemy for him to wipe out will be death. Throughout the millennium reign death has only been used as a means of punishment for the wicked and disobedient. That is why it requires 1,000 years to get the job done. Longevity of life has been restored to the mortal realm, Isa. 65:20. Could you imagine longevity of life being restored to a saint who already was living on eternal life. Nonsense! Why would they need longevity of life restored to them seeing they are already immortal, death couldn’t touch them. Hen Rev. 3:26-27 stated to those overcomers of Thyatira I will give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, I hope we aren’t foolish enough to thing them spoken of in this verse is Christ ruling and reading under foot his wife, and all the overcomers.


What is this second Adam and his wife doing on these throne positions over the nations where in she had been taken and given authority with him (while Satan remains bound in the bottomless pit 1,000 years)? She is holding that rod of discipline over the national subjects as they restore back righteous laws and knowledge into the earth. You talk about a clean perfect social function of mankind, no wonder in that hour all nations will be required to go to Jerusalem once each year (Zech. 14:16) to worship the Lord of hosts and keep the Feast of Tabernacles. That feast, beloved, is the only feast of Israel’s seven which she had under law that is observed during the millennium. Why is it observed? Because like the Lord’s Supper (and foot washing) which was given as a memorial for the church, the feast of Tabernacles was also a memorial feast pointing to the complete plan of redemption for both the Law and Grace Age. It shall be kept throughout the entire 1,000 years because it speaks of completeness and the complete redemptive work that was now in progress pointed back to the grace and even into the law age as well (and even before). Just think, during the millennium, Christ has with him both his Old and New Testament saints who had been redeemed through his mercy.


time has moved on and I see the millennium age nearing a close. The world has now been beautified. There has been no sicknesses, no broken homes. Little children have been born during this period from these subject nations and their number would run far past the number of the sands of the sea. It would be nothing for a man to live the entire millennium day provided he walked uprightly, and depending of course when he was born within the reign would also depend on how much time he would have. All the animal kingdom will once again have remultiplied. Today, scientists tell us something must be done, we are killing off all our marine life. Although that is true, all God needs is two. Much of our animal life is vanishing, but all God needs is two. All we have in our animal kingdom today came from that few that walked off Noah’s ark, the 28 others drowned with mankind. Children have never known what it is to be sick or have a decayed tooth or an older person to have wrinkles in their face. The nations are repopulated; no broken homes, yet I remind you this is not the Eternal Age. Time for the age of regeneration to close out and what picture do we see at closing time? You have to read somewhat between the lines, yet there is enough written if you will take into consideration what is there you can certainly see the picture. Rev. 20:7-9 is the closing period of the age of regeneration. Redemption has been progressing throughout the 1,000 years; the world is repopulated and renewed, everything is beautiful and suddenly the devil is loosed from his prison.


The question arises, why loose the devil into such a beautiful, perfect setting as this? Closing out the 1,000 years reign, no doubt billions of people are living on the face of the earth who have never personally known what it is to be tempted by the devil. Throughout the age these fortunate people have never felt this spirit of evil influencing them in any manner. They were all privileged to be born and live in a time of nothing but an environment of righteousness, neither have they known what it was to make a choice between a righteous pull and that of the adversary. Therefore, the Eternal God could not permit all these billions of people to pass from this righteous age into the 8th day or the perfect age with Eternal Life without having been tested by Satan as has all other mankind in ages past. Therefore, that old adversary who walked in the Garden, who plotted to take over, now comes stalking out of the pit seeking once again to gain control, to undo what the second Adam has accomplished and restored back to the earth in beauty. Satan and all his imps began to stalk the earth from Gog to Magog, from the four corners of the earth; into every nation they go. His motive, to gain control. Satan took it away from the First Adam and the second Adam took it away from him; therefore, Satan wants it back and scripture declares in Rev. 20:8 he goes out and deceives a number listed as the sands of the sea. A number you can’t even number was deceived. Someone may say the world can’t hold that many people. Under Christ’s reign it did and remember none went hungry. God would be unfair to allow this mass multitude to pass into eternity having never been tested; therefore, Satan goes out upon the breadth of the earth and confronts people for the first time in 1,000 years, confronts these mortal creatures who lived in this glorious reign and never knowing what it was for the old adversary to come against them. It goes to prove even though God had permitted some of them to live 500, 600 and 700 years, depending on when they were born during the millennium, as they had been allowed to enjoy such a beautiful glorious age in an environment of perfect righteousness; nevertheless, scripture declares there will be a number listed as the sands of the seas who sells out to the devil. Sad to say, but it is a fact that Satan deceives such a great number. What is his purpose? To gain control again.


Across the seas lay the city of Jerusalem wherein is the king’s temple and throne, headquarters for the bride and capitol of the millennium world. All laws go out of Jerusalem; all nations have looked unto Jerusalem, therefore it is only natural Satan would cause this great host of misled people to agree with him in some takeover plot by coming against the city of Jerusalem, the world’s capitol. I’ll wage a warfare against the king and his camp, meaning city of the saints, declares Satan. And immortal saints will stand by, looking on while all this is building up and it won’t effect them in the least. They must stand aside and allow Satan to take his toll however, you must look beyond the present condition to see God’s reason for allowing it. As that great army of deceived host makes their final assault on Jerusalem with whatever weapons they have manufactured or whatever they use to bring into play to make this takeover. I want to say not one shot is fired. For no sooner does this happen in Rev. 20:8-9 than does divine intervention step in. He great Eternal God who has been closely observing this buildup as well as has the 29 immortal saints, steps in before this beautiful earth can ever be defiled again with another landbased war. That is why, beloved, when the Battle of Armageddon will be fought somewhere in the near future, when the last shot is fired and the smoke clears away after the tribulation and time moves on into the millennium, you will have seen the last great battle of armies ever to be fought on this earth. The millennium undoes that and there will never be another time the earth will be required to drink the blood of men as it has starting with the day it drank Abel’s (Adam’s son). Men will never be allowed to stand and face each other with kill power weapons. Although Satan deceived this great number and came almost to the verge of it, Rev. 20:9 declares God steps in and rains fire from above upon this host encamped around the beloved city. God won’t need Phantom Jets to drop some hydrogen bomb nor any kind of manmade weapons because suddenly there belches out of heaven fire which consumes the entire enemy camp.


The scene now changes, Rev. 20:11, and the one who sat on the throne of his glory for the past 1,000 years takes up one more throne position, his lat and final position dealing with redemption as he becomes Judge of The Great White Throne. Here he calls forth all the wicked dead (whose Spirits are in hell and from the crust of the earth come forth the wicked bodies of all ages. And the sea, which for thousands of years had held bodies also, gave up their dead bodies as evil spirits are called out of hell.) Now that he has emptied hell and called all dead bodies up from the earth and the sea as well, what does this reveal to us; the second Adam has now destroyed death and Hell is not more. There has been no righteous in the Paradise section of Hell since Jesus released them after his death at Calvary when he first stepped into his redemptive office work by releasing captive spirits of Old Testament saints who had long waited the blood of Christ to come and cleanse them from sin. With Hell empty and with the dead bodies of wicked sinners now out of the ground, the earth has thoroughly been cleansed from all traces of evil for now he places everything of evil into the lake of fire. Wicked souls now clothed in a body stand present before the Great White Throne Judgment, Rev. 20:11-15. There in the presence of righteous saints of all ages, they are judged as the Saints give witness and testimony against these wicked of their respective generation. Saints won’t stand passing judgment on a generation who lived 500 years before them. You will stand at that Great Judgment as part of his body to give testimony and judgment only against the people of your generation for remember represented in that body of Christ, along with all of his family of saints, will be those of each generation since Adam which corresponds with that wicked group being judged.


Therefore, as he removes from the ground and sea all the wicked bodies and has emptied hell of all the wicked spirits, what has he accomplished? He has destroyed the last enemy which is death itself. I Cor. 15:25-26. Not another graveyard is left on earth, hell isn’t anymore. Where is everything now? In the Lake of fire. Rev. 20:15. The final destination of all wicked. Last but not least, all these foul unclean spirits which have run through the ages are brought before this throne judgment also to be judged and cast into the lake of fire. Now what has happened? Not only in the earth completely rid of every trace and stain of sin, he has now cleansed the atmosphere of evil presence and nothing other than his righteous spirits now fill the heavens and walk through the earth. Nothing but the righteous redeemed immortal people now stand in his presence as earth bears no more stain nor marks of sin forever. The great eternal age, that world without an end, is now ready to begin. Amen