The Message of the Hour
William Branham was a great servant of God used to restore truth and power to the Christian church. The effects of his ministry impacted millions of Christians, and the legacy of his ministry continues to be felt today. Bro. Branham held meetings at Faith Assembly Church multiple times. The saints who have attended Faith Assembly Church over the years have included many of Bro. Branham’s acquaintances and friends, including ministers invited by Bro. Branham to preached at the Branham Tabernacle, deacons of the Branham Tabernacle, and family of Bro. Branham. Saints at our church have been acquainted with Bro. Branham since 1940 and were in attendance at his campaign meetings during the healing revivals, and were eye witnesses and recipients of healing, discernment, and other miracles through Bro. Branham’s ministry. Most importantly, we have been deeply touched by the gospel message taught by Bro. Branham and continue to walk in the light of it. We are often contacted by people who desire to understand our relationship to the message of Bro. Branham. This page contains an index of sermons and publications by Faith Assembly Church related to Bro. William Branham
What did William Braham think about Faith Assembly Church?
I was having services one night down at Brother Junior Jackson’s—sitting right here, a Methodist minister that’s received the Holy Ghost, and been baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, and is pastoring one of our sister churches. Just to show you how God deals with this people…. I say this with all my heart: I don’t know of any congregation in the entire world, a congregation together, any more where I believe the Spirit of God is, than in this congregation.
Bro. William Branham
December 30, 1962
Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?

Sermons concerning William Branham

I Was An Eye Witness, Tape 1
Rev. Raymond Jackson gives an eye witness account of the ministry of Rev. WillIam Branham, focusing on the miracles and authenticity of his message and the problems that began to crop up within Bro. Branham’s followers in his later years.

I Was An Eye Witness, Tape 2
Rev. Raymond Jackson gives an eye witness account of the ministry of Rev. WillIam Branham, focusing on the miracles and authenticity of his message and the problems that began to appear among Bro. Branham’s followers in his later years.

I Was An Eye Witness, Tape 3
Rev. Raymond Jackson gives an eye witness account of the ministry of Rev. WillIam Branham, focusing on the miracles and authenticity of his message and the problems that began to appear among Bro. Branham’s followers in his later years.

I Was An Eye Witness, Tape 4
Rev. Raymond Jackson gives an eye witness account of the ministry of Rev. WillIam Branham, focusing on the miracles and authenticity of his message and the problems that began to appear among Bro. Branham’s followers in his later years.

In Defense of William Branham, Part 1
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains his relationship with Bro. Branham, focusing on Bro. Branham’s personal character. Bro. Jackson deals with contradictory statements made by Bro. Branham, including the story of the man from Windsor.

In Defense of William Branham, Part 2
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains his relationship with Bro. Branham, focusing on Bro. Branham’s personal character.

Meat in Due Season Pt1
Bro. Jackson begins a series of messages where different members of Faith Assembly Church share their eyewitness testimonies of the ministry of William Branham.

Meat in Due Season Pt2
Rev. Raymond Jackson continues his message with members of Faith Assembly Church sharing their eyewitness accounts of the ministry of Bro. William Branham.

Meat in Due Season Pt3
James Creech, a longtime friend of Bro. Branham since 1940 and his coworker at the Public Service Company, describes his relationship and eyewitness accounts of Bro. Branham ministry. Glenn Funk, a former deacon of the Branham Tabernacle, describes his relationship with Bro. Branham and shares eyewitness accounts of his ministry.

Meat in Due Season Pt4
Rev. James Allen describes his eyewitness account and relationship with Rev. William Branham.

Meat in Due Season Pt5
Sis. Dorthy Hess, who was present at the 1941 Milltown meetings when Georgia Carter was healed, shares her testimony and eye witness accounts of the ministry of William Branham. Bro. William Cox also shares his testimony when Bro. Branham discerned the heart defect his daughter had been born with and the miraculous healing that followed.

Meat in Due Season Pt6
Jay Reliford shares his eyewitness account and testimony of Bro. William Branham.

The Elijah For Our Day, Part 3
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains the purpose of the ministry of Bro. Branham and how it relates to the modern church.

The Elijah For Our Day, Tape 1
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains the purpose of the ministry of Bro. Branham and how it relates to the modern church.

The Elijah For Our Day, Tape 2
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains the purpose of the ministry of Bro. Branham and how it relates to the modern church.

The Elijah For Our Day, Tape 4
Rev. Raymond Jackson explains the purpose of the ministry of Bro. Branham and how it relates to the modern church.

The Third Pull, Tape 1
When preaching the seals, Bro. Branham told his audience what the third pull was. Did you catch it? In this message, Bro. Jackson explores the tent vision and the wicked men who attached themselves to Bro. Branham’s ministry.

The Third Pull, Tape 2
When preaching the seals, Bro. Branham told his audience what the third pull was. Did you catch it? In this message, Bro. Jackson explores the tent vision and the wicked men who attached themselves to Bro. Branham’s ministry.

The Third Pull, Tape 3
When preaching the seals, Bro. Branham told his audience what the third pull was. Did you catch it? In this message, Bro. Jackson explores the tent vision and the wicked men who attached themselves to Bro. Branham’s ministry.

The Third Pull, Tape 4
When preaching the seals, Bro. Branham told his audience what the third pull was. Did you catch it? In this message, Bro. Jackson explores the tent vision and the wicked men who attached themselves to Bro. Branham’s ministry.

Uniting a People, Part 1
Bro. Raymond Jackson talks about the purpose of Bro. William Branham’s ministry and how the majority of message believers have not lived up to it. Bro. Jackson examines the lack of unity and widespread division throughout most of the message, and the failure of its leaders.
The Contender

As I Saw And Heard, Part 1
Accurate testimonies of what early believers saw and heard produced a new faith to the world. End-time believers also saw and heard something in the ministry of William Branham. What has it produced?

As I Saw And Heard, Part 2
Bro. Raymond Jackson continues sharing his eyewitness account of the ministry of Bro. William Branham during the 1950s.

He Came With A Message
Closely examining Luke 1:17 and Matthew 17:10-13, one discovers John the Baptist fulfills the first phase of Malachi 4:5-6. Who will fulfill the second part? What is meant by turning the hearts of the children to the fathers?

Prophet For Our Generation, Part 1
Every man that played a major role in the reformation has been given a place in the history books so mankind could read what they did, but Bro. William M. Branham, God’s prophet to this age, has not. Most of what the world has heard comes from the mouth of a bunch of fanatical preachers. In this message we are going to share the truth about him…

Prophet For Our Generation, Part 2
Having brought our story of the life and ministry of Bro. William Marrion Branham through the World War 2 years and into the year 1946 in our last issue, we want to pick up in that same year, and continue from there as the great healing revival begins…

Prophet For Our Generation, Part 3
As I sat and listened to Bro. Branham preach, I became completely convinced that a person would absolutely have to have the Holy Ghost in order to understand what he was saying, and why….

Prophet For Our Generation, Part 4
We ended part three looking at the things that began to transpire when Bro. Branham died among the people who claim to follow his teachings. I consider it my God appointed responsibility to speak out against error and false doctrine some have came up with…

The Mystery of the Coming of Elijah
Sermons by William Branham

Twentieth Century Prophet
A video interview of Bro. Branham where he shares his conversion story and the purpose of his ministry.

The Chicago Campaign
A video recording of the prayer line at Bro. Branham’s 1953 Chicago campaign meetings.

The Deep Calleth Unto The Deep
A 1954 video recording of a Branham campaign meeting held in Washington D.C. at the height of the healing revival.

How The Angel Came To Me, And His Commission
Bro. Branham shares the testimony of how he was called to the ministry and the mission he was given to fulfill.

Enticing Spirits
Bro. Branham preaches about the temptations that face the church.

The Church And Its Condition
Bro. Branham speaks about the state of the church in 1956, the peak year of the healing revival.

My Life Story
Bro. Branham shares the story of his life from his birth, through his conversion, and his early ministry.

Who Do You Say This Is?
Bro. Branham explains his ministry and it’s purpose.

The Anointed Ones At The End Time
Bro. Branham compares the anointing of the Bride of Christ to the anointing of the wider church world.

On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove
The last meeting held by Bro. Branham
William Branham Photo Album
William Branham campaign meeting William Branham campaign meeting in Capetown South Africa William Branham campaign meeting in South Africa Bro. Branham Mexico City campaign Branham Campaign Helsinki Finland Roy Wead’s testimony of Branham Campaign William Branham meeting dinner William Branham meeting William Branham and other participants in the South Africa Campaign Bro. Branham’s San Bernardino California Meetings Bro. Branham Kansas City Campaign Meetings Bro. Branham’s Oregon Campaign Meetings Bro. Branham Cleveland Ohio Campaign Branham Campaign, Little Rock, AK Bro. Branham Campaign Beaumont Texas Branham Campaign Houston Texas Branham campaign in Scandinavian as seen in Voice of Healing magazine Bro. Branham boards an airplane to fly to Louisanna. William Branham campaign meeting in Switzerland Branham Campaign Germany and Switzerland – as seen in Herald of Faith magazine Branham Campaign Los Angeles William Branham, age 17 Branham Tabernacle congregation in 1952 Crowd at the Durban racing track who gathered to hear Bro. Branham preach Newspaper article reporting healings Newspaper article reporting healings Newspaper article reporting healings From the Durban Sunday reporting healings Tribune, one of many newspaper articles about healings in the meetings Bro. Branham’s 1950 Kansas City meetings from Voice of Healing Magazine Bro. Branham 1953 Chattanooga TN meetings, from Voice of Healing Magazine The Branham Tabernacle circa 1955 Bro. William Branham baptizing in the Ohio River, June 1933 Bro. Branham baptizing in the Ohio River, June 1933 Bro. Branham at June 1933 revival meetings. Bro. Branham preaching his sermon entitled ‘A Paradox’ Bro. William Branham at a campaign meeting. Bro. William Branham with his son Joseph. Bro. William Branham at sunset mountin. Bro. Branham preaching at the Tabernacle. Bro. William Branham at home. Bro. Branham prays for a little girl. Bro. Branham and fellow ministers in South Africa meetings. Bro. Branham preaching in South Africa. 200,000 attended Bro. Branham’s largest meeting in Durban, South Africa Bro. William Branham Bro. William Branham Bro. William Branham Bro. William Branham Bro. Branham’s and the station wagon he traveled from meeting to meeting in. William Branham in 1965 Bro. William Branham Bro. Branham about 1945 Bro. William Branham about 1930 William Branham after a baptism. About 1945 Bro. William Branham about 1955 Bro. Branham at a campaign meeting. Bro. Branham’s 1947 campaign meeting in Tacoma, Washington William Branham at a campaign meeting. William Branham and F. F. Bosworth Bro. Branham and his first wife Hope (Broy) Branham. 1932 Bro. William Branham and his first wife Hope Brumbach Bro. William, Sis. Mede, Sarah, Rebecca, and Joseph Branham. 1964 Branham family at their home in Arizona. Bro. William Branham Bro. Branham, Houston Texas, 1950, with pillar of light over his head Bro. William Branham William Branham and Ern Baxter about 1950 Bro. Branham lays the cornerstone of the Tabernacle on Penn Street, in Jeffersonville, Indiana William and Mede Branham Bro. Branham’s campaign team. Jack Moore, Gordon Lindsay, Ern Baxter, William Branham William Branham and Oral Roberts in Kansas City. 1948 Bro. William Branham, Bro. Orman Neville, and deacons of the Branham Tabernacle