Because the nature of this article will be controversial, whatever is taught we desire it to be stated in connection with the light of the Biblical picture presented in God’s Word. Much to day is being propagated in the way of liberation for women, sexual equality in all phases of life. But I ask you one question, is such a goal scriptural? Is it in the will of God that women be_equal with men in all these aspects, in other words, can a woman be equal with man and be in the will of God? WHAT SAITH THE SCRIPTURES?

What we see going on in this move of women’s liberation at the end of the age, is definitely a sign we are now living at the end of man’s earthly journey I Somewhere within this generation of mankind we will experience one of the most drastic changes this world has ever witnessed, a change that will definitely unfold and evolve into the coming of Christ. Nevertheless, let me say, once Christ has come to this earth and set up his earthly reign for 1000 years he will change the status of women. However in the sight of God that status can never be changed until he comes to rule and reign and then alone will there ever be God given and God blessed sexual equality. I might add, when that hour arrives that born again daughter of God through the new birth will by no means desire to be one bit more than what the grace of God in that millennium age has lifted her back up to be. In that glorious 1000 year reign, often referred to as the millennium, I assure you there will be no rat races, no political maneuvering, no protest marches, and no burning of scriptures which depict woman’s position in the sight of God over in the last 6000 years, as was done in Portland and Brunswick, Maine in Unitarian churches as one of the communist inspired National Organization for Women (NOW) was held in 1972 where some 16 Biblical statements which they felt downgraded women were burned! Two of which were statements from Job 25:4, how can he be clean that is born of woman” and 1 Cor. 14:34 which states “let your women keep silent in the churches”. The burning of these 16 scriptures by no means destroyed the truth and authority which they held, nevertheless the burning of Bible texts indicates an ever increasing growth of anti-Bible and anti-Christian in America among women liberationist! (Christian Victory, Dec. 1972).
No, in that millennium reign there will be none of these things to bring about sexual equality (in the Bride) because none of that will be necessary as Christ himself will lift the curse placed upon women. His kingdom will be one strictly known as a theocracy wherein God, the great Eternal Spirit, will hover over the earth, filling it with his divine presence in order to fulfill the scriptures in Isaiah 11:9, Heb. 2:14 which declares in that day shall the knowledge (and glory) of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. No beloved, in that glorious reign that is soon to be seen on the horizon no person will be at odds with the other, no person will be struggling for recognition as the true knowledge of God will be restored to earth. Each person, whether male or female, will know their respective place and their place will be identified in the kingdom unto them based upon their personal ability, both in their natural life as well as having been changed into the glorious image of Christ. In that age no one will desire to be anything they have not been created for.
In order to get a better understanding of how things will be in that age, imagine for a moment being in heaven where dwells the abode of the angelic family. Beloved, could you picture in the spirit world angels jostling one another for some position—CERTAINLY NOT! Yet on the other hand, would you think all angels are equal in authority–NO! Equal in the sense they are en-joying the presence of God, YES, though not equal in authority! In the realms of equality in this sense among angels there are various levels of authority. No one could say Michael, the arch angel, is on equal terms of authority with Gabriel another arch angel. Neither could you say that all other angels are equal with Michael and Gabriel because God simply does not work in that fashion. God made every creature for his own precise purpose.
If that is what would be seen (no equal authority) in.the spirit world, why in this life of flesh and blood should we expect all to have sexual equality? How much more should we not begin to realize when God made us he created us also with certain potentials. The horrible fact that we were born into this world in a degenerate state does often keep that true God-given potential from actually glorifying him. Instead being degenerate human beings, those potentials seem to work in reverse and glorify the devil, serving only as a hinderance to us. Yet through a new birth those potentials will work for God. Shocking and as disappointing as it may sound to some, I must say, you will never find anything in your Bible to support the women’s liberation movement, as it is being projected. No, you can not find one word in this Bible which could be used to declare the scriptures speak in favor or sup-port women’s liberation! Perhaps no doubt that is one reason the women’s liberation movement has taken such a hard core position against the scriptures such as did the National Organization of Women (NOW), one of several communistic inspired women’s movements, who burned 16 scriptures feeling they downgraded women. Part I – -God’s Divine Order Unchanged As we shall see, the scripture does not show sexual equality and here is why. The Bible plainly teaches in Paul’s writing of I Cor.
11, which is probably one of the scriptures burned in their demonstration to show disgust toward the holy word and its authority, that MAN IS THE HEAD OF WOMAN! Beloved, that is God’s divine order of authority! I have not stated this through prejudice or malice nevertheless, this is God’s doing. God alone made it this way therefore anyone attempting to change it until He Himself is ready to change it to be otherwise will only anger a righteous God and God will never change it until it has served his purpose!
Our text, MAN IS THE HEAD OF WOMAN, taken from I Cor. 11:3 is an established New Testament teaching laid down for all true Bible Christianity today by that gentile apostle, Paul, and was taught throughout the early church. Here Paul declares the head of the woman is the man, and did you know if he were alive today and was allowed to stand in some of these pulpits across the country he would by no means have changed his statement from what he taught in the first century as he would quickly point a finger at some of these uppity so called liberated women running over the country who no longer have time to be a true mother to their children or a true devoted wife to their husbands, seeing they are more interested in being used as a satanic tool of satan to cause rebellion among other women against — not the authority of man — but the authority of God! Paul would still have backbone enough to tell these women to go sit down because according to my gospel, he would say, the pulpit is no place for you!
Understand this one thing, Paul would not say this, nor did he have some strong feeling against women when he stated THE HEAD OF EVERY WOMAN IS THE MAN—no, Paul did not say this because he was a woman hater. Paul was not anti-feminine in the sense he avoided women. Christ was not a woman hater nor anti-feminine in the sense he despised or avoided women whenever possible. On the contrary, many women followed Jesus. In fact the scriptures show emphatically two of his close social friends were Mary and Martha, sisters of Lazarus. Whatever Jesus came to Jerusalem he always stayed in their home. Anyone visiting the Holy Land today is always shown the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany where Jesus enjoyed staying. Christ was very sociable to women as he knew woman’s place and since woman’s obedience unto man was in the Jewish structure, the women who followed Jesus in his earthly journey knew also their respective role in the crowd or multitude of people. Jesus was not a -man afraid to approach or greet a woman, nor was a woman in that hour who had a need afraid to approach him. Recall it was the women who brought their little ones to Jesus in order he might bless them.
Beloved there has to be a middle of the road position or approach to this question of women’s liberation or equal rights. It is only the Bible that is going to show us a true picture of womanhood in her role of motherhood and her role as a feminine personality. If we examine the picture from the standpoint of what womanhood is actually trying to set as their goal we will quickly see the goal of what modern woman wants is completely anti-scriptural! Any woman who follows the modern trend, irregardless to how religious she may appear, will never be accepted into the bride of Christ by the Holy Spirit!
I Con 11:1 begins by saying “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”. In other words, Paul is actually saying, follow my exampleship. Verse 2 says, “now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them unto you”. Now pay close attention as we begin in verse 3 because here we see God’s divine order as to whether or not there can be equality. “But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ (every Christian man). Who is the true Christian man who would stand and declare I am my own boss–NOT ONE! In another place Paul declared we are all bond servants. Still another place he declared we had been bought with a price therefore you are not your own. Here he says the head of every man is Christ. Paul never uttered a truer statement than this. Therefore if Christ is the head then it means we should empty ourself of our foolish ways of thinking. especially on this subject and allow the thoughts of Christ to motivate our very being. Are you ready to see how, in the sight of God, this divine order works? The headship of every man is Christ and Paul continues on to say–the headship of every woman is the man. I want someone to show me one place where Paul ever changed his mind concerning the man being the head of woman! IT IS NOT THERE ! Is not Christ still the head of man? Most assuredly! Therefore women’s liberation or not, until God is through with natural mankind and he changes the order it will always remain as God spoke it–THE HEAD OF WOMAN IS MAN!
What we have here In I Con 3 is a theocracy or unfolding of divine thought in the projected purpose and plan of the Creator himself who, by channeling his wisdom has purposed to channel his authority straight down through this route. Continuing on Paul says, “The head of the man Christ, is God”. Then the divine order, according to verse 3, is this—God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man and man is the head of woman.” According to scripture then WHAT IS THE WOMAN HEAD OF—NOTHING! Is anyone so foolish to think a liberation move, or any pressure on Congress to act will change God’s divine order of authority!
When Paul declares God is the head of the and Christ, we must never forget Christ was God in the flesh, thus Paul is not teaching that another person is beyond Christ. For all you who know the true revelation of the Godhead is aware God is that great Eternal om-niscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Spirit who fills all space. Moreover when Jesus, the God-man, was here on earth even ac-cording to Paul’s teaching he was none other than God manifested in human form. I Tim. 3:16, 2 Cor. 5:19. And we are aware Jesus as a physical man never did anything within himself (because the order is, God is the head of Christ). Whenever Jesus went up to Jerusalem it was always for one purpose only–to carry out the mind and will of the father (Spirit). Whatever he spoke he as a man declared it was not words of his own., instead it was words motivated from the father. That certainly would not mean from a human standpoint that the man Christ, God’s Son, could not discuss a carnal thing such as a beautiful flower with someone. Such things of that nature was not the utterances of the father, however, when it came to words which
pertain to eternal life and to the plan of Jehovah in respect to the human race, then beloved every word which fell from those fleshly lips was the word of Jehovah! That is why Christ finishing his earthly journey and ministry could look into the heavens and, as a man, declare unto that Eternal Spirit, the Father, I have delivered unto them thy word, John 17:14. And in other places we hear him as a physical human being speak declaring unto others, I as a man in myself can do nothing. Meaning God might manifest his thoughts. his power and his will through the fleshly mind of Christ.
Jesus, as the man truly recognizing the Spirit (God) as his headship, sought only to glorify the great Eternal Father Spirit in every respect. Therefore we can say. as a man Christ truly recognized this head! That is why he stated, I do nothing in myself. the words I speak unto you are words of spirit and life! Because beloved they were words which came from his headship and authority, God the Eternal Spirit. That should explain to us why Jesus in some places would walk through a multitude and touch and heal only one person while other times he stood amidst the multitude and healed every one. It was just whatever his headship wanted done. See, the life and ministry of the fleshly man Christ was not a ministry or choosing of the human man Christ himself. This plan and choosing was the will of the Eternal Holy Spirit, the Father!
Does not such obedience definitely prove Jesus as a fleshly man born of woman was recognizing his own headship in everything and God who is the head of the man Christ had at all times complete sovereignty in the entire situation! Thus outside that one human vessel of clay, called Jesus the Christ, God has never worked or displayed his power in that form or fashion in any other flesh. Truly in every respect Christ recognized his head, therefore as the example he was unto all mankind. whether male or female, should it not show everyone how reverently they too, should recognize their head? Man should recognize Christ as’ his head and woman recognize man as her head! Yet we hear some women say, I do not recognize any man as my head, I recognize only Christ as my head. YOU ARE WRONG SISTER, you better get back into the divine order of scripture. The Bible did not say Christ was your head, the Bible said man was your head!
Truly as a man. Christ recognized God as his head : That is why the Apostle Paul could state in the Colossian letter it was Christ who was the image of the invisible God, and declare also in the Phillipian letter let this same mind (or attitude in recognizing your head) be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Remember, if that same mind dwells in the Christian man that was in Christ in this respect, it could only be there because somewhere man began to recognize that the Godman Christ is his headship. If man has truly been born again and redeemed into the family of God, he must recognize the impossibility of coming to God (that great Eternal Spirit) without first entering in through the gateway which is none other than this man the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost we have within us that gift of God or Holy Ghost which is none other than the Spirit of Christ come within the believer to implant within him that
little portion of the mind of Christ. Furthermore, it is that Spirit of Christ which causes us to desire to live and be Christlike. To be Christlike is to be Godlike.
What did Paul mean when, through the Holy Ghost, he declared that the head of woman is man? It simply means that every woman (none exempted) must recognize that God made this earth and over this earth he placed a masculine spirit and that masculine spirit was to be projected through man whom God fashioned in the form and likeness of masculinity (not femininity) seeing God in the Spirit tVorld first made man a spirit being in the Likeness of himself (Gen. 1:26-27). Note, in the likeness of himself, created he him (both) male and female created he them. In man’s earthly beginning in a fleshly body before the separation of the feminine attributes from those of the masculine, Adam had within himself both the masculine and feminine characteristics! GOD IS “HE,” NOT “SHE” God is a masculine spirit, spoken always in the term “Ile” to show his masculinity and never “she” as certain woman liberationists are trying to propagate among modern day women such as Presbyterian woman minister, Dr. Letty Russell (theologian , professor and liberationist) is doing in insisting people begin to call the Holy Spirit “She”, as she did in her speech at Temple University speaking on a symposium for the re-examination of religion and Christian theology in a feminine perspective! According to the Philadelphia Enquirer, April 1, 1972, Dr. Russell urged–the least we could do is call God “she” part of the time! Here was a woman theologian who, No. 1–was out of her place and No. 2–was in desperate need of knowing her scriptures because GOD IS A FATHER, not a mother although he does have an attribute of being able to nurse or feed his new born babies with the sincere milk of the word (1 Pet. 2:2). One of the seven compound names of God is Elshaddia. Hebrew meaning “the breasted one who feeds and satisfies his people.
When God first created Spirit man in the Spirit world before placing him in a body of flesh he was created with both masculine and feminine attributes. At a later hour after man consisting of both these masculine and feminine attributes, was placed on earth in a body of clay in a beautiful garden, it was the divine will of God he now take from Adam’s side these feminine virtues and attributes and implant them into a separate vessel of clay which material (bone and flesh) Gen. 2:23 was also taken from the one masculine. Because as Adam awoke from his operational sleep and saw the lovely female help meet he said, this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, thus she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man! Recall, God did not make the woman out of another separate piece of ground nor did he take her spirit from somewhere else other than out of the masculine form of the man called Adam. That feminine spirit along with the feminine attributes from the body of Adam as well as the flesh and bone for her body. This alone proves it was totally impossible in the plan of God for a woman to ever be above man although before the fall in the Garden of Eden she had been created to be equal with man! Back in the original earthly beginning. before the two were finally cursed and driven from the Garden of Eden and though woman had been taken from man through God’s operational process, it was never his intention to make the woman to be over or above the man. The entire plan and com-mission of God was given to man and God has never changed that. To prove man was the head of woman when Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden and the voice of God walked in the cool of the day to fellowship the two and the young couple hid themselves amongst the trees, God called the man saying. Adam where art thou—not Eve, where are you? Even there man was head of woman!!
Therefore if Paul taught the early church that the head of every woman was man let us turn back into Genesis 3 to see why the head of every woman is man for here was where woman lost her equality with man. Furthermore we shall see how today, through women liberation movements, satan is trying to lift that curse off womanhood and satan ‘s reason for doing so is to disrupt the whole social structure of human race before the coming of Christ! Knowing that his time is short and he has but a short time to do his devilish work, satan desires to get everything in the structure of the human race completely confused, disoriented and totally out of the program of God! Because beloved, this world can survive without the woman libbers, however, our days are certainly numbered without devoted and loving mothers and wives as God intended womanhood to be!
In Gen. 3:14-17 we note Adam and Eve having already transgressed the law of God are standing before God for judgment. Before being expelled from the Garden it is the woman we see God speaking unto who is to be the mother of all mankind. Listen to God as he speaks concerning the curse he will place upon woman for her role in the transgression with the serpent (man or serpent creature). A curse that will drastically affect the female organs of all womanhood through out all the ages. yes, even in this age of so-called women’s liberation (and to burn those 16 scriptures won’t lift the curse by any means) because in verse 16 we hear God saying unto the woman–I will greatly multiply thy sorrow c for your role in the act)— And we know beloved the word thy sorrow is definitely connected to a physical centered thing—”and thy conception—Conception is more than sexual relationship. it is the ability to physically conceive in childbirth. God is in the process of telling this woman who at the moment has not been named Eve (which means the mother of all living) but merely called woman, “I will greatly multiply your periods of life. God will now step up or multiply that period of life which before the fall was set up only ever so often within the woman’s body unto what is now referred to as the monthly cycle! And in sorrow (physical pain, anguish, fear of death etc.) thou shalt bring forth children. God is declaring unto woman because of her role or act in the transgression, first with the serpent-servant creature, second with her husband. Will place upon her as a curse! That by no means is all of her curse for God continues by saying–and here is where the problem stems today through what is being promoted in women’s liberation—and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee! At this early hour in man’s history we are seeing where almighty God is declaring unto the woman—woman you will never again be equal with man! You (not Adam) transgressed, I Tim. 2:14! You are guilty of trying to teach your husband a certain knowledge of which you knew your motive was wrong; a knowledge not from me but you gained from that talkative old servant creature called the Serpent!
Therefore because of what you did you will never again be equal with your husband! Adam! Woman, because of your role, your desire shall be only unto your husband and you are to be submissive to the dictates and leadership of Adam as he shall rule over thee and no power on earth can ever change that! Here beloved was the spot in the Garden of Eden where God stripped the woman or any female of ever being equal with man! Never again could woman ever be equal in that of authority with man in making that final decision–to say it will be done this way or that way! That authority of equality of woman held up until this hour (before the transgression) is now stripped from her!
Part 2 – – True Marital Relationship Kept Alive NO SLAVE TO MAN
For a moment let’s read between the lines and see something. Although God stripped woman from her equality, stripped her of her authority, cursing her female organs and informing her from now on her husband ruled over her. please understand out of all this curse and stripping woman of authority God is by no means lowering woman to the level of a slave unto man! Nor is he causing her to be an unloved and unwanted creature. No beloved, such far fetched ideas as these extreme positions develop from degenerate man himself. How true it is when God definitely declares a certain thing in the scriptures, satan will always stand on both sides of the road causing one classification of mankind to go in one direction of an extreme as to what God has said while taking another classification of mankind and pushing him to still another extreme and both groups are carried to the extreme as to what God’s word actually said TRUE LOVE NEVER MISTREATS
From that hour in the Garden down through the centuries of time, until we reach the flood, womanhood in the general sense of the word, lived in that true state of obedience unto that of man. Very little is ever said concerning outstanding women or what feminine personalities did before the flood. nevertheless I repeat, though woman was stripped of her equal authority with man in the Garden she was never to be made a slave for man nor was she to be walked upon as some door mat! God took woman from the side of man to be by his side to comfort and encourage him etc., he never took her from the head to be the head nor did he take her from Adam’s foot to be kicked about or walked upon. I am convinced that although Adam realized what God had stripped her of in the way of equal authority., Adam also recognized exactly where his headship ended! Being the son of God he was and carrying that original revelation in his soul, I cannot see Adam now turning out to be some barbarous creature that the devil himself could not get along with. He never ran over Eve nor mistreated her because she had lost her authority in equality. As the son of God, Adam knew exactly how to treat Eve–with tender love and respect. I am convinced this knowledge of love and respect was also passed on unto Adam’s offspring and lineage through time for remember it is only from Cain’s (the serpent seed) line do we begin to see a haughty line of womanhood appearing on the scene who began portraying themselves in certain fleshly ways to attract the sons of God, Seth’s line, (Gen. 6:1-2). From Seth’s line Adam’s true descendant line, we never see a picture of any woman portraying herself in the manner as did the daughters of Cain line. Instead I see the Seth line (women) recognizing her true role as womanhood while the masculine side recognized his headship as he sought to glorify God.
Coming to the close of the antediluvian age which ended with the flood, we see within the ark a man who had only one wife as did his three sons, who had instilled into them a character and certain exampleship of respect toward their women folk which had been passed down into their lives from their father Noah. No, I CANNOT SEE Noah as a man who continually fussed at his wife nor do I see his wife continually threatening him instead I see a beautiful picture of a woman who obeyed, loved, and respected her husband as the headship of the home. Yet bear in mind, through the bloodstream of the human race mankind also had the ability to pass on all these fallen evil at-tributes and death curse unto their children. Nevertheless, in spite of this, womanhood still remained in loyal obedience to mankind.
After the flood as the world once again began to multiply I see this old degenerate spirit as it began to be upbred in man, and satan once again captivates the human mind and from various nations and tribes we now see all kinds of extreme ideas as to how a woman should be treated. Each race and pagan religion seems to carry their own extremity. As we begin to study the social structure of life between man and woman, such as was found in the Orient in ancient time, there was this spirit of a certain complete domineering masculinity and man absolutely knew little of what it was to show love and affection to a woman. She was merely some physical outlet for his emotions and something to mother his offspring into the world! In many respects, even in the Arab world, a baby girl is looked upon as almost a curse in certain family structures. Such ideas are extremes of satan who takes the degenerate spirit of man and places such thoughts within him. Beloved God never made male or female to be looked upon as a curse to any family nor in the plan of God is a female child an outcast to society. God knew exactly how through the following centuries of time extreme ideas concerning the treatment of womanhood would spring up. God knew because of his foreknowledge only too well the extremes would appear while some nations would look upon woman almost as slave or even a curse; in other nations she would become similar to that of a goddess – In many respects even being worshipped as a goddess! Knowing these extremes would prevail and where they would lead to, God desired to set a true example in the earth to keep alive this true relationship of love and respect between husband and wife or an equal balance thus he called Abraham and Sarah and placed his needed example in the earth. Imagine in Gem 12 when God called Abraham to get out of the country and away from his kindred and come to a place he would be shown—Sarah angrily saying, look Abraham, I am not going! You can go if you want to but bless God I am not going! I am not leaving my home and acquaintances we have made here and go off with you unto some place that you don’t even know where it is! Imagine Sarah speaking to her husband Abraham in such fashion. No, I tell you it was not as you would find it in a modern woman’s liberated world today because in that day when the world had plenty of room and needed to be populated as well as the earth subdued, oftimes it was just as much within the spirit of woman as it was of man once she began seeing things crowding in on her to say, it is time to pack up and move.
In each generation God has always desired to have a certain person he can exemplify his plan and program through and thus through that person accomplish whatever it is he desires should be accomplished or kept alive among men. God will use his example to show others how to keep certain things or truths alive among all the extremity. Knowing Abraham was to be the father of the faithful therefore in him and in his home life as well should those certain characteristics of exampleship be exemplified not only from his spiritual life but also his natural, social and marital life, as well. Abraham took Sarah, his lovely devoted wife, his father, his nephew Lot, along with all their belongings and started out on this unknown journey. However , along the way his father dies and Lot, his nephew. becomes separated from him according to the plan of God before he reaches his destination. Thus Sarah and Abraham, an obedient devoted couple of God who are to be used to keep a marital truth alive is led now into a land they have never before seen. It is here after the flood that we begin our story to see a proper, loving, scriptural relationship carried on between a husband and wife and more over to see that love, loyalty and obedience on the part of a woman as portrayed in Sarah.
Sarah leaves such a profound testimony in her submissive obedient and devoted relationship to her husband that the Apostle Peter. under Holy Ghost inspiration picks up his pen and writes his epistle referring to Sarah as being such a woman of obedience saying in I Pet. 3 that wives should be in subjection to their own husbands (verse 1) for after this manner (of subjection) in the old times the holy women also who trusted in God, adorned themselves being in subjection to their own husbands, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him lord, whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well (verses 5-6). From
Peter’s writing we note Sarah was not some bossy domineering woman. but one who was obedient in all things unto her husband as God said womanhood should be in Genesis 3:16. Reading the first account of when God promised Abraham who had a barren wife that he would give him a son, we recall how many years passed and Abraham still had no son. Sarah, knowing how much through the years Abraham wanted a son and that God had promised him one, approached Abraham one day suggesting he take Hagar, her handmaid, to wife. Seeing she was barren, perhaps she felt in her heart this would be God’s way of accomplishing the promise of a son. It was her suggestion and idea it be done on this fashion. You know Sarah could have been like some modern day women who think they are liberated and said to Abraham—Abraham, I want you to shut up about that boy! Don’t come around here with any more of that nonsense, I am getting tired of hearing it! I said she could have said that had she been that kind of woman but she wasn’t.
For a moment sisters, put yourself in Sarah’s place. You have been married to this wonderful husband Abraham these many years and you cannot give him a child. Various times Abraham has come home and said, honey, you ‘,mow God has promised me a son. Physically, on your part I know that is impossible, however, God did promise and I believe somehow he will keep his promise. Such an unselfish act on Sarah’s part suggests just how deep her loyalty and love reached out to her husband in seeing that he had a son. Do not misunderstand my statement—nevertheless, this was a day when polygamy was practiced. That type relation is what Sarah had in the back of her mind as she reached this conclusion. Moreover in her mind she saw no moral wrong to hold her back from suggesting what she did. Having no jealousy in her heart she could not help but believe this was the route to fulfill Abraham’s promised son. Yet suppose it was then as it is in many places today with this lib spirit going, she could have said Abraham you listen to me, we have been here 12 years and I have heard nothing out of you but God is going to give me a son and you know it is totally impossible for me to conceive, so shut up about that baby, I do not want to hear you mention it any more. Poor Abraham could have said cowardly, yes dear. However that was not the way it was at all! Sarah actually thought she could help the situation through the route she suggested. Take Hagar, she said.
So, in good faith Abraham forgot to talk it over with God first because no sooner did Hagar conceive than she got the bighead. Imagine, she is now a woman in the same category with Sarah Furthermore she realizes she has accomplished something Sarah could not do. Hagar is expecting with Sarah’s husband’s child. I see her strutting around the house snubbing Sarah. Sarah is deeply hurt over Hagar’s actions and after taking so much of this she approaches Abraham saying, I gave her to you and we know she h carrying your child but Abraham that woman won’t speak to me anymore. She snubs me and I will not have this.
I am bringing all this in to shoe you, though Sarah being an obedient woman, even calling he husband lord or master was not ; woman who had to be frightened of her husband. To show obedience unto him she did not have to sit around like some frail little creature, afraid to speak or discuss some problem with her husband. No, Sarah was that type person in society as well as in her home who could feel perfectly comfortable and confident that when something arose concerning the home life she would be able to suggest things which would be very agreeable and acceptable unto Abraham. That is why she suggested this relation in the first place. Note she suggested, she did not tell Abraham he had to do this and it was her suggestion Abraham carried out. An action which brought haughtiness from Hagar toward Sarah. Had Hagar acted differently Sarah probably would never have mentioned any thing to her husband. No, it was not jealousy which prompted Sarah to approach Abraham saying something had to be done! Out of her own kindness for her husband’s desire for a son Sarah had offered Hagar unto Abraham. Yet when Hagar disappointed Sarah by snubbing her, failing to talk anymore to her, feeling what had happened made her a better woman than Sarah—Sarah declares to Abraham, I can not stand this any longer. this woman has a bad spirit on her! Notice, Sarah did not come in grabbing Abraham by the shoulders saying I’ll have you to know I want you to get that woman out of here!
Listen now to Abraham discussing, not in a cruel, over-bearing or domineering manner, this problem with her. See how as husband and wife the two could sit down together and work out their problems. We’re told today one of the major causes of divorce is the lack of communication between husband and wife! Honey, says Abraham, she belongs to you do whatever you please with her. You suggested it, I only carried out your plan, now you handle it ever how you desire. (Gen. 16:6) Sarah dealt harshly with Hagar and she fled from the household. This is an action from God to teach Hagar a lesson and then the Lord will speak to her saying Hagar, you go back to Sarah and be subject unto her. (Gen.16:9) It is doubtful when Hagar returned to become subject unto Sarah she ever snubbed her any more. No, it wasn’t Abraham’s problem, it was Sarah’s problem and it was something that had to be battled out between these two women. I only bring this in to show you in Abraham’s home life we see that a true scriptural feminine picture and an image to be ob-served, not a picture of complete superior masculinity, dominating abusively over the feminine who according to Peter is the weaker vessel (I Peter 3:7). Peter spake of Sarah being a woman who so loved Abraham and was so loyal unto him she even called him lord. (lord spelled with a little letter )meaning master or my head. A head, Sarah knew could be approached in certain realms wherein she might make suggestions without having fear of being slapped. cursed, spit noon or knocked down.
That beloved is why from Abraham’s loins God produced a people to keep this same true scripture relationship-between husband and wife alive, as they would be a light unto the gentiles. A nation whose younger women were always taught by the older women to be obedient unto their husbands who ruled over them. Recall in Gen. 24:3-4 Abraham called forth his servant Eliezer to go forth and receive a bride for his son, Isaac. Eliezer was a beautiful type of the Holy Spirit going forth among the gentiles to receive a bride for Christ. Here was a sight to behold, designed and programmed by the guidance of God. Eliezer prayed that he might be guided unto just the right woman for Isaac. No beloved, this servant did not go back to Abraham’s country and just grab up any old woman, set her on a camel and say I am here to take you home to my master’s son! No, the servant prayed so loyally not to have his own mind in the matter but that he might have the will and mind of Abraham in this matter of choosing a bride for Isaac because it was a custom in those times for the father to definitely choose a wife he knew his son would love and enjoy being with. The plan was designed of God and the servant was guided by the Spirit back to the very household from which Abraham came. God had guided Abraham’s servant to take the cousin of Isaac for his wife to be. Isaac and Rebekah had been born in separate lands, yet God brought Rebekah across the hot desert unto Isaac to be his wife.
Through centuries of time as national Gentile marriage customs arose, it was always the parents who chose the wife for their son. In most cases the marriage was arranged and based not upon love and devotion as it should have been but upon family prestige and personality and often times even money was involved. Often this brought a man and woman together where love was never the motive for the marriage. Thus in many cases love was never the thing that bound a couple •together causing many couples merely to live together under the same roof having no compatible feelings one toward the other. No, such a marriage was never God centered, it was always centered around a traditional way of human life and the devil delights in living in the whole environment of such a thing.
However when it came to the servant of Abraham choosing Rebekah and bringing her across the hot desert, the scripture declared the heart of Rebekah longed and looked for the man who would be her husband for the rest of her natural life. Spiritually how true that is with us gentiles soon to be in a bride relation with Christ. The Holy Ghost has been sent forth to call out a people among the gentiles for his namesake, dress that people up and prepare them to take a journey, a journey they have been traveling for quite some time together. But just at evening time, (Gen. 24:63) the scripture says, Isaac was outside his tent in the field looking in the direction from. which they were to come (the servant and Rebekah), wondering now near the servant was with his wife to be. Isaac was watching for a special camel train to appear on the horizon! I have no doubt but that our Isaac is also standing looking for his bride as it is evening time and the sun is going down on gentile history. He knows that Holy Ghost servant is bringing a bride hack to his home. Rebekah has left her father, mother, brothers and sisters all behind. No, she was not kidnapped nor was she forced to go with the servant. Out of her own heart she chose to go. God is not forcing you to go to the wedding supper. If you go it is only because there is a longing in your heart to be wed to that one whom you too have never seen in the flesh. After the long journey over the desert and they neared the camp where Isaac was waiting we hear Rebekah asking, who is that man standing watching the approaching camel caravan. The servant tells her, that is Isaac who is patiently waiting for her arrival. When the two met, the Bible shows it was love at first sight! (Gen. 24:67) The scriptural picture concerning Isaac and Rebekah depicts such love, loyalty and devotion between he two as they were brought together and never once do we see Rebekah as a domineering woman Who was seeking to have superiority or equality with Isaac.
We can quickly bring that story If loyalty of the women down into he hour of Jacob who also returned to the same area and to the same household of his uncles where he too received his wife. No, it was not a forced thing, Jacob loved Rachel deeply (Gen.29:18) however, it is true Jacob did not love Leah who he was tricked into First marrying as much as he did Rachel. Yet in a sense it was a true type of love projected because you Lever saw either woman seeking o show authority or superiority over their husband Jacob. God set a perfect picture of devotion and love not only in Abraham’s life but also in Isaac, Jacob and Joseph’s as well. Under Joseph’s administration the whole family of Israel was led Ito Egypt where they multiplied Ito a great number before they /ere delivered from Egyptian bondage. Nevertheless that true picture of woman remaining in her roper place allowing man to be the headship of woman in his roper role was continued.
Throughout the period of the law, ye find through, the .writings of Roses and other prophets that whenever a woman dared to speak alt against the masculine image, n Israel something happened! God always stepped in! Take for instance Miriam, Moses’ sister. While crossing the Red Sea notice he humble position she maintained. Once they had crossed the led Sea Miriam did not say unto he women, now that we are free from Egypt let us get free from these hardheaded men also! NO, hat was not her attitude at all. Miriam thanked God in song and he tambourine dance in which she led all the women, praising God hey were free from Egypt. I do not hear Moses telling her she is out of place and to go sit down somewhere and shut up. Do you? Listen, we can see there definitely was a place even in the Jewish society which unfolded itself into a true image of womanhood in her order perspective toward man as God had intended after the transgression in the Garden. Undoubtedly this was one reason God called Israel to be a light unto the gentiles, because if the gentiles would look upon Israel in this respect of relationship and apply in likeness what they saw, sooner or later they would not have seen those farfetched extremes practiced among the social, moral and marital lives of the gentiles which took place.
Thus we see the true picture of womanhood had been established and maintained throughout the lineage of Abraham. Woman knew her place, she knew she had a secondary role–she was to be a mother and a devoted companion, she was to love as well as be loved and if anyone does not think Isaac loved Rebekah, you are wrong!! Recall in Gen. 26:8, how Abimelech looked out his window• and saw Isaac making love to Rebekah—I must state it this way as it is placed in line with the scriptural picture. However when we reached Miriam’s hour she wanted to sound off and no doubt this is probably the first time we hear of A Jewish woman sounding off at authority as she said, does Moses think God only talks to him alone? No sooner had she made this statement than God smote her with leprosy! Noticing this Moses and Aaron prayed and God said place her outside the camp for seven days. During the seven days Miriam remained outside, the camp stopped and remained in this one location. It was God who corrected Miriam as she over-stepped her privilege. Yes, if he can only get everyone else to stand still and be patient while he works out such rebellion in certain women, not only will the women learn a valuable lesson but the camp of God can then move on. No doubt Miriam was one of the first Jewish women of that period to actually try to take on too much authority. Note, this was not merely a situation having arisen between a sister and her brother. True, Moses was her brother however he had been challenged on the basis of his God-given authority! That is why God smote her with leprosy. Nevertheless Miriam learned her lesson and afterward knew when to talk and when not to speak.
Skipping on down’ into the life of Christ who was by no means a man anti-feminine nor was his disciples or apostles because as we study the gospels which record the multitude following Christ, he is always seen to be most respectful toward the feminine person who recognized their proper position in the Jewish society. And at no time did you ever hear of a woman rising up to demonstrate as though they would say, you can not do this or you can not do that! No, the opposite was found. Those women were very submissive to the position they had in that hour of society. To show you within the Jewish structure these people who were chosen to be the light unto the gentiles, in this respect had projected a true picture of what and how woman was to be seen in her role in society, both at home and in social life. Following the flood God brings that exampleship of womanhood toward their husbands down through Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel (his other wives) right on down until Israel became a mighty nation in size, bringing that same exam-pleship down through the period of the law and into the life of Christ ‘where we find him visiting in the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Scenes such as that recorded in Luke 10:38-42 shows Christ certainly not to be anti-social with womanhood.
Following the crucifixion and burial of Christ it was the women who brought spices to embalm the body of Jesus on that early resurrection morning. Recall time had not permitted for him to be embalmed in the late afternoon shortly before the beginning of the Sabbath. Thus he had only been wrapped and laid within a tomb. These women had become most concerned that the body of Christ remain no longer in the tomb without being anointed as was the Jewish custom. Therefore, early in the morning following the Sabbath they brought spices definitely intending to embalm this body. To prove God was much concerned about who it was coming to the tomb that morning though Jesus had already risen, we notice an angel was waiting at the tomb to address the women. NOT AUTHORIZED TO PREACH To all these modernistic churches of today trying to justify women preachers by the fact it was the women who received instruction to go and inform Peter and the other disciples that Jesus had risen and would meet them in Galilee. God forbid anyone to be so spiritually blind and ignorant of scripture to use such a setting as a basis to give woman authority to preach the gospel! The fact God permitted these women to come to the tomb proves only one thing that throughout the Jewish structure of life God was in the process of showing to humanity the true image or true role of womanhood in her proper place as she functioned in society! Whether married or unmarried, woman definitely has a precise role in society to play. However, woman’s role was never telling man, who did have the God given authority, TO GO SIT DOWN saying I am equal with you? No, you never saw that! Approaching the Garden Tomb that early resurrection morn, those women were already discussing who were they to get to roll away the stone, unaware the stone was already rolled away and being astonished at the sight of the open tomb the women heard an angel of the Lord declare unto them, He is not here He is risen. True, it was woman who was first told Christ had risen, nevertheless that gave woman no authority to dare think of usurping authority over a man or accept that as a call to leave home, responsibilities and go forth preaching the gospel! Did you know in this day of gross com-promise and sensationalism had such an event occurred today, a spirit would have gotten off on these women and they not only would have gone back to town to report to the disciples that Christ had risen, they would have wanted to be standing in the synagogues and preaching on Saturday morning! Were it today, the backslidden synagogues would have advertised them as sonic great celebrity when the only thing the women were told was to tell the disciples Christ had risen and would meet them in Galilee as he promised.
According to John’s account Jesus is seen appearing to Mary (not his mother) but Mary Magdalene from whom seven devils were cast out. The women delivered all the angel’s instructions to the disciples—tell Peter 1 will meet him in Galilee. Why was Peter to be told “I will meet him in Galilee’. It is because whatever transpired in respect to the gospel that would benefit mankind, especially the Jewish race of that hour, the responsibility and authority was going to lay within a man, not a woman. Had the women of that hour taken on the same spirit and vision of women today (Women’s Liberation) you would probably have seen them standing around preparing for a great demonstration against Peter declaring how Peter had once denied Christ, but they had not!
Once those women told that account unto the disciples, how he was risen and would meet them in Galilee, leaving that account of the gospel and passing through the space of 40 days where Jesus witnessed and verified his resurrection to his disciples after his ascension, it is now in Acts chapter 2 we see the church, though only a small body of disciples consisting of both men and women, gathered in the upper room. Once again we see a man, though having denied the Lord earlier, it was man who was in authority in the upper room, not woman. Why? Because through men, not women is how God ordained his authority to be carried out!
Part 3 – – Apostasy and Woman’s Role
Wording it in such a manner, though it is absolutely true, will nevertheless cause many minds to immediately drift back into the Old Testament to Deborah’s hour when a woman judged Israel during one of the darkest hours of apostasy. Since we have stated man was in authority in the upper room before the Holy Ghost came, seeing God ordained it that way, let us examine the picture and the setting to see all the conditions that transpired around Deborah’s period in order to see why God’ would permit a woman in such a dark hour of apostasy to judge Israel. You see, it is such events as this when God permitted something out of the ordinary to happen that the modernists take and try to justify woman’s role in modern day society. However, let us rehearse that incident of Deborah and see the conditions which brought about such a set-ting. First we know Paul plainly taught woman could not teach nor usurp authority over a man, in-stead was to be silent and learn in all subjection, I Tim. 2:11-15. The reason for this was Paul says she lost her authority to be equal with man in the transgression. That is why she can not preach because in no case can she ever usurp authority over the headship of man! Christ is the head of man (not woman) and man is the head of woman!
Israel had been brought up through the wilderness and at last settled in the promised land. One thing we know is Israel never had any feminine priests nor did they have any women prophets who stood up with Thus Saith the Lord, we shall do thus and thus, or you men are to do this or that. No none of that was ever ordained to a woman, man was ordained to that office to be that type of prophet however when we finally come into the period of the judges Ch. 4, it is here in such an hour of great apostasy, in an hour when men will not stand up and fulfill their rightful role seeing they have slipped so far from God, that a woman named Deborah is seen to stand out above all the cowardly men of that hour! Deborah stands out in a role of authority in judging Israel. Though God did not have any men of that hour who could stand up, he did have a woman which he used as a rebuke to manhood! People today, in order to justify the role of womanhood of this hour, takes such a setting as Deborah judging Israel back in that hour and say look, this incident proves God can use a woman! But I must come right back to these people who think that way and say yes, but please look at the condition in which Israel existed during an hour when God did do such a thing! That beloved is most important. It would definitely be a good idea for people to take a close look at prevailing conditions Israel and her leadership in that hour. It is in such a dark hour of apostasy when mankind is so weak they won’t stand up. God may use such a setting to rebuke their cowardice and weakness in failing to stand in their proper place. Then beloved once God does such a thing I ask you another question, are we to will and choose that such a pathetic condition always remain thus in the land in order that God would continue doing this (that is placing a woman in authority over men). No, beloved you would not desire such a pathetic condition remain in the land! This is where people get out of God’s will in such thinking. They think simply because God did something once in history this justifies their actions in believing he will do this again and again.
In the time of the Judges the Bible declares after the death of Joshua men began to turn from God, turning from God automatically means turning from his word. In an hour when the priesthood had become corrupt the word of God was no longer reverenced, respected or adhered to. In that hour, the Bible said, every man did what was right in his own eyes. He interpreted his own message, set up his own sacrifice, worshiped in any manner he chose but when the hour . came that God would raise up the Moabites or some other kind of “ite” to punish Israel for their apostasy and disobedience, he used such people to plague them or became a thorn in her flesh. There came that hour when Israel was so socially and religiously divided and even their Levite priesthood lived so far below the level of God that mankind could no longer hear from God. In such an hour as described God raised up a woman who was so sensitive to the will of God the Bible said she sat under a certain palm tree and judged all Israel. Judges 4:5 Although being referred to as a prophetess she never gave forth any long range prophecy. We find no prophecies recorded Deborah uttered which was to be fulfilled in our day such as you find under the ministry of Isaiah. Ezekiel and prophets of that nature.
What then made Deborah a prophetess? It was the fact her prophecies were something which dealt with present tense conditions! When social situations arose among the people, such problems as unjust dealings, stealing, falsehood and things of that nature, they brought to her these social present day conditions to be solved. She, being a prophetess, had the spiritual insight invested within her life by God wherein people desired to come to her that she might get an answer from the word of God concerning such things. Recall, Israel, socially, was living far below the level of God’s true order thus the poor people could not even go to the priesthood for help though they still had a priesthood.
Even the military situation of Israel was pathetically weak and cowardly. Judges 4:6-9 Israel had constantly been oppressed by the Assyrians, however the day came when God had purposed to deliver Israel from those long plagues of invasion and robberies. Through this little woman Deborah God sent word to Barak, a cowardly weak captain of Israel’s army. Barak is a picture of mankind in that day. Deborah’s words were “O Barak, knoweth thou not this day the Lord will deliver the Assyrians into they hands. Prepare to go to battle”. Look if you will at poor, cowardly Captain Barak! He. like so many rabbis and preachers and world leaders of today, said if you will go with me I will go but if you do not go 1 will not go! Such a statement alone shows Barak to have been cowardly and weak. The prophesies of God should have placed a backbone within him to replace his yellow streak, however it offered him no encouragement! He needed a crutch, the word of the Lord was not enough. Deborah, a woman, would have to be used as his crutch. See, it was positively an hour of apostasy. There was simply no leadership of men in Israel anywhere. God looked down upon a people who had slipped so far from his perfect word picture of order with disgust. Here stood a weakling and coward of a man who was head of the Israeli Army in this hour, who had heard the ‘word of the Lord and with enthusiasm should have commanded his troops FORWARD MARCH toward the Assyrians, instead sends word back to Deborah–I am not going if you do not go! V-9, Deborah assured cowardly Barak she would go, but God would not give him the victory–instead he would deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman and not the hand of a man. What a rebuke to mankind in that hour!
Well, what is she going to do? I am sure Deborah was not going out to carry a sword although for a moment lets pause and see one woman in history during the very Dark Ages who was known to carry a sword in battle. That woman’s name was Joan of Arc who, around the 12 Century, was used of God. A similiar situation had developed in Old Europe at a time when the Catholic Church fully ruled all the European states. Even their kings were subject to the loyalty of the church. England was trying to maneuver certain plots through church circles to get a complete sellout in France because England desired to take control of France. For many years France had lived in constant invasion by the English across the channel. Bear in mind the Catholic Church who was in power of all the European states during that dark apostate hour ruled France also. France had had many leaderships but all had failed. However a little girl born of Catholic background came on the scene who as a child began to have certain experiences, visions etc.. In these visions she would see incidences of things that were soon to be and all she saw would come to. pass. As she grew older, because of those visions it caused her to be lifted up among a certain realm of French people. These visions and dreams resulting in certain hap-penings to the country of France caused the leadership of France especially the military men to begin looking toward this woman as they knew the things she saw came to pass. Because of these certain things God would show her and she would tell the poeple not to do this or that, as often she in-formed the military men how not to• attack the enemy a certain way but do this or that and what she always told the military brought victory for France. However, later this became known unto the English people who worked through the church, accusing her of wit-chcraft. Because she would not repent of such-was eventually burned at the stake. Nevertheless the purpose of this is, like Deborah in the judges God also used Joan of Arc in a political and religious realm. It was an hour of great apostasy and once that period in French history passed France like Israel never produced any more Deborah’s or Joan of Arc’s! Why should women in France try to be another Joan of Arc all because God at one time in history had used one! You must realize what God may do out of the ordinary or permits in one hour does not necessarily mean he will ever repeat it again! France, like Israel during the time of the judges, was a nation in the very lowest spiritual state of apostasy. Seemingly in the dark apostate hour of Israel’s history God could not find a man who would step up in the ranks of leadership yet he found a little woman called Deborah. Watch closely as the period of Deborah and the Judges faded out. According to history we discovered God slowly begins to restore or lift Israel back up into a true word order and never used another Deborah. Furthermore realize in the Old Testament order the prophet never usurped authority in that capacity of the priesthood and vice versa.
However watch something as Israel passed through the period of the Judges, including Deborah’s reign and those most unusual types of situations such as where once even a bastard who under normal circumstances could never sit in rulership over God’s people, was also used in an hour of apostasy to Judge Israel (Judg. 11:1-10). Nevertheless when the hour came for God to begin to restore Israel back to a true word order watch what he does. Closing the period of the Judges we find the priesthood was so perverted that Eli and his sons were corrupt, and our story opens as a little woman named Hannah prayed so emotionally before God at the temple. Eli the priest thought she was drunken. Hannah wanted to bear a child and promised the Lord to give the child back to him if she conceived. A child named Samuel was born unto her who in later years would serve Israel as both priest and prophet, something never done in Israel when men walk in the true order of the word of God. God uses this one man Samuel to steer Israel’s course and destiny while he leads her out of the depths of apostasy back unto a true divine order of God’s word. Immediately following the closing out of Samuel’s period who has served Israel as both prophet and priest, a kingship is given to Israel and recall David, Israel’s second king, set the Levites back in their proper order. The separate offide of the prophet was set in motion and once again Israel began to function properly as she was lifted up spiritually into the great realm of God under David and Solomon and no more will you see women being used until we reach still another period of dark history much further down the line! ANOTHER APOSTASY Passing out of the Solomon era where the temple of God was erected, we go into a period recorded in 2 Chron. 34, a setting once again where we see Israel having slipped far, far below the standards of God’s words into the depths of deep apostasy seeing the priesthood who upheld the word had fallen away from its spiritual role. The house of God had become neglected and the Word of God was no longer a book which was continually reverenced. Israel – for quite a period of time had allowed their holy temple to be left unkept and unvisited as a place of worship seeing Israel now played the harlot on God by worshipping on different mountains and such things, 2 Chron. 34:3-8. Nevertheless, Israel had a young king to come on the scene named Josiah who desired to lift Israel back unto a revival. Josiah ordered God’s forsaken temple to be cleaned up and set back in order. To show how far Israel had slipped into a state of dark apostasy while the laborers worked on the temple verse 14 declares they found a discarded scroll. Discovering the scroll they brought it unto the king who desired it to be read unto him and trembled at what he heard. What does this remind you of? It shows once again how the priesthood had slipped far away from the things of God. Again the people had failed God. Josiah had never heard such truth in all his life and trembled upon his throne as he heard the curses of God read.
Down the street lived a spiritual woman named Huldah who was referred to as a prophetess, 2 Chron. 34:22-33. The king knew he could receive an answer there. No, his answer did not concern the coming Messiah nor was his question, when was all this going to be over—his question was simply this, I have heard the scroll read, what am I to do about it? The woman sends the young king back these words—thus saith the Lord, tell the man who sent you, that such and such will come against this city and she spoke of all the death and sorrow which would follow. However, because the king’s heart sought after God in respect and reverence for the answer to all this, God informed the king through the prophetess, this would all be spared from befalling the city in his lifetime, however after his death all these things would come. What kind of picture do we have here? Is it one where Israel is ordaining women to preach and they travel all over preaching in their synagogues and temple, Certainly not! Nevertheless, it lets me know God will and does use a woman in such a dark hour of apostasy! Therefore I can plainly say unto you whenever you see a woman anointed in any capacity within the program of God you can rest assured it is always because deep spiritual apostasy abides in the land and the people are always far from the true program of God not walking in any part of the light of his truth.
Therefore seeing it has already been prophesied by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thes. 2 that the last days would be a time of great apostasy you can not help but expect to see women as world leaders because (women in rule) only appear in the hour of great apostasy! What is it all an indication of? Satan has come into the world at the end of the age to deceive through a disguise of modern politics and theology, desiring to lift from off the feminine role a curse placed upon her before she left the Gar-den! Satan desires to lift this curse in his way before Christ comes at the end of the age and lifts it himself, setting everything back in its true proper order. Never forget, whenever you saw a woman in the Old Testament or elsewhere set-ting in the unusual capacity of rest assured over the man, you may assured somewhere something had gone into deep, dark apostasy, in an how that no one hardly followed after God.
Do you know what causes apostasy? It is the refusal to adhere to the Word of God. If you do not believe that, turn to Rev. 2:18-24 and hear what God told the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos to write unto the church at Thyatira, a city of Asia Minor wherein dwelt one of the seven churches whose spiritual fire of revival had originally sprung off the lighted revival fire while Paul was at Ephesus. However approximately 40 years or one generation has passed since that hour and we see this church, Thyatira apostatized and fallen from the original truths and what else do we see? They had a woman prophetess teaching in that church, seducing and deceiving God’s menservants to commit fornication with her! Furthermore, her own illegitimate children sat there in the same congregation!
God declared he would give her space to repent yet she would not. Because she would not repent he would cast her into a bed and those who would commit such things with her and also kill her children with death. That beloved was a natural situation which existed in the Thyatira Church in Asia Minor, one of the very churches some 40 years earlier that had been founded off the revelated truth of the Apostle Paul who we are reminded plainly instructed the gentile church in Timothy he would not suffer a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man! Yet because of apostasy look what was going on in Thyatira!
Remember beloved it is from a natural setting in these seven churches that you draw your spiritual application for each church age and Thyatira had the spirit within it that overshadowed the 4th Age when a woman (church) ruled the world throughout the Dark Ages for 1000 years! WALKING IN LIGHT Paul taught churches, who were walking in the light of God’s word, that women were not to teach nor usurp authority over a man. When the church obeyed the truth they observed this. How beloved could Paul teach one thing in one place and him be the apostle to the gentiles and God in another place justify people who will go out and do entirely contrary to the teaching of the apostle. If you will note in the Thyatira letter God had not justified the woman being in the place of authority.
Let’s take a close look at Paul’s life and see if he simply hated women; let’s see if there was any place in Paul’s life where a woman could approach him, discuss something – without him telling her to shut her mouth. In Acts 16 Paul has crossed into Grecian territory. On the Sabbath day he is seen walking along the riverside where certain Jewish women have resorted to pray. He and his companion have no doubt testifiea unto these Jewish women. Here Paul met a woman of the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple, named Lydia, Acts 16:14, who opened her heart unto the Lord. There must be something about this woman from Thyatira which made her an outstanding personality because as Paul preached, the scriptural account declareg Lydia of Thyatira approached Paul as she had believed on the things Paul declared, begging Paul to go home with her where her entire household was baptized, verse 15. Do not misunderstand me, I am not implying Lydia was that evil woman 40 years later in Thyatira who had taken over the church because apostasy reigned in that church. I do not know who that evil woman was!
In due respect to all Paul had declared, Lydia’s home along with all other women’s homes men-tioned in Rom. 16 no doubt became places where Paul and the other disciples lodged and was cared for much like in the days of Jesus. However by no means did this give Lydia any authority though she may have been an outstanding person. It never gave her authority to stand in the church and preach!
Let us show you the true picture of how God delegates his authority. On the day of Pentecost some 120 were in the upper room and all received the Holy Ghost. This anointing forced that 120 from the ,upper room into the streets of Jerusalem where they were speaking in other languages as the Spirit gave utterance. Here was God’s direct way of talking to thousands of Jews in the national language wherein they were born. Multitudes were hearing and understanding God perfectly through these tongues of testimony Sure. The women were also speaking in tongues although they were not preaching, they were not even thinking about preaching! Nevertheless God was manifesting his power and fulfilling his prophecy in Isa. 28:11-12 (through the 120) that with stammering lips and men of other tongues will I speak to this (Jewish) people. yet through all of this (speaking in other tongues) they will not believe! No, they certainly would not believe because when they had all finished speaking in these languages the old home bunch of Jewish critics declared, they are carrying on like this because they are drunk on new wine! Remember, it was one man’s voice who now rose above all the others speaking to all the Jews of all nationalities in the one language all Jews understand irregardless where they were born—the old mother language. Hebrew. Hear thee this you men of Judaea and all you that dwell in Jerusalem…No it was not the voice of a woman, it was the voice of a man—the voice of a man who shortly before had denied his Lord. Nevertheless when Peter finished speaking no woman stood up trying to usurp authority over the man saying. why does he not shut up, after all we know he denied the Lord! I can tell it much better than he! No doubt there were many people including women in that 120 who could have easily testified to what God had done for them but did that give any of them the authority to tell these Jewish men what to do–IT DID NOT! God ordained one man and though that one man had denied his Lord only a few days before, may I say after the Lord visited his servant Peter in Galilee as he promised and gave unto the disciples the great commission and Peter had gone to the upper room and received the Holy Ghost you never hear of him denying Christ anymore! Beloved, that same spirit causing Peter to pull forth a natural sword and cut off a man’s ear so quickly in the Garden caused him to quickly react to a statement these Jews made and pulled forth another sword (a sharp two-edged sword of the spirit) on the day of Pentecost and cut off some deaf ears as he said Hear this you men of Judaea and you that dwell at Jerusalem, these are not drunk as ye sup-pose…and began firing scripture from Joel at them! After completion of his sermon, the other 119 including the women stood by and instead of saying, why doesn’t he shut up, they were praising God because he was really pouring it on. Peter’s message saw 3000 Jews pricked in the hearts and approaching the little band of believers declared, men and brethren what must we do? Again it is a man’s voice who is heard to ring out saying, repent everyone of you and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). We know of three women who stood there that day and amened Peter’s message and throughout Peter’s life his voice rang over hills, rivers and the country side of Israel. Peter left a record and testimony among the Jewish people and although hundreds of people could have testified what the saviour meant to them, Nevertheless it was the words of Peter the church was established on, coming right on down to the gentiles and the Apostle Paul’s hour!
Throughout the Christian faith there were women blessed, who could testify what they saw the power of God do–whether at Ephesus, Corinth or some other place, yet whenever we hear the Apostle Paul correcting an issue or misusage of gifts, etc.. especially as the role of the women was at the Corinthian Church we hear him declaring, Brethren I would have you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of every woman is man and the head of Christ is God! That beloved is signed and sealed by the Holy Ghost throughout the gentile dispensation. It is the theocracy of God and just remember God will work no other way as long as the church is moving in his divine light and order and not in apostasy!
However we see in these last days the church passed through that long dark age of spiritual apostasy out through the route of Reformation which was a move of God to begin to pull people out of that apostate darkness and begin to release the chains of darkness from the cAurch to liberate and set her free from the powers of the dark ages in order to walk in the full light of God. The pathetic part about it is this.
Little by little, generation by generation passed as God was slowly bringing the church back on course whereby she might one day stand solidly on the revealed word of God. Each little movement in Protestantism came out just so far from all the spiritual darkness as it would only receive just so much light in that hour and there she stopped, organized and eventually fell back into darkness through her traditions and creeds! That movement, as it would go into denominational teachings, would reach out and engulf Multitudes who would be left to sit fenced in tightly and finally brought to spiritual starvation! What do you have–PROTESTANTISM because she would not move on in God through her better than 400 years is now falling back into the worst of all apostasy where you will once again see women (not a few but multitudes) coming into the place of authority in the last days as the great apostasy will sweep all religious protestant movements eventually into one world movement of church as the anti-Christ is brought in and produce the greatest deception into the church world and the dark, apostate churches will swallow it
Part 4 – – The Great Apostasy and Women’s Liberation
Because that great apostasy was coming, God did what he promised to do when he sent the spirit of Elijah again to turn the hearts of the end time children back to the early apostolic father’s teaching ( Mal. 4 :5-6) restoring them back to what Peter, Paul, James and John said. Did you notice in the scrip-tures there is no contradictions in the teachings of Peter and Paul as both men declared, HUSBANDS LOVE YOUR WIVES AND WIVES LOVE YOUR HUSBANDS! This was God’s plan since calling Abraham out of the land of the Chaldees when he set that image before the world between Abraham and Sarah and through Abraham’s seed. That same revelation was unfolded also in the gentile Christian church unto the gentile world! True Judaism in the Old Testament and true Christianity in the New Testament has never down graded women or en-couraged women to be at odds with men as the Women Liberationists have insisted it does! Buddhism and other types of pagan religions definitely did set women at odds as well as the Greek and Roman society however NOT TRUE CHRISTIANITY NOR TRUE JUDAISM!
Nevertheless because we are at the end of the age watch what satan has done beginning around the middle of the 19th Century. Shortly before the,turn of the 20th Century satan started a slow, yet ever increasing program among womanhood that would one day catch fire and liberate womanhood (as they call it), in other words give them equal rights in every respect with that of mankind. Around the middle of the 19th Century when the woman’s rights movement was a new phenomenon most men–probably most women too-were aghast at the horrors which awaited the nation if this strange idea of the women’s rights movement caught on. What do the leaders of the woman’s rights convention want, the New York Herald cried in 1850? “They want to vote and hustle with the rowdies at the polls; they want to be members of Congress and in the heat of debate subject themselves to course jests and indecent language…they want to fill all other posts which men are am-bitious to occupy, to be lawyers, preachers. doctors, captains of vessels and generals in the field…” Warming to his theme, the writer then expounded on how strange it would sound in the newspapers if all this did catch on and women did hold all these high offices, how comical it would be during a court trial, Sunday worship service, session of Congress all this being interrupted by female lawyers, ministers and senators giving birth to babies in the presence of their surprised colleagues.
We have seen the commission of U. S. Navy’s first woman admiral also woman general. airline co-pilots, women legislators and as women are crowding into the seminaries and moving increasingly into the ordained ministry of apostate religion, the number of women clergy has risen one-third in a decade to a current total of 6500 among the nations more than 3001000 clergy. It has not been easy, says Valeria Russell, executive director of the task force on women of the United Church of Christ, one of the first major denominations to ordain women, having some 350 women ministers, about 40 in pastorates among its 9,400 clergy. The United Methodist Church has 500 among more than
34,000 ordained personnel. Methodists have accepted women for ordination since the 1950’s. Now such denominations,notably Southern Baptist, the Lutheran Church in America and the American Lutheran Church began in the 70’s to allow women regularly into clerical ranks. And I am sure we haven’t forgotten the fuss over the ordination of 11 Episcopal women who became tired waiting upon their convention to decide whether or not they were going to accept women in the ministry, goes out and gets several church bishops to ordain without the church’s consent! Seminary enrollment, which was a rarity among women until recently, now amounts to about 10 per cent, 3360 women among 33,000 students in principal U. S. seminaries. In some of these seminaries 45-50 per cent of these seminarians are women. About 70 of the more than 200 protestant denominations in America, including most main-stream protestant bodies now admit women to the ordained ministry! Beside the United Church, the United Methodist. the Southern Baptist, the Lutheran Church in America, the American Lutheran churches, others include the United Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church U. S., Christian Church (disciples of Christ), American Baptist and many other smaller bodies. ( Associated Press Geo. Cornell.) CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL There was Congressional ap-proval of the Equal Rights Act now waiting to be ratified by the states, (30 approved, need 8 more) which is designed to end discrimination based on sex. It would invalidate current laws or practices favoring men such as with employment and the property rights. However it could also mean altering laws favoring women as well, for instance, it can subject women to the draft, make alimony available to either spouse in a divorce case and alter child custody laws which favor the woman!
Although those active it woman’s lib are endeavoring to put over on the politicians the illusion the American women want the Equal Rights Amendment, it is a falsehood because the majority certainly do not want “ERA.” In the Roper Poll 77 per cent of American women disagreed that women should have equal treat-ment regarding the draft; in the same poll 83 per cent disagreed that a wife should be the bread-winner if a better wage earner than husband. In the same poll 69 per cent of American women disagree that a divorced woman should pay alimony if she has money and her husband doesn’t. This is confirmation that the majority of American women do not want to be reduced to the level of equal rights.
What is behind this woman’s liberation movement as it appears that when it is completed it will have led to unisex rest rooms, rape will be rampant in unisex barracks, co-ed foxholes and as the women will then be on equal terms there are no laws against discrimination of women. We will be exactly where the communists want us! We will then be on the same level as Communist China and the Soviet Union whose laws do not discriminate against women! They allow their women to lay cobblestone, pour molten metal in foundries and seemingly they have already achieved the highest ultimate in liberation for their appearance is everything but feminine!
Had the American woman libbers received communist inspiration earlier their movement would have gotten an earlier start in this country and by this time womanhood would not be holding any of the high respect it once held among mankind in this country. Men long ago would have already forgotten how they once offered a seat to a lady on a bus and treating her in many respects as the weaker vessel, which the scripture says she is. She would not be a loving mother unto her children nor could she look forward to having a home with all the added American luxuries of life. She would have long since ceased to be that something man cherished and protected. And by now there would far fewer chauvinist pigs around as woman libbers refer to men. Their children would be wards of the state, marriage would be an unnecessary entanglement, the family would be non-existent and everyone would be for the cause of the communist or socialist state as the majority of all your paychecks would be going for this major purpose. A three room flat and television by now would be a luxury.! It is in Russia and China where the women are liberated.
Throughout this article we have stated that women have not been overlooked in the communistic drive to overthrow America. Not only have they worked to stir up racialism. not have they only worked among the young people to become dope addicts, to do their own thing and rebel against the American home to destroy it, they certainly have not overlooked the possibility of what can be done to further their cause through the American woman, because ac-cording to an article in t 971 in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner there was a list of several woman’s rights movements they are working through as follows-The Feminists (who reject marriage both in theory and practice), The Red Stockings (who want to write their own marriage contracts and decide who does the housework), the WRAP (woman’s radical action party), the Female Liberationists, the WITCH (woman’s international terrorist conspiracy from hell), and the NOW (National organization for women) which, as you recall, is the organization who burned the scriptures in 1972 in Maine.
Betty Friedan, credited through her book entitled THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE with reviving the feminist movement. originally called the woman’s strike at the conference of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Times Sept. 1970. And also is credited with receiving an audience with the pope at Rome to discuss the furtherance of the woman’s role in the Catholic Church (which we shall later discus) . Having called the burnouc strike thousands of women across the country turned out for the big demonstration of the woman’s liberation movement. The strike was on the 50th Anniversary of the Proclamation of t he Women Suffrage Amendment. As many as 20,000 marched in New York’s Fifth Avenue. A thousand marched down Connecticut Avenue behind “WE DEMAND EQUALITY” banners. Speeches and demon-strations were held throughout the day in other cities; more than a thousand men and women sym-phathizers attended noonday rally in Indianapolis where they watched Guerrilla Theatre. In Detroit Guerrilla actresses played out a woman’s place–she enters the world as sugar and spice looking forward to being daddy’s little girl, then becomes a newlywed who whistles while she works and ends up as an every day housewife whose world is cir-cumscribed by ring around the collar and who dreams only of winning daytime TV glory as queen for a day. The reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle called the strike “a day of infamy and shame” and urged his supporters to wear black armbands mourning the death of femininity.: In Los Angeles, HOW (happiness of womanhood ) members paraded posters proclaiming communism has done it again and woman’s lib is a society of man eaters. On rare occasions the women replied in bitter kind. male chauvinist better start shaking—today’S pig is tomorrow’s bacon! Betty Friedan declared after the strike “It exceeded my wildest dreams! It is now a political movement. The message is clear and the politicians are taking heed already! GOD A SHE? On Sunday before the famous woman’s strike for equality. Aug. 26, 1970, women demanded the pulpits of Boston churches be turned over to women. Some representatives of “Women’s Lib” in New York at a public rally ate apples while declaring that eve performed the first free act of conscious personal choice? In this way they are making several implications. 1. They imply that Eve was an intentional sinner, not a deceived sinner. 2. They plainly imply that they are condoning a willful act of sin, making themselves a party to that sin and guilty of it. 3. They imply that they believe Eve was a historical person. This belief is not held generally by people today.
Friedan, according to her article of McCall’s, Feb. 1974 says I preached a sermon at Arlington Street Church in Boston with Mary Daly, the Catholic theologian who wrote THE CHURCH AND THE SECOND SEX. It began to seem as if the theological debate of the 70’s might turn from “Is God Dead” to “Is God a He.” Women, says Ms. Friedan, who just use to cook the church suppers were demanding and winning the right to be ordained as ministers and sit as deacons on decision making bodies and be ordained as rabbis, etc.
A head on collision seemed unavoidable between women and the Catholic hierarchy on the issue of abortion. My most agonizing decision, says she, in my leader-ship of NOW (national organization for women) was to confront abortion in terms of the woman’s right to choose whether or when to have a child and to control her body according to her conscious. I knew this would cause terrible conflict for Catholic women and yet, says she, it had to be done! Already the Supreme Court in 1973 had interpreted the Constitution as guaranteeing the right of the female to choose, thus ending the medieval abortion laws in the states. The Catholic hierarchy mounted a campaign to amend the Constitution. It looked like war to the death with new directions coming from Pope Paul forbidding women to serve as altar girls: forbidding Catholics the use of the pill and birth control; forbidding priests to marry; forbidding nuns to change their habit and cloistered life and become part of the community as they were moving to do in America.
Despite the implacable statements from the pope, the recent synod of bishops meeting in the Vatican on “justice in the world” proposed that women should have their own share of responsibility and participation in the community life of society and likewise of the church. When the pope named a special study commission on the woman’s role in society and the church on May 3, 1973, it was composed of 25 people–13 of them being women. Ms. Friedan says I felt I had to speak to the pope personally concerning the woman’s new role in the church. Thus, two months before the commission was due to meet, in September she journeyed to Rome to seek audience with the pope. Father Francis X. Murphy in Washington provided her with necessary introductions to key personnel in the Vatican. Father Murphy had felt at this moment in history it might be a good idea for her to talk to the pope. If we do not give women control over their future we, said Father Murphy, will not have a future!
Working her way up through high ranking personnel of the Vatican says she, the only skirts I saw were worn by priests. Cardinal Pignedoli, secretary for non-Christians, who they say may be the next pope, said to her, I have nothing to do with women, I am only concerned with non-Christian-women are none of my business. Bishop Garnon, who is head of the Commission on the Family, seemed nervous and uneasy at her questions about women. Would it really make a woman free, give her more dignity, more responsibility, to give her liberties in these matters asked Bishop Ganon? Why are they so apprehensive, worried and concerned)?
Later it was explained to her by defrocked Dutch priest Marc Reuver who use to be Vatican spokesman for the English speaking world. Psychologically and theologically there is an attitude of fear and panic that the Vatican is no longer in control! Before, if the pope spoke everyone followed him, now according to the latest polls the majority of Catholics practice birth control but the real crisis of the Church, Friedan learned, is a crisis bet-ween the priests themselves seeing more than 13,000 priests left the priesthood between 196449. This fear is almost polarized around the issue of women and sex said Marc Reuver. They see the woman primarily as a threat to celibacy. since the 5th Century, the religious, the nuns were suppose to dedicate their whole life to the Lord. It is easier to keep them under control married to the Lord. If priests marry and have to support families it will change completely the whole financial situation of the church. said Reuver. If nuns are no longer the bride of the Lord. they will have to be paid more. That is what is in back of the fear of sex and women too. And if women take control of their own bodies and live according to their own conscious being preached to them through woman’s liberation throughout the world, can they so easily be told what to do by the priest any longer. continued Reuver, who married his assistant in 1971 and is now the general secretary of the IDOC, a worldwide communications network trying to revitalize the church. To make a long story short Friedan, who is not a Catholic herself, asked how to act in the presence of the pope at her meeting and was told to just kiss the ring on his hand etc. Later she was granted an audience with the pope.
Going into the Vatican to see the pope Friedan says, in the back of my mind those words came through the ages saying the voice of women cannot be heard in the church! I could hear Paul’s words echoing, said she, how if a woman had a question, to ask her husband at home! St. Cements’ words echoed in her ears–every woman ought to be overcome with shame with the thought she is a woman. Reaching the spot of her audience with the Pope, standing behind people who were bowing their heads and kissing the ring her time soon came and she stood face to face with the pope, the highest in the Catholic church. Presenting him with a symbol which resembled a cross she said I brought it in hope and expectation that the Catholic Church is going to come to profound new terms with the personage of woman and when this happens the church and Judeo-Christian tradition which has been a force holding woman back for many centuries will become a force for the liberation for women.
Through an interpreter the pope answered, we want you to know it will not be a radical approach because the church has always upheld the dignity of women. It is not a question of radical your Holiness. said she, when the church comes to terms with the full personhood of woman as it h as with the personhood of man many problems that have long oppressed women and is now tormenting the church will be seen in a different light and can be solved. I know that during your papacy more has been done to give a woman a voice than in 1900 previousyears, BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH! So I hope the commission on the role of women will remove all barriers to the fullest equality of both society and the church which is of an enormous importance to women who are not Catholics %as well as Catholics all over the world. The pope again stated that the church has always upheld the dignity of women and now it was going to study the situation of women. not only in the family but at work and all fields of society so that woman could really develop according to their aspirations and play their proper role.
The following day after the audience with the pope she met various Mother Superiors and others in the Vatican who are concerned that the church this year make a real breakthrough in the participation and personhood of woman and -not just a token statement of pious intention! Teresa McLeod, Mother Superior of Regina Mundt a school training 300 women theologians throughout the world, will be one of the 13 women to sit on this conference. Just getting women there to making decisions about everything that concern us instead of just celibate men will inevitably bring the church to new theological terms to the personhood of woman. Elizabeth Farians calls all this ‘the second coming,’ says she–through the coming of women we will become finally human because we will accept the so-called feminine principle in our own nature. That is, the masculine and feminine in each of us will be harmonized and balanced. Each of us will be free to be herself,we will reflect the image of God in individualized ways. The coming of women will be the final humanization of the species. Men and women will relate to each other truly for the first time. Women will no longer be used as breeders, tolerated only as mothers and when woman define themselves as persons in human society the population will be controlled, the ecological balance restored and war will end! The future ministers of the word will shout the good news—THERE IS A MOVEMENT AND THERE IS A COMING OF WOMAN!
As I stated earlier, the modern apostate church world did not instigate woman’s liberation although the modern protestant church realm, from the turn of the 20th Century, had in various religious circles accepted the role of women in the pulpits to usurp authority over man. Some women can preach just as good as men, I am not arguing that point! Nevertheless it does not change God’s book! I would ask any woman who wants to argue about it, what are you trying to prove, are you saying you are willing for the gentile church to remain in apostasy forever and ever in order for you to have a role in authority and in order to try and justify that kind of attitude? Or, my dear friend, are you willing for God to take the situation and bring it back to where he wants to? Remember their attitude is, because God used a woman here and there through centuries of time he is simply duty bound to continue on to do the same, never realizing that somewhere on the scene God will change the order of events and pull the church out of apostasy! Because beloved he is going to bring a church out of all this spiritual, darkened apostasy of modernistic Babylonian religion and bring out of it a true people to make up a bride church which shall return to the scriptural teachings of the Bible! WORLD ABOLISH LIB? Does this mean the world will change and abolish woman’s liberation which seemingly today is spreading throughout the world? Absolutely not! By the time the Lord gets his church weeded out of all this rotten darkened mess of Babylonian confusion and gets her founded back on the true, revelated word of God and gets her all washed up and dressed in the true revelation of life and by the time she is ready to go to the marriage supper this religious world both protestantism and catholicism. along with all the other isms will by then he apostate and completely sold out to the devil! The world is shaping for the end.
Often I am asked the question, do you think it is wrong for the women to work? I realize that the devil today has gotten every thing harnessed up so high that in many cases the woman does have to work. however if the working woman does not have to work in order to meet the bills of the home. I feel she is absolutely out of the will of God to do so! Do you agree with me or had you rather I go contrary to Paul’s statement when he said he would the young women marry, bear children. and be keepers of the home! I can not go contrary to the book! Today more than 33 million American women work. Almost 2 out of 5 poor families are headed by a woman. Nearly two-thirds women workers are single, divorced, widowed, separated or married to men earning less than $7,000 per year. There are more than 8 times the figure of working mothers with children under 18 than was working in 1940. Today the number is 12.7 million. In 1972 there were 4.4 million working mothers with children under six. Every woman working who does not have to can easily be taking a job some man may need to feed and provide for his family. Today as women struggle to prove their equality or superiority over man in every field, it must be remembered that all women can not succeed against men in legislature, ministry, doctors, lawyers, etc, therefore, some must attempt to show their superiority in crime.
The records show that women make better criminals than men and they are far more dangerous says a prominent psychiatrist. F.B.I statistics cited show almost 1 in every 5 serious crimes is committed by a woman. You no longer need muscle, says Dr. Leon Salzman, you need finer, more sensitive skills and women have those skills more so than a man. A woman’s capacity for planning is better and she is more aware than the conventional criminal. According to Dr. Salzman professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein Medical School in N.Y. adds another startling fact, women are ordinarily just as violent as men and are capable of the most brutal actions and if they are challenged about their equality, such as some one might say “Come off it lady”, then they become much more dangerous and the end product is far more devastating than if it was a man! A woman does not have the same physical capability as a man therefore she must resort to different methods. Instead of pinching or hitting you over the head, she is more likely to shoot or knife you. On the F.B.I. most wanted list, four are women. During the ten years between 1960-70, F.B.I. figures show female arrests for major crime rose 200.6 per cent compared to an increase of 72.7 for the same period among men. In California women preformed 60 per cent more robberies in 1970 than they did in 1960. In Denver they were arrested for nearly 5 times as many burglaries as 10 years ago. In Detroit arrests of women possessing illegal weapons have climbed 1255 per cent!
Dr. Salzman said throughout America, women are committing serious crimes; they murder, mug, assault and are the primary maimers and killers of children and they are turning to the every day business of crime–planning and maliciously carrying out that plan. They have become brains behind operations, never afraid to use violence as part of their plans. Women, said he, have always been capable of violence but it has been suppressed because of their dependent role but now the women’s liberation movements have opened all the avenues that were traditionally man’s domain. Once woman turns to crime she feels the need to prove herself and this makes her even more dangerous! She may be placed in a position where someone will not take notice of her simply because she is a woman and that person could end up dead. A woman does not allow for failure and when she moves into crime she is likely to be very successful.
1969 saw American women invade strongholds long sacred to men but that is only the beginning, says the women’s liberation movement, of what we expect to accomplish in the coming decade! No sooner did this woman’s liberation begin in the industry than that spirit jumped off on modern protestantism and it wasn’t long every church council was having to spend more time discussing women’s role in the church than anything else! Churches which at one time said no to women preachers are now having to back up and say yes! Do you know why? Because these religious movements are no longer of God bat ,,f the world! They took like the world and furthermore they will no longer adhere to truth! They back off from every biblical issue of scriptural truth and vote the whole thing in on their convention floors or churches to fit the pattern of the worldly pictures as to what is being accepted in ,modern society! Therefore as womanhood steps out of the home and into the assembly lines of the plants and stands beside those degenerate men, hearing all kind of filthy vulgarness, sooner or later if she is not a woman who has any respect for herself, to keep from blushing she will begin talking and acting just like they do! Moreover as the church world sees what is going on in the secular world, they begin opening their pulpits. Here comes a little teenage Bible student wearing her cloak to stand behind the pulpits, that sacred place of authority to lead both men and women down the road to eternal life but instead, unbeknowings to her, about all she is doing is helping to lead the whole religious program into the great deception and the arms of the anti-Christ!
BACK TO THE WORD A few years ago anointed prophet stood in this land declaring saints, get back to the word. Come out of her my people! Women get out of the pulpits! If you want to be in the bride of Christ get out of those pulpits and get back where you belong and begin dressing up your life in the word of God. God ,made you as a help meet, not someone to boss over men in any respect! No beloved, no way scriptural in this age can the woman who is referred to as the weaker vessel, ever be equal with her head, the man.
Jesus as the God man, a man of human flesh was so full of God he simply would not do anything contrary to the father’s will. Because the man Christ was willing to be only what the eternal spirit wanted him to be as he would accept no other thoughts than those which he was suppose to speak. Yet concerning that same Jesus who Paul declared in the Corinthian letter that God was the head of Christ after his godly obedient life had passed the scene. declares in Phillipians these words, ‘who being in the form of man thought it not robbery to be equal with God.’ There beloved is equality! Equality because of simple obedience seeing he would do nothing contrary to the will of Jehovah–not contrary to the will of the first person-but nothing contrary to the will of the Holy ,Spirit. If man is the head of woman and Christ is to be the head of man and if man can so live before God in such a way he can seek to glorify God in every respect of life while living here, I want you to know he will be extremely sensitive as to how he conducts himself. If man lived godly as Christ set an example. he is going to continually say, Lord, not my will but thine be done. If man will live before God, allowing the spirit of God to be his headship he will find an inward feeling and desire to so live and conduct himself to never want to displease the spirit of the heavenly father and that woman whose head will always be man to whom she is tied won’t be sitting around trying to think up ways to get out from under her head! She won’t be like many modern church going women who simply won’t allow man to tell her anything declaring Jesus is my head. NO SISTER, YOU ARE WRONG! THE BIBLE DOES NOT SAY THAT, THE BIBLE SAYS THE MAN IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE YOUR HEAD AND CHRIST WILL ALWAYS BE MAN’S HEAD AND NO POWER ON EARTH CAN EVER CHANGE THAT!
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