As I stepped in the door last week, a certain Brother handed me a tape of something that had been taped from the radio down around New Orleans, somewhere down in that direction. It is pertaining to an interview with Dr. Malachi Martin. I heard things on that tape that made me realize, We Gentiles are moving very fast toward a point in time when world events are coming about so rapidly, it is absolutely going to catch society sound asleep. The world in general is looking for some kind of solution; something that will calm the storms and conflicts of everyday life, hold back recession and insure world peace, no matter what the cost. The world in general will accept anything the devil throws at them, that in any way appears to be the answer to what the world needs. With all of this churning in my mind, I went to my filing cabinet to look for another item I had there and came across an envelope in which were a lot of other things that had been sent to me. In that envelope, I saw this brochure that was sort of like a religious item. As I began to look through it I noticed that it is published by Southworth Radio Church. I believe its address is, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. When I read this, I discovered that it was about the same thing that is on that tape and they are from different directions of the States from here; yet it is all about what the man has said in certain interviews with the two different preachers. Of course, realize preachers in the last forty years, in certain church circles, have tried their best to tell the world that the pope is the antichrist, but with little success. Many times their sermons have been counteracted by these big TV or radio preachers who will thumb around the issue and throw out hypothetical statements that would make you wonder, Is he actually saying the pope is it, or what? I have a large book that was just given to me; printed by Pat Robertson, titled, “The New World Order.” I was looking through it. I am telling you, he has done some rigorous research in the realm of economics as well as politics that is absolutely brain bobbling, just to see how the financial element of humanity in our nation and throughout the world for that matter, is planning some type of diabolical economics plot that will coincide with the introducing of this New World Order. Yet, Pat Robertson does not believe the pope is the antichrist. We are living in the best educated hour of humanity the western world has ever known; so it just proves that your earthly education, when it comes to spiritual understanding, is not worth a dime. That kind of understanding can only come to us by the Spirit of God. I would not care if this entire building was sitting full of doctors of divinity with all kinds of degrees in theology. I would still say, anyone who trusts their soul’s salvation to such as that is completely ignorant concerning the plan and purpose of God. If you are only interested in making money in this life, then trust in your education and go after it. If your ultimate purpose is to make it big in politics, do likewise. Go after education for all you are worth. However, if you have any kind of hunger for the word of God in your soul, you are going to have to humble yourself in the sight of God and depend upon Him. Your education will not help you in that way. I am not against education; I am only trying to make it clear to some who may hear this, that their degrees of education will not influence the great Creator in the least bit. The rich and educated have to come to God the same way as anyone else. That is what Jesus was pointing out in Matthew 19:23-24, when he said to His disciples, “Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Why? Because God requires first place in our lives; and those whose mind dwells on riches, fame, education and many other things, find it hard to submit to the kind of attitude and conduct the Spirit of God will tolerate and deal with. On the other hand, those who have learned to put God first, can be trusted to handle all of this. God does not object to His children having any of this world’s resources, just as long as they know how to use them. Nevertheless, Satan is setting the stage for one of the greatest mass deceptions of the human race that has ever been manifested in the history of the world. What I am going to read to you from this little pamphlet is about this man Dr. Malachi Martin. It will tell who he is. “Malachi Martin is reputed to be the most informed person in the world in the field of economics and politics as relating to ecclesiastical interests. He is especially informed about current religious and political affairs in Europe. Dr. Martin has served in the Vatican. He has been a friend and adviser to the last four popes and he is a prolific author. (Listed here, are the titles of certain books he has written.) Dr. Martin sees a super man coming to the forefront in the New World Order before the year 2000. He so stated on our program. However, this Vatican insider without fear or compromise, boldly proclaims that Pope John Paul II will be the ecclesiastical and theocratic emperor of the new Holy Roman Empire that will arise out of Europe. In fact, Dr. Martin gives the pope credit for coining the phrase, the New World Order. He predicts that Europe will bring in world government under the leadership of Pope John Paul. Dr. Martin enforces his own understanding of the developing New World Order out of central Europe and the pope’s role in it, by relating it to the so called miracle of Fatima.” The word Fatima is a woman’s name. She was the daughter of Mohammed the Great, the man that started the religion of Islam, the religion that is so prominent in the Middle East. When the Moors, which were the Moroccan people, between the 8th and 9th century, I believe, after the whole of North Africa had been brought under the spell of the Islamic belief, this name Fatima had been carried along as a name to be honored and respected by the oncoming generations of Islamic people. Sort of like we would do politicians or military statesmen, and such. We name a park or something after them as a memorial. That is how her name was passed on down through the centuries by the followers of Mohammed. As the Moors, or Moroccan people of North Africa crossed into Spain, (secular history will tell about it, how Spain and France became almost overrun by the Islamic armies, coming out of North Africa.) they penetrated as far as France; but the northern Spanish and the French were able to repel them. Finally the Islamic people settled in the areas of the old capital of Spain. (I am quoting from my own knowledge of history and having been there, not what this pamphlet is telling. I just want to give you an insight concerning this name Fatima.) Finally, in 1492 when Columbus, sailing under the Spanish flag was discovering the new world, the Jews and Moors were expelled, releasing their hold in the Spanish societies after they had lived there for several centuries of time. However, there was a place now named Fatima, named after the daughter of Mohammed. She was married to an adopted son of Mohammed, which according to history, was Mohammad’s nephew. Mohammad took in and adopted him and later gave him his name. His name was Ali. He gave him his daughter Fatima, to wife. This Mohammad Ali then, as he continued on in the steps of (we will say) his uncle, as well as his father-in-law, and founder of the Islamic belief, had two wives. The one named Fatima and another by the name of Ayesha. As the Moors from Morocco invaded Spain and Portugal, cities and sights were named for this noted person. At that place in 1917 on May 13th, 1917, while we were involved in a European war called World War I, the Russians were involved in a Bolshevik revolution. The Catholic portions of Europe were startled to see it go under what is known as Communism. Three children in the Fatima area had reported a visitation by the virgin Mary. On the 13th day of the month, for several months thereafter, supposedly, Mary talked with the children and gave them instructions. Again according to the story, Mary told the children a great miracle would occur at Fatima on October 13, 1917, at high noon. The news media reports indicated 7,500 faithful met as instructed on that day. It had rained. It was raining as noon approached. Suddenly as the story continues, the clouds parted. The rain stopped and a huge spinning wheel emitting various colors of light danced over their heads. Observers said they thought the wheel was the sun changing its colors and moving down toward the earth. The plunging object or the sun, continued toward the crowd until it appeared they would all be killed. Many fell on their knees crying out that the end of the world had come and began pleading for deliverance. The spinning object veered off suddenly and a rush of wind swept over the crowd drying out their clothes and also the ground. The Catholic faithful still believe strongly in the Fatima incident. In any event, the only reason for mentioning it is that the third edict, (or we will say the third item that Mary was supposed to have discussed with these children) was supposed to be something to do with communism in Russia, an evil system that would persist until Russia was dedicated to Mary by a future pope. Now listen to this. On May 13th, 1981, the same day of the month Mary was reported to have first come to Fatima, John Paul II, the present pope of the Roman Catholic Church, was critically wounded by bullets from an assassin’s gun. This Malachi Martin states on page 627 in a book he is the author of, titled, “The Keys of This Blood,” that Pope John Paul II saw exactly what the people saw on October 13, 1917. Martin also says that the pope that was wounded, the one who is pope at this present time, dedicated himself to fulfilling the third edict or that particular something that was definitely designed concerning Russia. Delivering Russia from godless atheism and dedicating it to Mary was what has happened in Russia lately and with Gorbachev coming to Rome, (Most of you will remember when Gorbachev went to Rome) anyone could see that something was on the move. He was to meet President Bush on a cruiser anchored offshore, where the two heads of state were to have a meeting about how they would negotiate and bring about the dismantling of a lot of our nuclear weapons. I remember it showed a picture of Gorbachev and this pope with their faces real close together. I thought, a head of state coming from an atheistic country, why did he not go and greet the Archbishop of Canterbury or the head bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church? It all goes to show that the pope of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is a world figure to be reckoned with in the last days. He knows it, and little by little the politicians of the world are finding it out. Also, the devil knows it. (I will continue reading from this article.) “Pope John Paul II, is patiently waiting for the appointed time when a potent Mary in vision, similar to Fatima, will occur, witnessed by all the world amidst engulfing chaos. The vision will authenticate the pope as leader of the planet in this decade. Dr. Martin has also revealed startling information on radio shows, within the past six months. The point Martin makes is that John Paul has been assigned by destiny, the role of moral and spiritual leader of the planet, on a geopolitical level.” I am thankful for what other preachers have endeavored to do, collecting information like this. It is too bad they do not know what to do with it after they get it. They get hold of information like this and when they try to describe the picture in the Bible, they will hit and miss and sooner or later bypass the main issue. I trust we can put a picture together that will allow the people of God to see what is coming down the road. I have another book that I will refer to, not a secular history, but a Church history written by Rev. John Marsham more than a hundred and fifty years ago in 1835. What really digs me as I read in this history all about the Catholic Church and the reformers, and the conflicts and spiritual battles they fought, is how our modern, educated clergy of today fail to accept some of these things for what they are. The men who wrote here, their names are mentioned, how they were treated, how they lived under the power of the papacy. They struggled to gain freedom from that old system. They are witnesses of how the papal system controlled, not only the political and economic, but also the spiritual and social affairs of mankind. Every aspect of society was controlled by the Vatican; and those men exposed it. Then our twentieth century group of educated doctors of divinity close their eyes to these writings and hypothetically probe out here and project this and that, implying that those men were ignorant and unlearned and did not know anything about what they talked about. God would not have let those men suffer the things they did, just to turn right around here in the end time and discredit what they said, what they did, and how they prevailed. I also have another history that will substantiate not only Fatima, but also the emperor Constantine. The things I intend to use in this message may sound to some like mass hysteria. It is Satan at work. There is such a thing as mass hysteria. You believe a certain thing long enough, you can dream about it; but what I am about to show you in this message is as real as anything you will ever have to face. We are not dealing with mass hysteria. We are dealing with reality. Satan has the stage set and his traps baited.

We have given this message the title, “The Wounded Head,” but I am also giving it a subtitle, “The Seven Keys That Unlock The Picture,” so that spiritual people can see that it is an incontestable fact that the pope is the man to watch. He is the only man today that is even entertaining ideas about being at the head of anything on a world wide scope. One thing sure, he is not a man that is elected by society. He is elected by the cardinal body of the church. Society did not choose the man for the office; but once the office was established, it has been the devil that chooses the particular man to fulfill a certain role. I have all these histories on Constantine, Mohammad, Fatima, and they are not the product of mass hysteria; nor of a man losing his mind. These manifestations of what is supposed to be the virgin Mary have been brought about by the devil. When he sees society in a certain state of thinking, he always knows exactly what instrument to use. As that vessel yields to this spirit, out of that comes something that begins to affect and control a mass of people. The end results will always bring confusion; but while it is in the making, it looks like the answer to a lot of the world’s problems. Five hundred years before the advent Christ, Buddha had the same kind of manifestation this pope is supposed to have had. As we go along in this message, I will read to you from the page that tells about the experience he had. As he looked upon conditions in India and saw society beginning to suffer and saw how people were affected by their conditions, it caused him to begin to think. Well, when this spirit hit him and he saw in this vision, a vision that was supposed to have shown him what to do, he left his wife who had just given birth to a baby boy, to go forth into the world and begin to present himself to this spirit for direction. He became the progenitor of a religious ideology. By the time the advent of Christ had come, it had spread itself throughout the whole Oriental world. That is why when you go to Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, wherever you go there are temples to Buddha. My wife and I have been where he started his teachings. Outside a certain small city in India, up a canyon, is 27 caves, where he started. In these caves are paintings portraying scenes of the society of his followers. Some of the scenes show them in festivities, feasting in their music, their dance. All these works in 27 caves. They are memorials to his origin and spiritual beginning. Keep in mind, it was not the produce of mass hysteria. It was the product of a trick of Satan; because it later created confusion. Also, here is the book on Islam. He started by having a similar vision that caused people to believe in him. Out of that came a religion that once it spread throughout the Orients, Buddhism and the Islamic religionists fought each other. Then later in the Christian era, when Catholicism had penetrated to those same regions, they all three fought each other. What am I saying? It is confusion. That is why I said the other night, Buddhism adopted prayer beads. Islam adopted prayer beads and so did Catholicism. There is no scripture in the Bible that should make anyone feel that we are to carry around beads or crosses that somehow is going to help us in our daily walk and our meditation with God. This may look good to a mass of people, because people sometimes are spiritually lazy; but there is not one ounce of spiritual benefit to any of it. This is just something they accept as a substitute, rather than actually getting on their knees and praying like the prophets and saints of old did. It is a lot easier just to sit and thumb a bunch of beads through your fingers while speaking rehearsed and repetitious words someone has taught you to use; but the Spirit of God is not moved by them. Think of it saints; they call this praying. Or they will set a candle in a window or at a grave, as though that would be something God will honor. God is not moved by that kind of ritual; He had given us enough intelligence to know how to talk to Him, if we are His children.

I want us to go to the book of Daniel. We will look at a man that walked with God some five hundred years before the advent of Christ. Daniel was a prophet. He had been carried away into captivity as a young man. He was somewhere in the area of ancient Babylon at the time of this vision, or dream. I was just reading in a history the other day, that the old ruins of Babylon is some forty miles downstream from the city of Baghdad. When we look at this past ware we were involved in, the headquarters of that mad man Hussein is in Baghdad. Did you know in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th centuries, along through there, after the Islamic religion had spread over the whole Middle East, Baghdad was the great metropolitan capital of Islamic religion? It tells how its streets were lined with all kinds of offices and buildings, emissaries from various nations, carrying on a relationship through the Islamic influence. It was all centered in Baghdad. We hear the term today, the Shiite, but we hear very little about the Sunnites. The Shiite is Islamic, and the Sunnites are all the development of what happened in the striving. As I stated, in the history I was referring to, Ali was given this daughter of Mohammed the Great to wife, and her name was Fatima, but he also had another wife whose name was Ayesha. I pronounce it that way. There are probably doctors of divinity that would correct me if they hear this, but let them help themselves. Somehow or other he was supposed to have loved Ayesha more than he did Fatima; but because the people had a great attraction to Fatima, it created a division. Ayesha began to influence certain men that were associated around Ali. Later, after Ali’s death, and because of her influence, the leadership became divided. From that division, which all started from this other wife’s influence on certain men who were in competition, each wanting to be the Caliph, which is like a bishop. It settled to two men. Then the rivalry started and it is still going on today. You have the Shiites and you have the Sunnites. All of that is recorded in history. It is all in those books. I am not talking off the top of my head. I am telling you what the books say, because you are living in a day you hear the term Shiite. The Iranians are under that. I wonder how many of you saw in the news last week, the Iranians came with a new postage stamp? It shows a picture of a child throwing a rock through a window; and the window has the star of David on it. You know who that is aimed at. Well, Israel is still God’s chosen people; and it is just about time for Him to show this world of unbelief that what is written in the Bible is still true today. She will be fully restored. Anyhow, what I want us to do now is go into the 7th chapter of Daniel where we will read about this last world beast that was to be brought into existence, the beast that was to go off through time and was to be the last system ever to rule the world. Other preachers have the Bible and they have access to histories; but somehow they get hung up on trying to follow the progression of that old beast system right on through time. We are going to read the background of this fourth beast; because it is understanding the background of it, that really gives us the basis and the foundation of what we are looking at today. Then we will watch it coming through time, as we see it recorded in history. (Dan. 7:7) Daniel said, “After this, (after he had seen the other three beasts that preceded this one) I saw in the night vision, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth.” Let us stop right there for a little explanation. Iron teeth. What does this signify in the progress of man? You hear much when you read history about the Bronze Age. Then we go from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Keep this in mind though, for it is notable that in the earlier empires, man’s knowledge as to how to bring iron in, melt it, mold it, and tool it into something useful was slow coming about. It took time for man to acquire the knowledge of that particular metal. That is why prior to that, man’s means of making his utensils was mainly from pottery clay. Your archaeologists have proved that. When mankind began to leave the stick type wood and bow and arrow, he was coming into a time when he began to learn how to make what he needed out of bronze, which was a step of progress as far as a harder material. That gave him something he could sharpen. You cannot very successfully sharpen a wood tool. They were very limited. Once bronze came into the picture, mankind had improved himself a great deal. In process of time though, man began to search for something more durable and eventually came to the knowledge of how to obtain and use iron. That is why I stopped reading right there after iron teeth. When we come to the time in history that Rome comes in as this world beast system, man had learned by then to make his weapons, tools and all such as needed to be made of a durable substance, out of iron. It then became a common item. Coming to the time that Rome really ruled the world, iron was in swords, spears and just about everything. I have been there. I have seen a lot of what they had. When you go into their museums you see all sorts of things. They have an item they called a bow gun. The whole thing is made out of iron. A bow gun is a short thing like a small gun; but on it is a bow, and it is of tempered metal, like spring steel. They pull that string back and launch the missile in a slot. They lay an arrow with a sharp iron spear on it in a little groove, and that thing will drive it right through wood and everything. Bow guns, there are small ones and large ones. That is why I say, when the Iron Age came, it was portrayed right here, in this Roman system. Iron was used for nails. Iron was used for hammers, for spears, for tires on wooden wheels of carts and so forth. That is why it (the fourth beast) was pictured to Daniel as having great iron teeth. The iron that is portrayed there also portrays the strength of this kingdom and how it was going to treat its conquered subjects as it ruled over them for a period of time. (Notice as we read) “It devoured (consumed) and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue (meaning the remnant) with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.” When Daniel had this dream or vision, keep in mind, Rome was not yet in power. Just let me give you a little history of Rome and its origin. Histories will all tell you Rome was founded by two orphan brothers. (Naturally, this is legend. I am only quoting legend; but this is how it is recorded.) Two orphaned brothers that somehow or other were discarded to perish out in the wild, were adopted by a female wolf that came along and showed sympathy for them. Do you believe that stuff, Bro. Jackson? No. But there are thousands of others that do. That is how it is recorded in history. They nursed from the breast of this female wolf. How do you know? Go with me to Rome, and in front of the old capital building you will see for yourself just what is pictured there. There is a giant, bronze wolf on the left hand side of the steps as you go up to the capital building. There stands this bronze wolf and squatting underneath her reaching up to nurse, are two little bronze boys. As they grew up, they began to be instruments for the gathering of various people from out of the wild. As time went on, (we are talking in the proximity of eight hundred years before Christ) this place, in this legendary story that forms a backdrop, began to be a village. Later it became a center. On and one, time brings about the gathering together of cut throats, robbers, bandits, all kinds of misfits of the Mediterranean coastline areas, that were trying to flee the places where they were under some type of kingdom. They began to flee further west, and Rome began to be a drawing factor for them. Rome became the center of all activity. Out of that came a people. It grew and grew; and by the time we come into 200 B.C. Rome is now a powerful city situated on the peninsula of Italy. That is why we have these various charts with the word Rome; because Rome is the name of this last beast system that was to rule the world. The reason I lay so much emphasis on that, is because this fourth beast is a city empire. When I say a city empire, it is identified by that. The whole system of the empire is named after Rome, a city. Your other empires, the Persian and the Grecian, were territorial, or people empires. You do not find it mentioned in those empires that a certain city stood out as the capital. Babylon was a city empire; but time left there long ago. Rome was a city empire; and since it was the last beast to rule the world, this establishes the face that when preachers today want to try to interpret Revelation 13 and such by spiritualizing the whole thing they are missing the mark. Once this Roman beast came into existence to fulfill its allotted time, the scriptures bear out the undisputed fact that it will continue to the very end, to the coming of Jesus Christ. In fact it would live and exist the longest of any of the other empires that very preceded it. It is also a fact, that from revelation 13 we can now see clearly that this Roman name, this place that is built on seven hills, is more and more becoming the world’s focal point for some kind of leadership. It is no longer a great secret. It is being proclaimed by men of high standing in the Roman system. For the answer for all the problems of the world, most all eyes, minds, and attention are definitely looking toward Rome. Whether directly or indirectly, the end result is scripturally obvious; Rome will be the focal point. People cannot understand how that can be; but I see the whole picture very clearly. It is also a fact when we read Revelation 13, that in the last days, as Rome comes back into preeminence to finish out the beast picture and the coming of the Lord, the territories of the other three beasts which were Babylon, Media-Persia, and the Grecian, will be incorporated into this one beast, to participate in the political, economic and trade structure of this thing; yet Rome will be the brains directing it all. Let us go on and read this, then we are going to go into some other writings about this beast. As he saw the ten horns, in verse 8, he says, “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” In other words, here is how we have to look at this: We all know, that when an animal is born, such as a goat, a lamb, a cow, elk, deer, that type, they are not born with horns. Yet, they are born with the potential, that eventually growth and maturity will produce horns on their head’s. That is how we have to look at what Daniel saw concerning this fourth beast. He saw it rise up out of the sea. We can say then, He saw the body, he saw this giant head, and how it had iron teeth; but as he watched it, the ten horns did not just emerge there all of a sudden. As it began to move off in time, as related to time wherein Rome would be empire, ten horns began to make their appearance. If you watch one of these animals, that is how you will observe it. One day you see it and it has no horns but another day there is a little button-like knot there where the horn is developing. A calf and a deer are the same way. After awhile it is no longer a button. It is a little spike. After a while, that little spike begins to take on the formation that lets you see for sure it is going to be a horn. That is what Daniel was looking at. He watched as it moved away in time. As he watched he said, “I considered the horns,” plural. That is why we have up here on our chart ten horns; but we also have in blue, a mystical horn coming right up in the midst of the other horns. The ten, are political horns; but the other little horn is an ecclesiastical horn. That is why it is not properly referred to as the eleventh horn; simply because it is not a political horn.

In these prophecies of the scriptures, HORN speaks of a power, an authoritative power; and that is exactly what the POPE of the Roman Catholic Church became, a power to be reckoned with. It is the same with the heads. When Daniel first saw the beast, it did not have seven heads. The one head it did have was the ruling authority of the old line of imperial CAESARS, of which Nero was the last. The seven heads the apostle John saw on the same beast Daniel saw 10 horns on, were seven forms of rulership other men established to try to replace the form of imperial succession the first old head held. There were many Caesars which held that throne after Nero; but through the years that followed, only seven of them were ever able to establish any form of rulership that resembled the old original head; and none of them before the seventh ever lasted very long. The emperor Charlemagne finally established a rule that eventually became known as the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore, the seventh head, as well as the other six pertained to a form of rulership and not necessarily to the man that was instrumental in bringing it into existence. For this reason, when Revelation 17:11 says, And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition, it is speaking of the papal office of Rome; because the popes of Rome that ruled Europe until that papal head was wounded seemingly to death by Napoleon and by the Reformation, did not establish a new form of rulership; they just took over what the emperor Charlemagne had already established. Therefore, you see seven heads upon the beast; but not eight: simply because the seven are political heads and the eighth is an ecclesiastical head; or as we have stated, a mystical head. Regardless of what we, or anyone else may say about this beast, it all has to dovetail right into the Bible. All of this information can be found in history books, but it takes a revelation from the Spirit of God to put in all together to form a complete picture. Keep this in mind, Secular world historians never write anything to make it coincide with the Bible. That is not their aim. However, if what men have written in the Bible turns out to be fulfilled by the true developments of natural conditions in the world, God can enable a spiritual mind to see the progression of the various developments and fill in those things that are yet to follow. That is why it is so ridiculous for people who know from recorded history that Rome was the fourth beast Daniel saw, to think it could be something else here in the end time windup. If that fourth beast was ever Rome, it will be Rome until God judges the whole thing and prepares to set up the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. You will see in verse 9, when we get to it, that Daniel watched this same beast go off through time until the kingdoms were all cast down and the Ancient of days did sit. That is the Millennium. As Daniel beheld the horns, he says, “There came up among them, (the ten) another little horn.” Now the question is and I ask this for the sake of viewers of the Video, as well as the listeners of the audio tapes and the readers of the Contender, Where do you think this little horn is growing or coming forth in relationship to the head of this beast? That is a question to be mindful of as we go along. Daniel saw this little horn come up among the other horns, “Before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots.” Right here, is where the man that wrote the article we have been using missed it completely. He said, Somewhere in the seventieth week of Daniel (the last seven years of natural, mortal man’s allotted time on earth) this pope, (or this little horn) will destroy three of these modern day ten horns of Europe.) Therefore, in all probability, we, in the future will wind up with only seven. That saints, is truly the blind leading the blind; for there are a lot of people putting confidence in this man’s writings; because he tells here, how he has a radio hookup in Europe, in the Far East, and all such like. I do not discredit all of what the man has said; but keep in mind, there are multitudes of preachers probing at the picture that are not all instruments being used of God for the perfection of the Bride of Christ. When I think of what this other man says about the pope and realize that he is a Catholic through and through, working for the Catholic Church, the pope, and the whole thing. I shutter to realize just how blind a lot of supposed-to-be preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ are concerning what is head for the world at large. He is not even to be considered in the same light as the Reformers who exposed the diabolical, satanic plot of that old whore system of religion. He is not in agreement with Protestants at all. He is a man definitely working for the Catholic Church and the pope to do whatever he can to help the pope fulfill his end time role. Why? Because he believes it is the right thing to do. He believes it so strongly, I just have to say this, Nine times out of ten, what that man has said right here in the book we will be reading out of, will have more profound influence upon the masses of people than what Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, and all the rest of these modern day preachers could ever possibly have, by the time this whole thing is all over. Pat Robertson does not have a message to the Bride of Christ. Neither does Billy Graham. Neither do any of these other men who are pushing for a name and numbers into the thousands. Why? Because they would not listen to a man who was a prophet sent by God to this age, to turn our hearts around and get us coming back to the original book. If we are out of the book (the Bible) in the overall scriptural picture, we are going to miss it on every major point of prophecy and doctrine. Oh, we can believe in Jesus Christ, but if we do not see the prophetic picture of what is to culminate in the manifestation of HIM, then we are going to miss the whole plan somewhere; because God will not deviate form His purpose just to please some important flesh somewhere. That is why the apostle Paul says in 2nd Thessalonians concerning the coming of our Lord, and our gathering together unto Him, (which is the translation of the saints) that this blessed event will not take place except (or until) there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
I will read 4 verses from what the apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians; and then I will tell you how this certain Catholic man interpreted that scripture. (2:1-4) “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself about all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” We are blessed by having a revelation of what this actually pertains to; but when I tell you what that Catholic man said concerning this scripture, you will see how multitudes of carnal minded people are going to be deceived and carried right into hell. On that tape I mentioned earlier, which is what was spoken by that certain man on a radio interview, when he was asked about this falling away, here is how he explained it. That is this element of Catholics today that are coming out of the Catholic Church to go after the ecumenical and charismatic spirit. He leaves it standing that they are the ones that are being deceived and led away from the true church. That is how he sees this falling away the apostle Paul spoke of. Naturally that man does not realize that is a false interpretation of what Paul was speaking of; so Satan is just using him to gather together another bunch. When Bro. William Branham was still here, he emphatically stated that this is none other than when apostate religion gets to the place it cannot in any way stay in line with the scriptures, then God will send them a strong delusion that they may believe the devil’s lie and be damned; and that thing got its start coming right out of Rome. This ecumenical spirit in religion today and this charismatic spirit coming out of all this Protestant, Pentecostal movement, blend together to pull off gross deception around the world. Without a true revelation of what is taking place, it all sums up to look like there is a great revival coming to this religious, apostate world. That is why Paul said, Be not deceived. It all seems so wonderful to the religious mind that is void of a true revelation. Paul said God would send them a strong delusion, if they do not have a love for the truth; and denominational religion could not care less about truth, just as long as they can all get together, recite a little ritual, hug each other and have a good time. It is a delusion pure and simple; and it is of God Himself. Oh, Bro. Jackson, you ought not judge people like that. I am not judging them; they are already judged by the word of God. Oh, I know what a lot of people think: It all just looks so real. What you need to see, is that the whole thing will eventually be swallowed back up by the Roman Catholic Church; because time has run out for those who are completely sold out to that spirit of deception. All of those manifestations they are enjoying so much, are destined to lead great multitudes right back under the power of the Roman Church as that week of Daniel approached. How else can Rome get back in power over the masses, except by deceptive means? Bro. Jackson, we thought you just said it is God doing the deceiving. I said that; but you must understand how it works. God sent His prophet messenger to this age to present a true revelation to those who would receive. At the same time, Satan flooded the ranks of religion with truth that he had perverted. In other words, He took things like divine healing, baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues and love for the brethren, and presented it to people who just wanted to be religious enough to escape hell; but he presented it in such a way as to put emphasis on the wrong things. All of a sudden, people from denominational ranks that in the past wanted nothing at all to do with divine healing and speaking in tongues, began to attend ecumenical get-to gathers and participate in everything that took place, saying, We do not have to let doctrine keep up apart, just as long as we all believe in Jesus and love one another. Well, the scripture truly does say, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. It also says, Pray for the sick; and Ask and ye shall receive; and many other things they read, believe with the mind and use; but every promise in the Bible is projected toward the predestinated children of God. They are not written just for the sake of carnal minded people enjoying them. Yet, there are thousands upon thousands of carnal minded people who are supposed to be Christians, out here running to and fro just enjoying the religious game they are playing; and they would not give a true revelation two minutes of their time. Well, if all of this is the work of Satan, how is God sending them strong delusion? In the first place, I did not say all of it is the work of Satan. The real thing is still available for those who are seeking to go all the way with God. Our God is faithful to perform all of His word. Therefore, when someone, no matter who, presents a scriptural promise to others, and faith to believe that provision is present in someone who hears it, God is faithful to reward that investment of faith. Satan is not a healer; therefore, when someone is miraculously and genuinely healed, they are healed by the Spirit of God. Naturally, when that happens, it makes it look to some like God is really approving of their whole program; when in reality their program is abomination in His sight. That is how God is sending them a strong delusion: just simply by honoring His own word. The pathetic thing about it all is that many of those who are truly touched by the Spirit of God in some way, still reject truth when it is presented to them; and therefore, are ultimately deceived and completely led astray, to end up in the great tribulation. I may seem to present a grim picture; but I am only presenting truth to you; and it is truth that can set you free, if you will take heed. I make no apology for what I teach; because I believe we are living in the hour of time when all true children of God must be informed of what is just ahead. Also, God is giving some who have been very careless in living a Christian life, a chance to get themselves straightened up. I just preach what God gives me to preach; and leave the results to Him.

I must get back to that 8th verse of the 7th chapter of Daniel and finish explaining it. “I considered the horns, and, behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” As the casual reader would read that verse, naturally it would sound like that little horn literally destroyed those three horns; because when you talk about plucking something up by the roots, that is usually what you are thinking of: complete destruction. However, if he did away with them completely, that would only leave seven out of the ten; and our ten horned beast would no longer have ten horns. That distorts the picture; for the apostle John stood way on over in the twentieth century (in a vision) and saw the same beast Daniel described; and when he saw it, not only did it have ten horns, it also had seven heads. We will get to all of that as we continue on; and show from history what that terminology pertains to; but for now, let us look further at the rest of verse 8. “And, behold, in this horn (that little horn) were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Just hold that in your minds while we go to verse 23, where the angel begins to give Daniel a breakdown as to how to understand and write about this fourth beast, or kingdom. “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall treat it down, and break it in pieces. (Notice now, as he describes the horns.) And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse (different) from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.” This lets us see that out of this kingdom, they (the horns) came up into existence some time after Rome first came up and became the head of this great monster of a beast that shook itself. Keep in mind, in his sleep, Daniel saw these four beasts one after another, come up out of the water and shake themselves; and as he watched this last one, he saw that head; and he saw ten horns eventually appear thereupon. Therefore, the angel says to him, The ten horns are ten kings. Well, that sounds like just ten particular men; but if we would take the time to go into detail, in the secular histories, and begin to break down time and occurrences and read to you what took place within the territories of what became known as the Roman Empire, you would easily see that in that particular Barbarian territory, in due time, certain influential men at various times would see things different and begin to work contrary to the dictates of the old imperial Roman government which was centered in Rome. You would see how those influential men that would stand out with power and military ability to carry out a plan would eventually bring about a complete breakaway from Rome politically, and would separate a certain area that as a little nation would grow through time to become a mighty horn (or kingdom). We are talking about territories such as Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, and all those. They were all a part of the territory once ruled by the imperial Caesars of Rome. As I said, that mighty beast, in the beginning, did not have ten horns. The horns were the result of the breakup of the old Roman empire as those various territories would break away from Roman rule and establish a separate kingdom. That is why the angel said, the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings (or kingdoms) that shall arise. That is why we can say, the ten kings were eventually ten kingdoms; but they are ten kingdoms that are still to be associated with the territory; but are not to be identified by nor rule from the city of Rome. The city of Rome is no longer their headquarters. That identifies the ten horn; but what about this little horn? What is it? Who is it? Notice the wording of the scripture. “And another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.” Historically, you can put this picture together. When we go into the histories, we find that there is only one power system that has outlived all other forms of government. Once those various horns got their independence from the political, imperial government structure of Rome, here is what we are looking at, they are not tied to Rome any longer, in a political sense; but somehow or other, in time, something crept upon them that still ties them to Rome. That something is what we are looking at as we look at what looks like the eleventh horn on that beast. It is a power; therefore, it is a horn, but it is not a political kingdom.

It is an ecclesiastical power (HORN); and we will see how it subdued three of the political horns and yet did not destroy the horns it subdued. The mystical horn, which was the little horn that came up amidst the other, became more powerful than any of the other; but its power was in another realm. The ten were territorial horns; all headed up in the monarchies. These crowns the apostle John saw on the ten horns could be shown to be the royal families of those monarchies. When we were in Spain, we went down to the ancient capital, Toledo. There, they took us through the third largest Catholic Church there is in Europe. In there, you find a large amount of museum items that go way back in the middle Ages. The art work and things of that sort go back to famous queens that came out of the royal families. When you see these ten horns and realize there was a time that once they all got their territorial freedom from the imperial government of Rome and could function as a nation independent from the emperor of Rome, the leaders (each one of those horns) began to establish a royal family. Each royal family began to establish a long line of descendants. You read in history how the male children born to certain kings became famous princes and the females became queens, and so on. All of that you find recorded in history. You also read about the internal squabbles that went on within the homes, behind the scenes. You are looking at a horn that you understand to be totally secular, political, military, it is all temporal. On the other hand, this other horn that came up, that finally magnified itself above the other, is not a territorial kingdom in any shape, form or fashion; but it is headquartered in Rome. It is the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. From history, we know the Roman Catholic Church did not exist prior to the Nicaea Council in 325 A.D.; but on this tape I have been listening to, when the man was asked the question about its origin he emphatically replied, The church was founded on the shores of Galilee (meaning of course by Jesus). That was in response to what the other man had said about the Roman Church having its origin starting from the Nicaea Council in 325 A.D. Well, we all know the Church, the true Christian Church was founded on the shores of Galilee; but that was certainly not the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was founded by the inspiration and leadership of a different spirit from the Spirit that brought the Church of the book of Acts into being. One does not have to be very spiritual minded to recognize that the Roman Catholic Church is anti to the true Christian Church. Her doctrine does not in any way resemble what the apostolic Church Fathers taught. They know nothing whatsoever when it comes to a revelation by the Spirit of God. They look at the Reformation as something cooked up by heretics that did not want to live by the teachings of what they call, “The Church.” That is why they have never accepted the Reformation as something brought about by the hand of God. The reason I am saying all of this is to say, This mystical horn that came up in the midst of the other horns has to be recognized by studying recorded history. The Bible itself does not fill in all the details necessary to identify that little horn; but the two together open up the whole thing. Once the power of pope, which started out as a bishop’s office, head over the church in Rome, came to be recognized as the only power that could hold a rein on every other power, he (the pope) ended up ruling that entire territory with the same power and authority exercised by the old imperial Caesars. How did He get into such a position, you might ask? It did not take place instantly; it was a slow process. Many Caesars held the title of Imperial Rule of the Roman Empire; but through the centuries of various upheavals throughout the territory, that office became so weak the imperial ruler was no longer able to keep the territorial subjects quieted down so history declares that the people began to turn to the bishop of Rome and ask him to intervene. Why would they ask the bishop at Rome to intervene in their disputes and help settle some of their conflicts? It was because those bishops of Rome had seized every opportunity to spread their gospel throughout that vast Roman territory; and in doing so, his influence through what was beginning to be recognized as Christianity, began to create an influence upon many people. They began to feel like he was a man that could come up with the right solution to their problems.
I am going to illustrate to you what we are looking at. You will have to agree that there is not the seed of one of those royal families left enthroned today in those ten horns. Bro. Jackson, you have a queen in England. Yes, but she is only a figurehead. She is just a very costly figurehead. They have a Prime Minister. You have seen in the news how their politics are handled. Also, in Germany you still have some of the twentieth century princes and princesses of the old kaiser family; but they are not in power. Neither is the queen of the Netherlands. I will say this though, the Catholic Church and the power of the papacy has outlived all those royalties that were seen as crowns on the ten horns through the ages of time. When monarchies died, the hierarchy of Rome still lived on. That, of course, is the power of the Roman Catholic Church. The last monarchy that was to crumble was Franco of Spain. You are a generation that could well remember that if you listen to the news. That is why this little horn that is described here, can be called a horn (a power). When he was described as coming up among the ten horns, then plucking up three of the ten by the roots, it takes recorded history to clarify that. As this angel described it, how he was to have the face of a man, that is enough to let you know you are looking at a man, but not just one singular man. You are looking at an office. The office he holds is how you identify the horn. It looks like it is just like the other horns, just smaller; but it is not a territorial horn at all. It is not a king coming from a certain country. It is a man of authority coming right out of the city of Rome, right where the ancient Caesars used to rule from. This is why Rome is the focal point. We will bring in more of that as we go along with the message. When you think of this mystical horn, remember this, It does not put eleven horns on the 4th beast. Neither does it destroy the three horns it plucks up by the roots; it only establishes for all to observe the power it holds. We are now talking ecclesiastical and political; for the power of that office became rule in both areas, both body and soul, religion and political. Well, how do you associate that in history? I will not take the time to read it now from the history; but from about the tenth century and on through the twelfth century, if three different popes had not done to the king of Germany, the king of Italy, and the king of France, what they did, the Reformation would not have occurred when it did. When the pope issued his ecclesiastical power, you do not come against it and go on without some kind of confrontation; because by this time church government had taken over the last form of imperial Roman government; and it was then the pope over state, rather than king over state. When it became the pope over Europe, though his seat is in Rome, and when King Henry of Germany said that the pope of that hour was a false monk, and that he was not the vicar of Christ, (we will read later on) and defied him saying, Come down from Saint Peter’s throne, History tells how that pope issued a decree that brought him to his knees. When he issued the decree, it says all the people of Germany were Catholic subjects, and they believed the pope rather than believing the king. The nation became paralyzed because the people did what the pope instructed them to do. As for the king, after he saw he was defeated by his own subjects, submitted to the pope. That was the first horn the little horn plucked up; but keep in mind, the pope, when he plucked up this first horn, did not destroy the identity of the German nation. That was just to show and to establish the fact that he was the horn in a period of time that had the power to do to any king whatsoever he chose to do and there was not a man that could counteract it. The pope’s aim was not to destroy the individuality of the nation, but to keep the nation subject to the church. All of this will be brought out as we come to a place later on in the message where I will read the actual account from history. We will also go into how one of the seven heads on that Roman beast was wounded as unto death, and then healed. We are in 1992, and with things like this Fatima vision coming to the surface and being faced with the fact that this present pope has waited upon the fulfillment of his own dream, believing that he is the pope this same woman (the virgin Mary) will appear to like she did to those three children; (It says that, here on this tape.) and tell him, Now is the time to take over. Right on this tape, Dr. Malachi Martin explicitly states that he believes before the 90’s decade is closed out, the pope of Rome will be the leader of the western world. It will be because he is fulfilling what appears to be a prophecy brought by the appearing of Mary, the blessed Virgin. I want to say at this time, The only way I believe in some of the things it may sound like I believe in: I believe they will happen; because I believe the devil has been allowed by God to plan it: to finish a great deception among a lot of Gentiles that have had an opportunity to follow truth and have refused to do so. A man of Catholic background by the name of St. Maleugy of the 12th century predicted that after a pope would reign fifteen years in the end of the age, (which Pope Paul IV did) a barefoot pope, (which Pope John Paul I could be classified as) would reign for 34 days and die. I do not know exactly why; but it has created a mystery in Catholic circles. Cardinals elected him; but he died in a short period of time. On my way to Norway a few years back, after the plane got in the air, I walked up to the magazine rack and picked out a magazine. It was about a financial banking system in Greece and how certain influential men in the banking system was tied to what evolved in various ways. Come to find out, behind it is the influence of the Vatican. They connected it also with the collapse of another banking system in England; and how a man was found hung on a bridge, just to be recorded as a mystery: who did it? I do not remember the name of the writer of that magazine; but he associated all of that mystery development with the henchmen of the Roman Catholic system; how they pt influential persons in key positions both in the financial structure of the world, as well as in politics: to manipulate and control events. It was also in this magazine that after the death of that pope, there came a great mumbling. Why? What happened? Something is wrong. A magazine, or booklet was published, “The Year of Three Popes.” I will just go ahead and read this. “After the reign of 34 days, then another pope would reign longer. Then he (the last pope) would be the last one that would finish out that particular line of popes, and the end of the world. Do I believe in it? I do not believe it was something by the inspiration of God; but I can believe it could turn out like that. I believe it is the devil in a system; and the people within the system are so blind to reality, and the Bible, they could not care less whether this book is true or not. There are just a lot of people that say, Well what difference does it make as long as you believe in Jesus. That sounds like a lazy mind that does not care whether he goes to heaven or hell. You do not find the apostles and saints of the early age to have been that type of gullible people. We are living in an age when people who profess to be Christians live more like pagans. That is why they will accept any traditional thing that pacifies their feeling that they need to have some kind of religion, something that makes them feel I am saved, I am a child of God, I go to church. Is that not all God requires? The picture they have in their heart’s is as limited and prefabricated as anything can be. True Christianity is something quite different than fire insurance to keep one from burning in hell. The devil is going to pull the wool over the eyes of all whose concept of being a Christian is as superficial as that. We are getting very close to something that is going to separate the true Christians from those who only want enough religion to keep them out of hell. I will just say this, If the news media should come on TV at 8 o’clock in the morning with a news bulletin: Word has been sent from the Vatican that the pope awakened this morning and called an assembly of the cardinal body, whereby he announced to them that the blessed Virgin Mary had appeared to him in the night, thus and so, I would not be at all surprised. Something like that is destined to follow all of the preparation that has already been made for such an event. I am not saying that I believe in what is being projected; I am only saying that I believe God will allow the devil to pull off a deal like this Fatima thing to finish gathering together all who will not walk in truth. I am projecting a possibility based upon things that have been brought to my attention lately. Since the world systems of religion feed on things like what we have been talking about and the great masses are waiting for something spectacular to take place, you can rest assured that Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, George Bush (if he is still in office when it happens) will pay attention and take heed. They will play their part in it. Yet, when Bro. William Branham, in 1963, preached the revelation of the seals, our political leaders and our religious leaders, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and all the rest of those in their league could not have cared less about what that man preached. That is not their vision. They all have their own ideas about those seven seals. Well, we are moving toward a point in time when God is going to give the devil an opportunity to pull a great big act that will finish blinding a great mass of people one of these days. It is going to look to the religious world of apostasy like the most outstanding and wonderful thing that has ever happened to mortal mankind. That is exactly what happened with the Roman Emperor Constantine, when He had the vision or dream that caused him to accept Christianity as another religion acceptable to pagan Romans. God did not give him the dream and the dream did not turn him into a true, Bible believing Christian; but what it did do caused a turn around in the way Christianity was looked upon by those Romans and started the Church that was founded by Jesus and His apostles on a spiritual decline and it has not fully recovered from it yet. The apostolic truth has been restored; but there is still a lot of religious tradition the true Church must be purged from before time for Gentiles runs completely out. I also read in U.S. News about a certain miracle of a person. The writer went so far as to say, but it takes the pope to declare to the world what a miracle is and what is not a miracle. In other words, God could raise someone from the dead, but if it did not happen in the Catholic Church, it would be denied. Just let something happen within the structure of the Vatican Hierarchy and they will all accept it providing of course that they can reap some of the benefits from it. Listen to me young people. The next nine or ten years in front of you are going to be crucial. Please do everything within your power to walk with God; for we are not going to be here for another century of time. The generation that saw Israel restored to statehood in May 1948, will not all pass away before God wraps up this whole thing. You may think you still have time to play around spiritually speaking, but I assure you time for that is short. That Fatima vision thing is going to play a big part in current events in the very near future; no matter what some of those Vatican officials may say when asked about it. They have always played a cat and mouse game, pretending to have no part in a thing until such a time they can jump on the band wagon and play it for all it is worth. You just have to know the Catholic Church to know how they play things. When there are people out there questioning certain things that are beginning to appear on the surface, those boys are smart enough to say, I know nothing about it; but when the time is just right for them, they suddenly know all about it. They have done it for centuries and they will continue to do it. True children of God need not be deceived by what the devil does through these apostate systems of religion in these last days; for we have had an opportunity to know what is up ahead for this generation before the bride Church leaves here.