
1715 Old Potters Lane,

Jeffersonville, Indiana 47129 USA

Mailing Address

PO Box 2368
Clarksville, Indiana 47131-2368 USA

Phone:(1) 812 282 4926

Services Times

Sunday am 10am-12:30pm
Sunday pm 6pm-8:30pm
Thursday pm 7:00pm-9pm


Faith Assembly Church is a non-denominational church founded in 1955 by Rev. Raymond Jackson and home of The Contender, a magazine Faith Assembly has been publishing since 1969 to share the Word of God with hungry souls.

After Bro. Jackson returned from World War II, married and began farming in Harrison County, Indiana. Not long after, he was nearly killed in a tractor accident. The event caused him to realize his need for God and he began seeking the Lord for salvation. Shortly after his conversion, he became a minister in the Methodist church. Beginning in 1951, Bro. Jackson began fellowshipping with Bro. William Branham and attending the Branham Tabernacle. Bro. Jackson preached multiple sermons at the Branham Tabernacle during those years, and served as a missionary to Cuba in 1953.

In 1955 Bro. Jackson was led by God to start Faith Assembly Church in a small building he rented on State Street in New Albany. The church grew following revivals in 1962 and relocated to Clarksville. The congregation outgrew the second building and moved again to Market Street in New Albany in 1964 before settling at our present location on the edge of Jeffersonville in 1967. That was an exciting time. The Seven Day War was being fought at the time, and the saints listened to the war updates on the radio while building the church.

Bro. Jackson and Faith Assembly Church served as a pillar of strength in time when many people began to fall away. Following the death of Bro. William Branham, with the support of Faith Assembly Church Bro. Jackson continued to expound the message of the hour and spent decades in God’s service on missionaries journeys around the world building up the body of Christ and promoting the unity of the faith. Through his ministry the message of truth was taken to many fellowships across the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, Russia, Africa, India, the Philippines, and Australia.

In 1966, Faith Assembly Church was blessed to have Rev. James Allen begin attending and ministering at the church. Bro. Allen had grown up in Kentucky and served as a pastor in Methodist Churches before the Lord brought him into contact with the message of Bro. Branham in 1961. The church was blessed again in 1986 as Bro. Bud Thompson, who was from Indianapolis, moved and began to attend and minister to the saints. The brothers have been faithful servants, protecting and guiding the flock during the many times when Bro. Jackson was traveling overseas, and standing in unity with the truth.

Bro. Jackson was led to begin putting messages in print in 1969. The Contender, with its title taken from Jude 1:3, became the printed voice of Faith Assembly Church. Many saints at the church have labored together to print, publish, and ship the magazine to thousands of subscribers around the world. The Lord has blessed the work. We have often received reports of thanks from the readers for the truth that God has revealed to them through reading The Contender. It has been many years, but we are still publishing and sending the magazine around the world to anyone who requests it. Hundreds of the back issues of The Contender can be found in our archives, and you can subscribe to mailing list to get a new edition each month when it is published.

During the late 1990s, Bro Jackson began to travel less due age and health issues and the church began to look for other ways to share the messages of truth to the many saints who fellowship with us. Beginning in 1999, the church began broadcasting services over the internet. At first we only broadcast audio, but by 2000 we had added video. As technology has improved over the years we have improved our capabilities. Today we reach the saints all around the world through our website. We are thankful to God for the ability to share the gospel in this way with you.

Bro. James Allen has been pastor of Faith Assembly since the passing of Bro Jackson in 2004, and we continue to carry on this great work of God as we prepare for the soon return of Christ.  We are standing for the truth of God’s revealed word and desire to share a message with you that is timely for the hour we are living in. We are part of a body of believers spread around world who God has united together in fellowship around the truth of His Word, and you are invited to join us.

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