From Here to Eternity Part 5

Preached on June 7, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen This is not a local gathering today, it is in one sense of the word, but we have a gathering around the world. We thank the Lord for that. God has called you because He said He would. This message would be...

From Here to Eternity Part 4

Preached on May 24, 2020 – pm Rev. James C. Allen We pick up here with the remainder of the May 24th PM Service.      “But if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt...

From Here to Eternity Part 3

Preached on May 17, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen      I have new scriptures here that I will look to. Some of the older ones I have, I am going to use them also. Last week I was talking about Revelation 19 and 20, Daniel 7, and Daniel 11. I have Daniel 9 also...

From Here to Eternity Part 2

Preached on May 3, 2020 – am We are picking up with the continuation of the May 3, 2020 service from our last Contender. Rev. James C. Allen That is what I was talking about a while ago. There are people, thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands, watching...