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CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity – Part 10

    Preached on August 2, 2020, AM Service Rev. James C. Allen We are watching situations in the world today because there is a lot going on. There is an election coming up, only ninety-some…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity – Part 11

Rev. James C. Allen Preached on August 9, 2020 AM I have been on this subject for some time. Much has been going on in this time and it does not seem like things…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity – Part 12

FROM HERE TO ETERNITY – Part 26, 8/16/2020 pm Bro. Allen’s Testimony: It will be five years in November since I had the heart attack (November 2015).  The doctor asked me then if I…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity – Part 13

Preached on August 30, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen      I have different scriptures here, which I won’t get to them all today, but there are some things I want to bring…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity Part 6

Vol. 53 No. 8 – November 2021 Rev. James C. Allen Preached on June 14, 2022 – am God is in control of every situation. He knows everything that is going on in this nation today. I appreciate the prophecy that has come to us, because you can see it today in the streets of…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity Part 7

Vol. 54 No. 1          January 2022 Preached on July 4, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen Our flag is taking a beating at this time across this country, and even around the world. It has an effect, to be able to see “Old Glory” wave. You wonder how much longer we will have that…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity Part 8

Vol. 54 No. 2          February 2022 Preached on July 12, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen As I look into the word this morning, I want to go to Jude first of all. To me, it paints a picture of the day and hour in which we live. He is very concerned with what…

CONTENDER: From Here To Eternity Part 9

Preached on July 19, 2020 – pm Rev. James C. Allen      I want to present something that is going to help people, which is what it is all about. I have some things tonight that I want to talk about. I listened to Bro. Jonathan Cahn this afternoon. He had an uplifting message concerning…

Faith Versus Faith, Part 1

Let me assure you that there is only one bible faith, and what we are going to call your attention to is all these other so called faiths in the world of religion today are actually against the true faith…

Faith Versus Faith, Part 2

During those three years of time Paul had spent out there in the Arabian Desert after his conversion, God gave him a complete revelation of what those Old Testament scrolls meant, as they pointed to the Messiah, and to the redemption of lost mankind; and even sitting there in a Roman jail, he was able…

Forgotten Valley

There is much controversy as to where Israel fits into the world picture. It is our aim in this message to draw your attention to the fact that Israel is the key to future world conditions…

From Adams’s Side He Took Eve

Odd as it may appear, I would like to speak upon the subject FROM HIS SIDE HE TOOK EVE. What does such a subject teach us? Furthermore, what can we hope to learn from such a topic? To get our setting we should turn first into the letter to the Ephesians…

From Azusa Street Until Now, Part 1

For the past several months now, the Holy Spirit has been moving in a special way among our young people and the saints of other assemblies around the world are receiving the same blessing….

From Azusa Street Until Now, Part 2

In John 16, we find these words spoken by Jesus; and they have to stand as a gauge, no matter what various people want to believe. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth…

From Azusa Street Until Now, Part 3

When I speak of how denominational church people responded to the prophet messenger to this age, I am sure there are some who would say, Bro. Jackson, I just cannot believe that. Well read your Bible. Did the Judaistic leaders of Jesus’ hour not respond the same way? Did they really want God?

From Azusa Street Until Now, Part 4

Denominational preachers are always talking about how doctrines do nothing more than divide Christian people; but I have to proclaim loud and clear, “The true Bible doctrines taught by the Spirit, (the way they are laid out in the Epistles) are the spiritual framework that holds your faith together when you do have an experience…

From Azusa Street Until Now, Part 5

When you hear some of this so-called gospel music out here in the Charismatic circles today, you realize those people have become so blinded to true holiness they go out into the world and bring in long haired, hippie looking, rock, “gospel singers” that actually make a mockery of what the true Church stands for…

From Eden To the Flood

What does such a subject teach us? Furthermore, what can we hope to learn from such a topic? To get our setting we should turn first into the letter to the Ephesians. Actually if Ephesians Chapter 1 is looked at correctly it could easily be the Genesis of the New Testament…

From Here To Eternity Part 1

Preached on April 26, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen I have had this message on my mind for quite a while, even when I was dealing with the subject somewhat before, this was on my mind. I want to go ahead and let you see the things that I see about this, to…

From Here to Eternity Part 2

Preached on May 3, 2020 – am We are picking up with the continuation of the May 3, 2020 service from our last Contender. Rev. James C. Allen That is what I was talking about a while ago. There are people, thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands, watching these preachers who are telling these things…

From Here to Eternity Part 3

Preached on May 17, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen      I have new scriptures here that I will look to. Some of the older ones I have, I am going to use them also. Last week I was talking about Revelation 19 and 20, Daniel 7, and Daniel 11. I have Daniel 9…

From Here to Eternity Part 4

Preached on May 24, 2020 – pm Rev. James C. Allen We pick up here with the remainder of the May 24th PM Service.      “But if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me,…

From Here to Eternity Part 5

Preached on June 7, 2020 – am Rev. James C. Allen This is not a local gathering today, it is in one sense of the word, but we have a gathering around the world. We thank the Lord for that. God has called you because He said He would. This message would be published throughout…

From Rome to the Vatican

In case you may feel this title a bit catchy, allow me to say, it is no more catchy than when John the Revelator spoke of the beast which was, is not, and yet is! Or again when he stated the 8th head is of the 7th and what about Daniel’s language concerning his…

The Fan In Christ’s Hand: What Is It?

Of all prophets, John alone referred to an object in Christ’s hand called the fan. What is it and to what purpose is it used? What generations shall feel its blowing effects?

The First Resurrection, Part 1

The resurrection of the saints that have died throughout the ages of time has caused much special and debate, but you seldom hear anyone speak from a true revelation on the subject…

The First Resurrection, Part 2

Matthew wrote, concerning the time when Jesus was raised up, saying, “Many of them that slept in the earth, (which was the graves) came forth.” We stated, concerning those saints that arose when Jesus came forth, that they had to come forth in immortal bodies, to die no more…

The Foolish Virgins (1973)

Does the Bible teach everyone who professes to love the Lord will be in the Bride of Christ? If so, why does Matt. 25 teach at the end of the age there will be a group of converted, clean, virtuous people referred to as FOOLISH?

The Foolish Virgins (2008)

This subject is on the foolish virgins. I might hit the highlight of this letter as the question is asked. I realize you have heard me preach it before, but many have not….

The Four Horsemen

Billy Graham published a book on this subject a few montsh ago. Your great bible scholars of the day take it upon themselves to teach this subject, but I have news for them. God already has a program scheduled, and is the exact opposite of what their picture says…

The Fullness of the Gentiles

Winding up his third missionary journey, Paul, having stopped off at Corinth, Greece, was visiting the European churches he had founded on his second journey in that area when he writes the letter to the church at Rome expressing his desire to visit them and also in Rom. 11:25-27 shares with the church at Rome,…