Rev. James Allen has been ministering at Faith Assembly Church since 1966, and has been Pastor of Faith Assembly Church since 2004. His sermons have been published in The Contender since 2010.
I was converted in January 1959. In April of that year the Lord spoke to me in prayer, and told me I have not only called you to preach, but to pray for the sick. That was very strange for me since I was brought up in the Methodist Church and I had never seen this done. In the meanwhile, I had a brother pastoring in the Methodist Church and he helped me get to get a pastorate job in July of that year. In doing so I began praying and fasting a lot, and I became very hungry for the things of God. This went on until May of 1961, when I was introduced to Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and it became an instant Revelation to me and I believed. In June I came to a conference and stayed in some people’s home who believed the message and the sister had the messages on The Seven Church Ages. She loaned them to me, and I borrowed a tape recorder to listen to them. Before I had hardly finished them, I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. I stayed on in the Methodist Church for two more years preaching every thing I knew about the message. The Lord blessed me, and I stayed on two more years. In 1963 I went to the Branham Tabernacle and heard The Seven Seals preached by Bro. William Branham. I knew then I had to get out of the Methodist Church when he quoted Revelation 18:4, saying, “Come out of her my people.” God revealed to me it was my time to leave the Methodist Church.
I moved to Jeffersonville, Indiana the last of May, 1963 and went to the Branham Tabernacle till the death of the Prophet of the End Time. I believed his message with all my heart. If you believed the man it would change you. He was a little man, and he was good. I was glad for the time I got to be in his meetings there for three years. I learned a lot and I appreciate God letting me be there. Then In December 1965 when God took his servant off the scene, it left a lot of confusion among the people. People wanted to believe he was going to rise again and try to make God out of him, of which I could not accept.
In the spring of 1966 I started preaching in a man’s house in Palmyra, Indiana. I had services there Sunday morning and also mid week, which kept me away from the Tabernacle most of the time. I started going occasionally to Faith Assembly in 1966 and 1967. Then in 1967 I closed the meetings down in Palmyra. I thought I would go back to the Branham Tabernacle, but I had a dream showing me they were worshiping Bro. William Branham, three weeks before we went back. When we walked into the church that Sunday morning I saw my dream fulfilled. I knew we had to do something. Faith Assembly Church had a new building on Old Potters Lane and we started going there in July, 1967. I had heard all the name calling and so on about Bro. Raymond Jackson, so I went to the church with much skepticism, but I watched and looked and waited. It wasn’t long till all my doubts were gone and I began to feel at ease.
The messenger to the age left us a great diagram, things like The Serpent Seed, The Seventy Weeks of Daniel, and many things that God has let his servant Bro. Jackson fill in. I believe in the man. God has not left us without a witness. God gave us a voice in Bro. William Branham and he has left someone capable to carry it on in Bro. Jackson. We are at the end time, believe in man but worship God. He seeks such to worship him. You believe in your Pastor and in God’s servants.
The Lord Bless You,
Brother James Allen