William Branham

The Message of the Hour

William Branham was a great servant of God used to restore truth and power to the Christian church. The effects of his ministry impacted millions of Christians, and the legacy of his ministry continues to be felt today. Bro. Branham held meetings at Faith Assembly Church multiple times. The saints who have attended Faith Assembly Church over the years have included many of Bro. Branham’s acquaintances and friends, including ministers invited by Bro. Branham to preached at the Branham Tabernacle, deacons of the Branham Tabernacle, and family of Bro. Branham. Saints at our church have been acquainted with Bro. Branham since 1940 and were in attendance at his campaign meetings during the healing revivals, and were eye witnesses and recipients of healing, discernment, and other miracles through Bro. Branham’s ministry. Most importantly, we have been deeply touched by the gospel message taught by Bro. Branham and continue to walk in the light of it. We are often contacted by people who desire to understand our relationship to the message of Bro. Branham. This page contains an index of sermons and publications by Faith Assembly Church related to Bro. William Branham

What did William Braham think about Faith Assembly Church?

I was having services one night down at Brother Junior Jackson’s—sitting right here, a Methodist minister that’s received the Holy Ghost, and been baptized into the name of Jesus Christ, and is pastoring one of our sister churches. Just to show you how God deals with this people…. I say this with all my heart: I don’t know of any congregation in the entire world, a congregation together, any more where I believe the Spirit of God is, than in this congregation.

Bro. William Branham
December 30, 1962
Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?

Bro. William Branham

Sermons concerning William Branham

The Contender

Sermons by William Branham

William Branham Photo Album