Signs of the Times, Part 4

Download or Print We will just start this by saying, wheresoever the fresh Word of God is being presented, there is where the eagles (God’s true children) will be gathered together. These people that think they are going to get by without any further revelation, they...

Signs of the Times, Part 3

Download or Print When I first started this message, there were only three people that knew what I was going to preach about. As far as I know there was not anyone else, if there was, then forgive me, but the thing about it is, there was a prophecy that came forth by...

Signs of the Times, Part 2

Download or Print We have a lot of good scriptures here, and some good evidence of the hour we are living in. We want to honor what the Lord has given us and always lift His name in praise and worship, because He is the one to be lifted up and praised. I went over...

Signs of the Times, Part 1

Download or Print I am starting another subject this morning, which I feel could be one of the most important subjects I have ever preached on. I believe we have indications by the Word, that we are living in the last days, and that we are getting very close to that...

Seven Trumpets And Seven Vials

Download or Print A sister gave a testimony the other day, about talking to a man. His conversation came down to where he said, Well, we believe there will be somebody rise on the scene that will take all the loose ends and tie them together, especially the trumpets...