Oct 27, 2012 | Contenders, G Contenders, Rev. James Allen
Rev. James C. Allen Download or Print Introduction WE ARE STARTING THIS ISSUE WITH THE LAST THREE SENTENCES OF OUR AUGUST ISSUE JUST TO MAINTAIN CONTINUITY. We can carry burdens, sometimes people will heap upon us until it becomes a health problem. There are people...
Aug 27, 2012 | Contenders, G Contenders, Rev. James Allen
Rev. James C. Allen Download or Print I know I have said some things that may seem hard to some, but as I said, I am not trying to make anybody feel uncomfortable, I just want us to be right in the sight of God. We are not just playing church: we are learning from the...
Jul 27, 2012 | Contenders, G Contenders, Rev. James Allen
Rev. James C. Allen Download or Print We have come through another year, and it has been a year of promise. We are looking to another year for a year of promise, but not as the government would like to make you think. How can a government really survive, that is so...
May 29, 2012 | Contenders, N Contenders, Rev. James Allen
Rev. James Allen Download or Print I AM USING THE LAST PART OF APRIL ISSUE, BECAUSE WE HAD TO END IN THE MIDST OF READING A SCRIPTURE. (EDITOR) “O death, where is thy sting? (Death, where is thy hurt? Death is a hurtful thing to us now. We weep, we cry, we are in...
Apr 29, 2012 | Contenders, N Contenders, Rev. James Allen
Rev. James Allen Download or Print STARTING THIS MONTH, WE ARE GOING TO PRINT SOME OF BROTHER ALLEN’S MESSAGES FOR THE BENEFIT OF SAINTS WHO DO NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS TO THEM. While they are writing down the scriptures I will say this, The sisters sang “The...
Aug 24, 2010 | Contenders, Rev. James Allen, T Contenders
Rev. James Allen Download or Print As we see God putting this great body together, it is just like a puzzle to the world, but it is not a puzzle to us. That is because we know what is ahead by the scriptures. There is no use of saying I don’t know, we do know. We...
Feb 27, 2002 | Contenders, G Contenders, Rev. Raymond Jackson
Download or Print THE LAST SENTENCE OF OUR JANUARY ISSUE WAS, LAODICEA GOES RIGHT STRAIGHT ON THROUGH TO THE END AND IS DESTROYED BY THE VISIBLE COMING OF CHRIST. When we begin to read about the first church, the things that shall be hereafter, keep in mind,...