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Jesus Is The Son of God, Part 3

Download or Print I appreciate Bro. Charles minding the Lord tonight in the prophecy, and I also appreciate Sis. Rachel concerning what she said. I stand behind them, because I stand behind the Word of God, and lift it up. I have been asked to explain something here...

Jesus Is The Son of God, Part 2

We are starting this issue right where the April issue finished. Philip has said, Lord, show us the Father, and Jesus answered him, and that is where we are starting. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he...

Jesus Is The Son of God, Part 1

Download or Print I mentioned last week about the subject we are going to be on this morning. It is a one time thing for now, I want it put in the Contender as soon as possible, because there are some that do not have the internet. I got a phone call from a brother a...