Sharing the Gospel

Jude 1:3
The Contender is a magazine published by Faith Assembly Church eight times each year and freely shared with thousands of subscribers around the world. It is our desire to stand for the truth of God’s revealed word and to share a message with you that is timely for the hour we are living in. If you have questions about the end time, a desire to have a closer walk with God, and want to understand the deep things of the Bible then you will find many answers in the pages of The Contender.
We consider it a great joy and privilege, to be a part of something that is bringing a true revelation of the Word of God to precious believers around this world. Every new issue is anxiously waited for, by those who find The Contender to be a source of truth that refreshes their Word-hungry soul. All glory, honor, worship and praise belongs to our Great God that created all things; and to His only begotten Son Jesus, that gave His life on that old cross to pay our sin debt once and for all. That is the message we enjoy bringing to all believers of His precious Word the world over. We wish God’s best to all who give Him first place in their life, is our prayer for all of you.
Our mailing of the papers, and the correspondence with saints that write and call, requires the cooperation of many of the saints at Faith Assembly. Everyone works together to make the paper available to all who desire to receive it, and to answer any questions that come in from those who need an answer to something. We have printed in The Contender all the major topics that Bro. Jackson has preached and taught on and we are currently working to publish the major topics that Bro. Allen is preaching; therefore most of your questions may have been answered in one or more of the printed messages.
Complete Alphabetical Index
All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
It took several years of work to convert the back issues of The Contender into a digital format. The combined length of the converted editions are over seven million words long. Some older editions have still not been converted. We thank all the saints who have helped in the endeavor.